2nd Sem M2 Flashcards
What are the muscles of the Auricle innervated by?
Facial Nerve
Solar Elastosis
Damage to skin Dermis by UV causing black-stained masses of disorganized fibers
Blood supply of Auricle
- Supf. Temporal A
- Ant. Auricular A
- Post. Auricular A
Innervation of External acoustic canal
- Auriculotemporal N
- Facial N
- Glossopharyngeal N
- Auricular Br. of Vagus
Subdivisions of Tympanic Cavity
1) Epitympanum
2) Mesotympanum
3) Hypotympanum
Posterior wall of Tympanic Cavity
Mastoid Wall
- Aditus to mastoid antrum
- Pyramidal Eminence (stapedius)
- Canaliculus for Chorda Tympani
- Fossa Incudis
- Lat. semicircular canal
Inferior wall of Tympanic Cavity
Jugular Wall
- Opening of Tympanic Canaliculus
- Tympanic N. of CN9 to medial wall
Superior wall of Tympanic Cavity
Tegmental Wall
- Tegmen Tympani
- Groove for Lesser Petrosal N.
Anterior wall of Tympanic Cavity
Carotid Wall
- Caroticotympanic canaliculi
- Caroticotympanic nn. (symp.)
- Tympanic branches of ICA
- Musculotubarian canal
- Chochleariform Process
Medial wall of Tympanic Cavity
Labyrinthine Wall
- Promontory
- Tympanic Plexus
- Fenestra Vestibuli
- Fenestra Cochleae
- Prominence of Facial Canal
Lateral wall of Tympanic Cavity
Membranous Wall
- Anterior/Posterior Malleolar Folds
- Pars flaccida & Pars tensa
What makes up the Tympanic Plexus
- Tympanic N. (CN 9)
- Caroticotympanic nn. (symp.)
- Communicating Br. of Facial N.
What forms the Lesser Petrosal nerves
Secretomotor Fibers
- Out: Foramen ovale
- To: Otic ggl.
(auriculotemp. n. to parotid gland)
Ossicular Chain
1) Malleus
2) Incus
3) Stapes
Ligaments of Ossicles
- Malleus = 3 Ligaments
- Incus & Stapes = 1 Ligament each
Which Ligament connects to Fossa Incudis
Posterior Ligament of Incus
What Ligament Borders Prussak’s Space
Lateral Malleolar Ligament
Annular Ligament
Attaches the foot/base of Stapes to the Fenestra Vestibuli (Oval window)
1st Ossicular Articulation
Incudomalleolar Joint
- Head of Malleus
- Body of Incus
- Saddle-shaped
2nd Ossicular Articulation
Incudostapedial Joint
- Lenticular process of Incus
- Head of Stapes
Specifics of Ossicular articulations
- Covered by articular (Hyalin) Cartilage
- Synovial membrane Capsules
Tensor Tympani Muscle
- Tenses Tympanic Membrane
- Pushes Stapes footplate into Oval window
- Inn: Mandibular N.
- From cartilaginous part of tube to handle of Malleus
Stapedius Muscle
- Helps damp down excessive sound vibration
- Opposes action of Tensor Tympani
- Stapedial N. of CN8
- From Pyramidal eminence to neck of stapes
Chorda Tympani Path
1) Enters tympanic cavity through posterior canaliculus
2) Crosses over upper part of handle of Malleus
3) Exits through anterior canaliculus
4) Exits skull at petrotympanic fissure
Chorda Tympani Sensation
- Parasympathetic fibers to Submandibular and Sublingual glands (via submandibular ggl.)
- Taste fibers from anterior 2/3 of Tongue
Blood Supply of Tympanic Cavity
- Caroticotympanic A. (ICA)
- Stylomastoid A. (post. auric.)
- Inf. Tympanic A. (asc. pharyng)
- Post. Tympanic A. (stylomastoid)
- Ant. Tympanic A. (maxillary)
- Sup. Tympanic A. (mid. mening)
- Deep Auricular A. (maxillary)
Recesses in Vestibule
- Elliptic Recess (Utricle)
- Spheric Recess (Saccule)
- Cochlear Recess
What duct is found in the Utricle/Elliptic recess
Endolymphatic Duct / Vestibular Aqueduct
What connects the Cochlear duct to Saccule?
Ductus Reuniens
- Fills bony labyrinth around the membranous labyrinth
- Mechanical Protection
- Produced by Periosteum Vessels
- Interstitial fluid
- Fills membranous labyrinth
- Produced by Stria Vascularis (cochlea)
- Intracellular Fluid
Cells of Stria Vascularis
- Marginal Cells (Darker)
- Basal Cells
What covers the basilar membrane?
Layer of squamous perilymphatic cells
Vestibular/Reissner’s membrane composition
2 Layers of squamous epithelium separated by a basal lamina (may contain collagen fibers)
Blood Supply of Labyrinth
1) Labyrinthine A.
2) - Common Cochlear A
- Ant. Vestibular A
3) CCA –> - Spiral A
Vestibulocochlear A
Cochlea Specialized Neuroepithelia
Saccula/Utricle Specialized Neuroepithelia
Static Receptors
Semicircular ducts Specialized Neuroepithelia
Kinetic Receptors
Functions of Vestibular System
- Perception of movement and orientation in space
- To maintain equilibrium
Ampullary Crest
- In Semicircular ducts
- Angular acceleration (rotation)
- Kinetic receptors