1st Semester Flashcards
Glycocalyx def and func
Membrane proteins with carb side-chains
For cell-to-cell recognition
Microvilli def and func
1 um length
Bundles of actin and myosin (terminal web)
Increase surface area
Stereocilia def and func
Extremely long microvilli
8-10 micrometers
Actin filaments only
Cilia def and func
5-10 micrometers
Microtubules (9x2 +2), Nexin (linker) & Dynein (motor protein)
Collagen type 1
Bone, Skin, Tendon, Dentin
Collagen type 2
Collagen type 3
Reticular fibers
Collagen type 4
Basal Lamina
Collagen type 5
Hair, Placenta
Basal membrane is made of
- Basal lamina
- Lamina Fibroreticularis
Basal Lamina is made of
- Lamina rara/lucida externa
- Lamina densa
- Lamina rara/lucida interna
Zona occludens
Tight Junction, Diffusion barrier
Zona Adherens
Below the Zona occludens
Links actin cytoskeleton of neighboring cells to each other
Macula adherens
Desmosome, Cell-to-cell communication and intermediate filament anchorage
Resists shear force
Binds epithelium to basal membrane
Gap Junction (Nexus)
+ major constituent
Exchange of ions, metabolites, messengers between adjacent cells
- connexins
Layers of S. Non-K
Stratum Basale
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum Planocellulare
Layers of thin S.K
Stratum Basale
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum Granulosum
Stratum Corneum
Layers of thick S.K
Stratum Basale
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum Granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum Corneum
What is found in Stratum Granulosum
Urothelium cells
Basal (Cuboidal or Columnar)
Pear shaped cells
Umbrella cells
Granules in Serous acini
Zymogen granules
Granules in Mucous acini
Mucigin granules
Stain that turns mucous acini Turqoise
Movat (pentachrome) stain, stains carbs
Types of Intralobular ducts
- Intercallated duct
- Striated duct
Intercallated duct cells
Simple cuboidal
Striated duct cells
Simple Columnar
Interlobular duct cells
Stratified cuboidal/columnar
Excretory duct cells
Pseudostratified columnar
Merocrine secretion
Continuous secretion
e.g. Salivary
Apocrine secrection
Needs accumulation
Secreted with cytoplasm
e.g. Mammary gland, modified sweat gland.
Holocrine secretion
Whole cell ruptured
Needs to be fully replaced
e.g. Sebaceous gland
Granules in Plasma cell
Histamin (allergy)
Heparin (blood clots)
Leucotriene (Branchi mm contraction)
Ground substance contains
- Hyaluronan
- Glycosaminoglycans
- Glycoproteins
- Proteoglycans
Proteoglycans are
Core protein + GAGs
Glycoproteins do what
Anchor collagen to cell surface
Collagen structure
Lateral covalent binding of tropocollagen, 3 intertwining peptide chains
Stain for Reticular fibers
Silver impregnation, BLACK
Stain for Elastic fibers
- Resorcin-fuchsin: lilac
- Orcein: Brown
How are elastic fibers made?
Deposition of Elastic protein on Fibrillin microfibrils (glycoprotein)
Stain for Collagen
- H.E: pink
- Trichrome: blue
Order of Leukocytes
Neutrophil gran (40-75%)
Lymphocytes (20-50%)
Monocytes (2-10%)
Eosinophil gran (1-6%)
Basophil gran (<1%)
Blood Smear Stain
2 main groups of Leukocytes
- Granular /polymorphonuclear
- Agranular /monomorphonuclear
Azurophilic Granules
Lysosome Granules in Neutrophils & Monocytes
Eosinophil role
Asthma and Allergy
- Crystal-like structure in axis of granule with anti-parasitic effect
Basophil role
Prevents blood clotting in Inflamation
Where do Platelets originate from?
Bone marrow megakaryocytes
Hyaline Cart.
2-8 chondrocytes
Perichondrium, except articulating surfaces
Elastic cart.
1-2 chondrocytes
Always perichondrium
1-2 chrondrocytes
Never perichondrium
Layers of perichondrium
- Fibrous Layer (collagen I)
- Chondrogenic Layer
Interstitial cartilage growth is
Embryonic cartilage growth from within
Mesenchymal cells Directly to chondroblast
Appositional cartilage growth is
Cartilage formation at edges from the Chondrogenic layer of Perichondrium
Newly synthesized bone
Yellow bone stain
Schmorl’s Picrothionin
Canals in Bone
- Haversian Canals
- Volkmann’s Canal
How do Osteocytes communicate?
Bony canaliculi by gap junctions