2nd Half of Quarter Flashcards
What are the three parts of the tri-laminar embryo?
Ectoderm (neuroectoderm)
- once the tri-laminar embryo folds inward this is on the outside
- surface ectoderm is skin, hair, nails, cutaneous, etc.
- Membranous Labyrinth
- Neuroectoderm: forms the brain, sensory system, these start on the outside, obviously on the inside now
- in the middle of the three layers
- skull, muscles, connective tissue, cartilage, skeleton
- bottom layer, when it all folds in this is on the inside
- epithelia, mostly the gut, lungs, middle ear, eustachian tube, what begins on the inside, stays insides
- continuos with the meatal skin, skin of the ear canal
Otic Placode
- thickening of the surface ectoderm, you see developing hindbrain, it used to be part of the ectoderm, now folded into the mesoderm
- folding in from surface ectoderm, closer to form the neural tube, this will become the central nervous systems
- tube after folding in separates from the surface, becomes a tube, head becomes a brain the part that continues down is the spinal column
- humans 22 days
Otic Pit
- otic placode becomes this
- start of the membranous labyrinth (eventually will become this)
- surrounded by mesoderm in which it is folding in to
- mesoderm is going to form the osseous labyrinth around the membranous labryrinth
-otic pit then becomes this, also inside of mesoderm, begins to elongate and form two regions
- by only 8 weeks it looks pretty adult like
- this growing is due to the proliferation of cells
- the other process that happens during development, absorption - how do you take a sphere -> the shape it is at adulthood
– folding and programmed cell death
folds into two separate divisions - utricular and saccular division.
Utricular division
further divides into the semi-circular canals, utricle, endolymphatic duct & sac
Saccular division
further divides into saccule and cochlear duct
branchial arches
- two bumps on the side of the head during development
- mandibular (1st Branchial) Arch
- hyoid (2nd) Arch
- directly between these is the 1st branchial groove
branchial groove
- where the ear canal forms
- meatal plug - thickening of ectoderm, inside the branchial groove, eventually eroded
auricular hillocks
- bumps on the 1st and 2nd arches, this forms into the pinna
- surface of the developing embryo is ectoderm, what gives the auricle its structure is the cartilage underneath (mesoderm), this is what gives the pinna its stricter plus the skin on top that conforms to it
Membranous labyrinth is surrounded by…
- mesoderm, this part is going to eventually become the osseous labyrinth
- stria vascularis is in the process of development and the region that is goin to become the organ of corti
Inner ridge
- closer to the modiolas, greater epithelial ridge
- develops into:
- spiral limbus
- inner sulcus
- inner hair cells
- inner pillar cells
Outer ridge
- lesser epithelial ridge, this is closer to the developing stria vascularis
- tectoral membrane is going to form on top of these
- outer pillar cells
- dieters’ cells
- hensen cells
- outer hair cells