2A Flashcards
How do you recite م and ن mushaddadah (مّ نّ )?
With a 2 count ghunnah
What does ta’awudh mean?
“I seek Allah’s (swt) protection from Shaytan the rejected”
What does basmalah mean?
In the name of Allah the most merciful
What is the rule for saying ta’awwudh and basmalah?
Say both before reciting the Qur’an and if there is an interruption you only need to repeat ta’awwudh
What is another word for ta’awwudh?
What are some etiquettes for reciting Qur’an?
-Sit quietly
-Read slowly
-In a state of purity, wudhu
-Leave Qur’an in respectful place
-Do not interrupt recitation with discussions
-Read with translation
-Use miswak
What are the levels of qalqalah and when are they used?
- Weak- when you are continuing to read
- Strong- when ending on a qalqalah for a letter that has a sakin
- Strongest- when ending on a qalqalah for a letter that has a shaddah
What is the reason of qalqalah?
The sound and air of the letter will stop so it will bounce/echo
What are the qalqalah letters?
What is another name for lam of Allah?
Lam Al Jalaalah
What does tafkhim mean and how do you do it?
Full mouth/heavy sound by raising the back of the tongue towards the palate whilst pronouncing a letter
What is the rule for pronouncing the lam of Allah?
When the lam of Allah is after a fathah or dammah that is joined to it, it is tafkhim (full mouth) and when it is after a kasrah that is joined to it, it will be tarqeeq (empty mouth)
What is a mutaharrikah letter?
A letter with a harakah
What are the rules for ر mutaharrikah?
When ra has a dammah(tayn) or fathah(tayn) it will be full mouth, and when it has a kasrah(tayn) it will be empty mouth
What are the normal rules for ra sakinah (full/empty mouth)?
When ra is after a dammah or fathah it will be read as full mouth
When ra is after a kasrah it will be read as empty mouth
What are 4 exceptions for the normal ra sakinah (full/empty mouth) rules?
When ra has a shaddah it is a ra sakin followed by ra mutaharik, the heaviness will be determined by the mutaharik ra e.g لِرَّح٘مٰن is a full mouth ra
When ra sakin is followed by a heavy letter, it is read full mouth e.g. مِر٘صَادًا
In the case of a ya sakin before a ra sakin even if the harakah before is a dammah or fathah it will still be pronounced empty mouth e.g. خَی٘ر٘
When there is a hamzatul wasl before a ra sakin, the ra is always recited full mouth even if the hamzatul wasl adopts a kasrah e.g.ار٘جِعِی
What are the 7 permanently heavy letters (tafkheem)?
خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ
Out of the 7 tafkheem letters which are the heaviest and how do they become so heavy?
ص ض ط ظ
The makhraj involves curling the tongue and lifting the sides
What are the levels of heaviness for harakah including when they apply to the sakin letter after?
Most heavy= fathah
Moderately heavy= dhammah
Least heavy= kasrah
What are the 3 temporary letters?
ر ل ا
When is the alif full/empty mouth?
The temporary heavy alif is the madd that is followed after a heavy letter and temporary light is the madd followed by a light letter ( اَ اِ اُ is in fact hamza)
What are the two types of hamza?
Hamza tul qati= cutting
Hamza tul wasl= connecting
What is ikhfa shafawi?
If meem sakinah appears before ba, a 2 count ghunnah is applied
What is idghaam shafawi?
If meem sakinah appears before another meem they merge and have 2 count ghunnah
What is izhar shafawi?
If meem sakin is followed by any letter apart from meem and ba, the meem is read clearly without ghunnah
How many letters in Arabic alphabet and list them all
ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک ل م ن ہ و ی ء
What is a ن م mushaddadah?
It is نّ مّ the letter is two of the same letters in one, the first being a sakin and the second being mutaharrikah, 2 count ghunnah must be applied