1C Flashcards
What is madd asli and how long is it held?
2 counts
-Alif after a harf with fatha
-wow after a harf with dhamma
- ya after a harf with kasra
What is madd wajib muttasil and how long is it?
It is 4-5 counts compulsory
-madd followed by ء within a word
What is madd jaaiz munfasil and how long is it?
It is 4-5 counts
-madd asli followed by ء at the beginning of the next word
When is a madd held for 6 counts and what is it called?
Madd laazim
Madd followed by a sukun or shaddah
What are huroof Al muqa’to’at?
Letters of opening
How do you know the length to hold the opening letters?
-Letters that are pronounced with 2 letters are 2 count
-Letters that are pronounced with 3 letters (madd in the middle) are 6 count
What is idghaam and when is it used?
To merge so the second letter is joined instead and apply 2 count ghunnah (except for ر and ل, they have no ghunnah)
ً ٍ ٌ ن٘
Followed by یر ملون
م٘ followed by م
What is ikhfaa and when is it used?
To hide ن٘ ً ٍ ٌ
The noon is totally nasal for 2 counts whilst hinting the next letter
Followed by ک ق ف ظ ط ض ص ش س ز ذ د ج ث ت
What are silent letters?
-Letters with ‘o’ over it
Mostly ا و ی
-A letter with no harakah or joining symbol that is followed by a letter with a shaddah
- A fatha followed by a mini alif, the mini alif is always applied to the fatha letter before NOT the letter it may be on top of
-when an Alif has a ‘o’ on top of it, it will be silent, except when you stop on that alif- in which case it is pronounced
- hamzatul wasl preceded by a word or letter
How do you know how to pronounce hamzatul wasl?
- when it preceded by a word or letter it is silent
- when it is followed by ل it has a fatha and the word is a noun
-when the third letter has a dhammah the hamzatul wasl has a dhammah
-when the third letter has a fatha or kasrah then the hamzatul wasl has a kasrah
What is nun qutni?
When there is a tanwin followed by hamzatul wasl followed by sakin/shaddah you change the tanwin to a single harakah with ni sound
نُوحٌ ا ب٘نَھُ
نُو حُ ا نِب٘نَھُ
If you want to stop before the hamzatul wasl you can and then add the usual rules to start again
What is ل Al jalaala?
The ل of majesty the one in the name of Allah that is stretched 2 counts
What is waqf and ibtida?
Waqf is to stop
Ibtida is to start
What do you do if you stop on a fathatayn? And what are some similar words?
Change to fatha and read with Alif like madd asli 2 count
Hamza fathatayn sometimes doesn’t have Alif but you add it on to stop
How do you stop on a round ta (ta marboota)?
Change to ha sakin even if it has a stretch
How do you stop on a round ha?
Change to ha sakin even if it has a stretch
How do you stop on a letter with a harakah and how might it change any stretch?
Change the last letter to have a sakin even if it is a kadratain or dhamatain
If the last letter is a و then it becomes 2 counts stretch like madd asli
If there is a madd asli and there is a 3rd letter with sakin, the 2 count stretch becomes 4 count
If there is a madd/harf leen with 3rd letter with sakin, then it also changes to 4 count
How do you stop on a letter with a shaddah and harakah?
Change harakah to sakin and add extra emphasis (not 2 count), if it is qalqalah letter then read extra heavy
How to pronounce ر٘ if a hamzatul wasl with kasra comes before?
Pronounce it tafkheem as the kasra is temporary
What stopping symbols mean these things?
1. End of ayah
2. Compulsory stop
3. Preferred to continue 70%
4. Preferred to stop 70%
5. Either stop or continue 50%
6. Don’t stop
7. Satt, breathless pause
8. Stop on one, not both
1 O
م 2
صلے 3
قلے 4
ج 5
لا 6
س 7
8. A pair of three dots spread on an ayah
What is iqlaab?
To change
If after ن٘ or ً ٍ۔ ٌ the letter ب appears then you change the n sound into a little meem with a light 2 count ghunnah
What is ithaar?
To read clear
If after ن٘ or ٍ ٌ ً the throat letters appear
خ غ ع ح ہ ء
Then read n without ghunnah
How many surahs start with huroof ul muquto’at and how many words are there?
29 surahs
14 of them
How do you stop when there is a ی at the end?
Ya without harakah and fathah/fathatayn on harf before is Alif maqsoorah which is a silent Alif so 2 count stretch
Ya with shaddah is a emphasised single stop
Ya with harakah changes to ya sakin and so it becomes madd asli two count stretch