● the third of the three major types of membrane lipids, is a specific compound rather than a family of compounds like the phospholipids. structure differs markedly from that of other membrane lipids in that (1) there are no fatty acid residues present and (2) neither glycerol nor sphingosine is present as the platform molecule. it is also considered as a steroid
● lipid whose structure is based on a fused ring system that involves three 6-membered rings and one 5-membered ring
● Steroid fused ring is als called?
steroid nucleus
● What distinguishes steroids from one another?
( Location of double bonds within the fused-ring system and the nature and location of substituents)
● Most steroids have an oxygen functional group (=O or –OH) at _______and some kind of side chain at_____
carbon 3; carbon 17
● is a C27 steroid molecule that is a component of cell membranes and a precursor for other steroid-based lipids.
It is the most abundant steroid in the human body. The -ol ending in the name cholesterol conveys the information that an alcohol functional group is present in this molecule; it is located on carbon 3 of the steroid nucleus
● Location of the alcohol molecule in cholesterol
● Location of the methyl attachments in cholesterol
carbons 10 and 13
● The lack of a large polar head group causes cholesterol to have limited water solubility. The ______ on carbon 3 is considered the head of the molecule.
● Where is cholesterol found in the human body?
cell membranes (up to 25% by mass), in nerve tissue, in brain tissue (about 10% by dry mass), and in virtually all fluids.)
● Location of the carbon–carbon double bond in cholesterol
carbons 5 and 6)
● Location of the eight-carbon branched chain in a cholesterol
carbon 17)
● Every 100 mL of human blood plasma contains about _____of free cholesterol and about _______of cholesterol esterified with various fatty acids.
(50 mg; 170 mg)
● Although a portion of the body’s cholesterol is obtained from dietary intake, most of it is biosynthesized by the ________and (to a lesser extent) the_______. Typically, 800–1000 mg are biosynthesized each day.
liver, intestine
● The lipoproteins that carry cholesterol from the liver to various tissues are called _________and those that carry excess cholesterol from tissues back to the liver are called _________
[LDLs (low-density lipoproteins); HDLs (high-density lipoproteins).]