2.6 Macroeconomic objectives and policies Flashcards
What are the Macroeconomic objectives
a) Economic growth
b) Low unemployment
c) Low and stable rate of inflation
d) Balance of payments equilibrium on current account
e) Balanced government budget
f) Protection of the environment
g) Greater income equality
What are the two types of policies
Demand side policys and Supply side policies
2.6.2 A)
What are the two types of demand side policies
Monetary and Fiscal
2.6.2 A)
What is Monetary policy
A demand side policy used by the Bank of England to control the flow of money in an economy.
This is done through intrest rates & quantitative easing conducted by the bank of England which is independant of the goverment
2.6.2 A)
What is Fiscal policy
A demand side policy which uses govt spending and revenue from tax to influence AD. Conducted by the govt.
2.6.2 B)
How are intrest rates used in monetary policy
BOE alters intrest rates to control the supply of money. They are seperate from the govt. IR are used to meet govt targets of price stability.
BOE controls the base rate therefore controling the IR. A v in base rate = ^ in AD this happens through many transmission mechanisms talked about in AD a few examples are :
-v IR > consumption & investment to ^ as its cheaper to borrow
-^ import prices ^ net trade
-^ asset prices ^ wealth affect
-vIR > v saving > ^ consumption & investment
2.6.2 B)
How is Quantitative easing ( asset purchases) used in montary policy
QE is a method to pump money directly into the economy which helps stimulate the economy. Since IR are low cant lower anymore the bank bought assest in the form of govt bonds using money they have created.^ cash flowing in economy encourages lending ^ investing ^ spending ^ growth
-Used by banks to help stimuate the economy when standard policy no longer effective
-may cause infection and redice value of currency
-qe is used when inflation is low & not possible to lower IR anymore
if inlfatiog get high bank reduce ss of money by selling asset
2.6.2 B)
Limitation of monmetary policy
-banks might not pass base rate onto customers if IR changes may not have intent effect
-v cost of borrowing banks may not be willing to lend
-IR will be more eff at stimulating spending and investment. when confidence is high. As when confidence is low spending
-people nay be on fixed rate mortgages / intrest rates
Whats a supply side policy
policies that seek to improve long run productive potential of an economy
Whats production
value of output of goods & servies measued by GDP
Whats productivity
a measure of eff of production by output per input (employes, land, capital)
productivty formula
total / # of workers
low productivity can be caused by
low rates of investment
slow rates of innovation
benifits of increased productivity
-lower cost per unit / avg cost of production
improved competitveness
higher profit
higher wwages
economic growth
productitvity improvement
2.6.3 C)
What can sucessful policy shifts lead too
right shift on LR / SR AS leading to ^ in potenital output
Aims of ss side policy
^ incentive to work and invest into human capital
^ labor & capital productivity
^occuptational + geograhical mobility of labor
^capital investment
promotes contenstability and stimulate innovation
encourage start ups esp ones w/ export potential
improve price competitivness
2.6.3 B)
What are the two ss side policies
Market based ss side policies
interventionist ss side policies
2.6.3 B)
What is market based ss side polices
Allow the free market to operate, gov reduce role in the market
To promote incentive
can be done by cutting tax > ^ disposable/ profit ^ labour force / output / economically inactive come into economy
To promote competitin
Deregulation - make market freer to competitn and remove barriers to entry should help drive productivity
Privatisation - minimisation of state control which can be ineff and give to priv sector inorder to drive eff
2.6.3 B)
What is interventionist ss side policies
involve govt intervention tackle market failure
To reform labour
reformation of trade union. decrease in power & influeence may lead to lower wages, lower inflation and ^ labour market flexability
To improve skills & quality of labour
education and training improves productivity, mobility and flexability of the workforce
To improve infustructure
transport networks > improves ease+speed of connection,
provision of utilits > ensures gses , electric and water supplied
provision of info > ensuring access to fast info e.g broadband
2.6.3 D)
Why might ss side policies fail
Time lag
many policies have significasnt time lag in eff
the effects of training and edu may take a while to come into eff
may be expensive to implement, opp cost money could spend else where
policies of competing nations
competitors introducing their own ss side polices, if they are more eff then gain in international trade may not occur
likelyhood of goverment failuire
goverment spend wisely and eff on product
poorly admined gov ss side policies may not cause desired outcome
2.6.4 A)
Potential conflicts and trade-offs between the
macroeconomic objectives
unemployment & inflation
economic growth & inflation
economic growth & BOP
economic growth & inequality
govt lowers unemployment may ^ gov spending make more jobs > ^ ad > ^ inflation
govt concered abt inflation ^ tax v consumption = left shift ad v inflationary pressure byt reduce comsumer spending v ad.
2.6.4 B)
Short-run Phillips curve
graph in text book.
studies relationship between unemployment and rate of change of money. trade - off between unemployment & inflation
it shows trade off between each.
2.6.4 C)
Potential policy conflicts and trade-offs