1.4 Government intervention Flashcards
1.4.1 A)
purpose of indirect tax
put on goods w/ neg externalities to try reduce market failure. As ^ cost of production = v ss and ^ cost = v dd
(Graph in book)
1.4.1 A)
adv / dadv of indirect tax
A) market now produced @ social opt = max social welfare, ^ govt rev which could be used to solve other externalities, depends on what govt does with the money extra
D) leads to black markets, if good is inelastic may not reduce output/ comsumption
1.4.1 A)
purpose of subsides
(Graph in book)
^ ss as cost of production v. used on pos externalities to inc consumption
1.4.1 A)
adv / dadv of subsides
A) market now produced @ social opt = max social welfare
D) high opp cost from govt, can cause producers to become ineff
1.4.1 A)
purpose of max
(Graph in book)
for max price to work mist be below current eq
max price is a legally imposed price for supplies set on goods woith pos externalites prevents monopoly.
1.4.1 A)
purpose of min
(Graph in book)
for min price to work must be above current eq
discourages production of neg externalites and encoruages production w pos externalities.
1.4.1 A)
adv / dadv of max / min
A) helps inc social welfare. max ensure affordablity min ensure fair price. both reduct poverty and ^ equality
D) difficult to know where to set price, creates black market
1.4.1 B)
what is trade pollution permits as govt intervention
owner pollute up too certain amount govt controlled so max amount of pollution gives incentive to reduce emissions
1.4.1 B)
adv / dadv of trade pollution permits as govt intervention
A) guarnted reduction in emission due to max amount pollution, ^govt revenue
D) expensive to moniter + police, ^ busniess cost.
1.4.1 B)
what is state provision of public goods as govt intervention
govt produced public goods instead of priv sector to reduce market failure.
(more detail somewhere else)
1.4.1 B)
adv / dadv of state provision of public goods as govt intervention
A) correct market failure, equality, can help econmomy growth ( healthcare, education)
D) expensive, ^opp cost, govt many be in eff due to no incentive to cut costs. govt has conflicting objects
1.4.1 B)
adv / dadv of provision of infomation as govt intervention
pretty ofc what this is
A) rational actions
D) expensive, customers may not listen
1.4.1 B)
what is regulations as govt intervention
govt imposed laws and caps to ensure MSB = MSC or that full info provided ensure no exploitation
1.4.1 B)
adv / dadv of regulations as govt intervention
A) overcome market failure, max social welfare
D) expensive to police, opp cost, costs may be passed onto consumers, may reduce competition.
1.4.2 A)
What is govt failure
When govt interventiuon to correct market failure leads to greater net social welfare loss.
can happen if a policy fails to create enough of an incentive to change.
1.4.2 B)
What are the causes of govt failure
distortion of price signals
unintended consequences
excessive administrative costs
information gap
1.4.2 B)
How can Distortion of price signals lead to govt failure
Govt give subsides to ineff firms. they become reliant on it and dont try become more eff / competitve. This wouldnt work in free market, but govt distorted
these price signals.this leads to an inefficient
allocation of resources
1.4.2 B)
How can Unintended consequences lead to govt failure
Regulations try to v neg externalities due to overproduction. governments can often set regulation levels too high. increase in
the costs of production for firms. v profit
socially optimum level will actually be lower than before
fewer firms are in the market, causing overall output in the market to fall.
1.4.2 B)
How can Excessive administrative costs lead to govt failure
government intervenes in a market where there is
excessive pollution, implementing a trade pollution permit scheme.
The cost of policing the
pollution levels of firms involved can be extremely high
benefits have to be even higher than this
1.4.2 B)
How can Information gaps costs lead to govt failure
Imperfect info leads to irra`tional decision making. likly to set regualtion at level not at social opt.