2.6 Flashcards
ability to propel own movement
whats weird about yersinia pestis and motility
most yersinia are motile but not this, even when it has genes for it
long thin filament that acts like a propeller, rotated using motor that is anchored in the cell envelope
what are the two uses of flagellum
swimming and swarming (required multiple bacteria)
different arrangement of flagellum
peritrichous- many across pole/ body
monotrichous(or polar) - single
lophotrichous- many at one pole
amphitrichous- both poles
atrichous - no flagella
counterclockwise movement in peritrichous
-a “run”, helical rotation formed at tail and cell goes forward
a tumble, helical bundle falls apart and cell assumes random direction
monotrichous bacteria include
those with reversible flagellum: can go back and forth
unidirectional flagella- goes only straight and reorients randomly
flagella segments
basal body
flagellar motor
20 proteins anchored in CM and CW
-harness proton motive force
what does the central rod do in flagellar motor
passes through MS ring(CM), the C ring(cytoplasm), the P ring (peptidoglycan) and the L ring (outer memb)
what does C ring do in flagellar motor
generating torque, switch motor direction, secrete flagellin
what do L/ P rings do
act like bearing and cut back on friction during rotation
what does MS ring do
rotate the rod that rotates the hook and filament
what does the Stator do
is the “turbine”, couples the flow of protons to the rotation of the MS ring