2.4.4 - Quality Management Flashcards
Define Quality
Features of a Product that Allow it to Satisfy Customer’s Needs.
may Refer to some Standard of Excellence
What is Quality Control
- Process that Ensures Product Quality is Maintained or Improved through the Reduction in Mistakes/Defects
- done through Checking After Been Made
- done through Inspection, Sampling or Testing
- Helps to Detect Faulty Products
What is Quality Assurance
- a commitment by a Business to Maintain Quality Throughout the Organisation
- Aim is to Stop Problems Before they Occur Rather than Finding Them After
- it Takes into Account Customer’s Views when Planning the Production Process - e.g. might Consult Customers about Views
Explain Quality Circles
- Small Groups of Workers in Same Area of Production who Meet Regularly to Study and Solve Production Problems
- groups are Intended the Motivate and Involve Workers On the Shop Floor
- allow Workforce Directly to Improve their Abilities
- Only Likely to Work if Supported by Both Management and Employees
What is Total Quality Management
- a Method Designed to Prevent Errors , e.g. the Creation of Poor Quality Products from Happening.
- the Business is Organised so that the Manufacturing Process is Investgated at Every Stage
What are 5 Features of TQM
- Quality Chains
- Monitoring the Process
- Team Work
- Zero Defects
- Quality Circles
Explain the Feature of TQM - Quality Chains
- Great Stress is Placed on the Operation of Quality Chains
- in Any Business a Series of Suppliers and Customers Exist
- e.g. a Secretary is Supplier to a Manager
- Secretaries Duties must be Carried Out to the Satisfaction Of the Manager
Explain the Feature of TQM - Monitoring the Process
- TQM Relies on Monitoring the Business Process to Find Possible Improvements
- Methods have been Developed to Help Achieve This
- Statistical Process Control - involves Collecting Data Relating to the Performance Of a Process -> can be Used to Reduce Variability ; the Cause of Most Quality Problems
Explain the Feature of TQM - Teamwork
- it Stresses that Teamwork is the Most Effective Way of Solving Problems
- Advantages ; - Greater Range of Skills can be Used to Solve the Problem
- Builds Trust and Morale, it Improves Communications and Co-operation, and Develops Interdependence
Explain the Feature of TQM - Zero Defects
- Zero Defect Policy
- Aims to Ensure that Every Product Manufactures is Free from Defects
- a Business Able to Guarantee Zero Defects in Customer Orders is Likely to Gain a Good Reputation -> Improved Sales
Explain the Feature of TQM - Quality Circles
- Small Groups of Workers in Same Area of Production who Meet Regularly to Study and Solve Production Problems
- groups are Intended the Motivate and Involve Workers On the Shop Floor
- allow Workforce Directly to Improve their Abilities
- Only Likely to Work if Supported by Both Management and Employees
What are Advanatges of Using TQM
- helps Companies to Focus Clearly on Needs of Customers and Relationships Between Suppliers and Customers
- Achieves Quality in All Aspects of Business
- Analyses Ways to Remove Waste and Inefficiencies
What are Disadvanatges of Using TQM
- will be Training and Development Costs of New System
- will Only Work If there’s Commitment from the Entire Business
- Stress is Placed on Process
Define Kaizen
Continuous Improvement - the Process of Constantly Introducing Small Incremental Changes in order To Improve the Production Process
What are the 3 Features of Kaizen which Affect a Business
- Continuous Improvement
- Eliminating Waste
- Implementing Continous Improvement
Explain Feature of Kaizen - Eliminating Waste
Waste is Any Activity which Raises Costs Without Adding Value to a Product
- e.g. Time Wasted while Staff Wait Around Before Starting Tasks
- Firms that Adopt Kaizen Train and Reward Workers to Contunally Search for Waste
Explain Feature of Kaizen - Implementing Continous Improvement
PDCA Cycle - Activities that Lead to Improvement
- PLAN - must Identify Where Improvement is Needed. Data must be Gathered and Used to Develop a Plan
- DO - Once the Plan has been Finalised, Must be Carried Out
- CHECK - Whether there’s BEEN an Improvement ; Inspectors
- ACTION - if Plan Succesful, Must be Introduced in All Parts Of Business
Explain how Business can Gain Competitive Advantage from QM
- Due to Fact that Using QM Means the Business is Likely to Produce Products that are Better Quality than Competitors
- Results in Customers See Product as Superior to Rivals –> Increase Iin Demand
- Increase Customer Satisfaction With Product -> Increase Sales -> Customer Loyalty -> Market Share