244-444 Flashcards
12.244, (True/False) Inmate on inmate verbal sexual harassment/abuse is a crime. (Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct)
False(Status offenses are not a crime)
12.244, (True/False) Inmate on inmate verbal sexual harassment/abuse is a crime. (Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct)
False(Status offenses are not a crime)”
12.244 Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct, there are 2 separate investigations that could take place, _______, and _________.
- criminal
- internal investigation
12.244 Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct, DSD shall treat all grievances alleging the substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse as __________, even if the agency determines no such risk exists.
emergency grievances
12.244 Inmate Sexual misconduct and staff sexual misconduct, a DSD supervisor (floor sgt) must provide a response within ____ hours of receipt of grievance.
48 hours
12.244, The conduct and treatment of inmates or staff who reported sexual abuse of an inmate shall be monitored for __? (Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct)
90 days following the report”
12.244. If during a preliminary investigation it is determined that crime (staff sexual misconduct) has been committed, who does the supervisor contact? (Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct)
LVMPD Criminal Investigations Section of IAB
12.244 Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct, for sexual assault allegations involving inmate-on-inmate, the ____________ will be contacted if during the preliminary investigation, it is determined a crime has been committed.
LVMPD Sexual Assault Detail
12.244 Inmate Sexual misconduct and staff sexual misconduct, a final decision regarding the grievance must be rendered within ___ of receipt of a grievance reporting sexual assault/misconduct.
5 days
12.244 Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct, on grievance alleging risk of imminent sexual abuse, if the agency determines no such risk exists, it shall document that decision within ____ of receipt of grievance.
48 hours
12.244 Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct, all inmates will be screened within ____ for history of sexual assault/abuse and housed accordingly.
24 hours (not to exceed 72 hrs)
12.246, Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints) If a policy violation has occurred by an officer the sergeant will document the complaint on a _____ and forward to IA in Blue Team.
Statement of complaint (SOC)
12.246, Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints, for contract agency responses, facility staff or contractors will act on matters pertaining to their area of responsibility and will provide an electronic response within _________, excluding weekends and holidays.
3 business days
12.246, Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints, if it is determined a policy violation has not occurred, a ________ will be completed.
Citizen Contact
12.246, Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints, if a complaint is not resolved by the floor sgt, the grievances can be appealed to the appropriate ________.
platoon lieutenant
12.246, Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints) If an inmate wants to appeal discipline issued, it has to be within how many days of the CAB hearing?
5 Calendar Days”
12.246 Inmate grievances/complaints, who is the second level of appeal for inmate discipline?
Deputy Chief or designee
12.246 Inmate grievances/complaints, who will review appeals for discipline grievances?
CBB Captain or designee
12.246, (True/False)(Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints) It is okay for officers and supervisors to assist inmate in completing voter registration or help request ballots.
12.264 Sergeant Daily Activity Report, during rounds, floor sgt, will address any ADA issues or concerns and verify proper procedures are being followed regarding the management of inmates with disabilities, to include:
ensuring closed captioning is active on all TV’s that are in use.
12.264 Sergeant Daily Activity Report, in restrictive housing areas, sergeants are required to check each cell __________visually.
at least once per shift
12.264 Sergeants will conduct rounds to satisfy _________ requirements for unannounced rounds, supervision of areas occupied by inmates, and monitoring.
12.264 Sergeants will conduct a daily patrol, including holidays and weekends, of all areas occupied by inmates and submit a ________ to their supervisor. Unoccupied areas are to be inspected _______.
- weekly
12.264 Sergeant Daily Activity Report, supervisors will conduct rounds at least _______ per shift, checking on the welfare of staff and inmates in each unit.