2.3 Producing Robust Programs Flashcards
What is input sanitization?
Removes any unwanted characters that have been entered into a program
What is Input Validation?
Checks if the data meets certain criteria before passing it through the program
What is a Presence check?
Checks that data has been entered
What is Length Check?
Checks if the data is the correct length
What is Range Check?
Checks if the data is within a set range
What is Format Check?
Checks it’s in the correct format
What is Check digit?
Checks numerical data is entered correctly
What is a Look-up table?
Checks against a table of accepted values
What is Authentication?
Where a program confirms the identity of a user before giving them access to the full program
What is Maintainability?
Code that has been well maintained is easy to edit without causing errors
What is the purpose of comments?
Can help other programmers understand the code, as well as appropriate name for variables and sub programs
What is the purpose of indentation?
It is easy for programmers to see the flow of the program
What is Final testing?
The program goes us tested once at the end of development
Everything is tested in one go
What is Iterative Testing?
A program is tested and then changes are made as it goes through the development cycle again
What is Normal data?
Data which should be accepted by a program
What is Extreme/Boundary data?
Data on the limit of what should be accepted
What is Erroneous data?
Data that should not be accepted at all
What is a Syntax error?
Something which doesn’t fit the rules or grammar of the programming language
What is a Logic error?
The program runs but not as expected