2.3 Malcolm X And Black Power 1963-1970 Flashcards
When was malcolm x born?
Born may 1925 as Malcolm little
What was Malcolm x’s early life like
Difficult, father murdered by kkk, sent to foster home, imprisoned for burglary . He joined Nation of islam in 1952 and was getting interested in black nationalism.
Why did Malcolm x change his name?
Didn’t want slave name
How did malcolm x influence the NOI?
Became a minister and spokesman. He helped the NOI grow massively .
What were malcolm x views on mlk?
Rejected non violence ,criticised mlk , thought whites would always see blacks as inferior
When and why did malcolm x change his political views?
Left nation of islam in 1964 , changed views after pilgrimage to mecca and became willing to consider intergration and accept white help. Met SNCC and CORE
When was malcolm x assassinated?
1965 by NOI, 15000 attended funeral
What was the black power movement?
- represented all black people from all social classes
- radical group, black supremacists
- given up on MLK
- strong support from black community
- believe they deserve equality
- had guns
- wanted blacks to celebrate ancestory and heritage
Reasons for the emergence of black power?
- encourage blacks to be proud of heritage and reject white help and integration
- influenced by Malcolm x and spoke about revolution
- very popular amongst the poor , as the movement focused on local issues and tried to improve living standards in ghettos.
What was stokley Carmichael?
- believed in non violent protest, but also a black nationalist
- may 1966 , became leader of the SNCC, introducing more radical beliefs
- more black power supporters joined SNCC , radicalising the campaign
- many left who disagreed with him. After he used militant language at the march against fear
How was the symbol of the panther founded?
Stokely Carmichael set up lowndes county freedom organisation . Symbol was a panther, which spread.
What was the march against fear?
- protest
- james meredith shot
- made core and sncc less welcoming to white supporters
- said blacks will start saying black power
What happened at the Mexico olympics in 1968?
-tommy smith and john carlos done a black power salute on the podium after 200m
Why the Mexico olympics was significant?
Caused a great shock , it was seen all over the world, inspired young people to throw away parents beliefs. Many joined black power movement after
What happened to tommy smith and John carlos?
Received threats and suspended from the team
When were the blakc panthers founded?
Who founded black panthers?
Huey newton and bobby seale
Who were the black panthers?
Early attention: marched to Sacramento with guns to protest antigun laws
Beliefs: black people needed black officials and police to protect them
What uniform did the black panthers wear?
Black beret , trousers, leather jacket
What did the black panthers do?
Street patrols, pressed local government officials to improve lives of blacks, gave courses on black history . Organised medical clinics which helped massively. Controlled schools
Black panther success?
Local activities in ghetto communities, health clinics , breakfast clubs
Negatives of the black panther group?
involved in robberies and deliberately provoking police. Lots of funding come from bank robberies misused there firearms , got into shoot outs near schools.