2.3. Economic activities in organizations: Functions and business areas Flashcards
2 systems of economic activities in a firm
- Functional areas
- Business areas
Functional area
subset of processes characterised by a function/specialisation. e.g. developing, manufacturing, selling and by the skills used in these processes. e.g. design, production
Business area
product/market area with its own distinctive features (as well costs and revenues); it differs from the other areas in which the same firm operates
organisational units that perform activities belonging to a functional area
organisational units that perform activities belonging to a business area. e.g. SEA division, South America division/ product division or geographical division
Institutional Structure Design
- creation (founding the organisation)
- basic configuration (defning legal status)
- transformation
- termination of the organisation
=> how to structure equity capital
Core operations
Refer to the extensive set of activities by which the firm actually carries out economic production
operating income = revenues - costs
Types of core operations
- R&D
- Purchasing
- Manufacturing
- Sales and Marketing
- Logistics
- establish new product features and production methods
- fundamental research. e.g. technology research => get outside innovation
- technology/competition watch (understanding trends in terms of tech)
- evaluation of customer needs
- new product development
- problem solving with exisitng products and upgrade
- quality check
Buying long term use equipment/facilities, raw materials, services
- recognition of needs
- forecast and plan requirements
- supplier identification/evaluation/selection
- analysing quotations and bids
- placing orders
- spend analysis
- contract mgmt
- supplier relationship mgmt
Sales and marketing
- selling the firm’s product while optimising economic profitability
- understand customers, competitors’ offering, define sales policies, advertising and communication campaign
- sales and marketing skills + technical skills
- Transport, store and move raw materials, semi finished or finished products
- Multidisciplinary skills
New product development
- technology idea
- contact with suppliers/availability
- feasibility/prototyping/production
- customer’s need
Debt and equity management/Finance
Set of activities undertaken by the firm in order to cover its financial needs
because firms have to incur expenses/payments before being able to sell products
financial needs:
increase with the size of investment, length of production cycle, length of payment period for customers
decreases with the length of payment period for suppliers
What does debt and equity mgmt do?
forecasting and analysing financial need
optimal mix of equity capital and debt capital
planning and executing transactions involving capital (equity/loan)
handling contracts
Mgmt of non core investments
deal with surplus of funds generated by firms
goal: generate extra revenues in addition to core operations
e. g. investment in state securities, buy other firms
Tax mgmt
firms are required to pay various of taxes in exchange for the right to utilise public goods
Insurance mgmt
organisations are subject to general economic risk. e.g. the chance that general economic activities generate profits/losses which promote or threaten the longetivity of the organisation
organisations are also exposed to particular risks which can be covered by insurance