2.2.1 Helminths (Nematodes, Ascaris-Trichuris-Enterobius) Flashcards
A giant round word that is also known as the “disease of the poverty”
Ascarius lumbricoides
A. lumbricoides is the most common intestinal nematode of man (Reported)
T or F
A. lumbricoides possess 3 conspicuous lips:
- ___ Dorsal
- ___ Ventral
1 Dorsal
2 Ventral
A. lumbricoides:
Has albuminous coverin that can be lost in “decorticated eggs”
Thick transparent hyaline shell with vitelline, lipoidal inner membrane
- Fertile egg
- Infertile egg
Fertile egg
A. lumbricoides:
Thin shell
Irrgeluar mammilated coating filled refractile granules
- Fertile egg
- Infertile egg
infertile egg
What is the infective stage for A lumbricoides?
Fully embryonated egg
A. lumbricoides:
Female worm only: Produce infertile egg
Male worm only: No egg
T or F
This is the reason why there is no egg in feces
A. lumbricoides Life cycle:
Soil containing embryonated egg is ingested. This then develops in the intestinal wall and turns into ________ to PENETRATE the intestinal wall.
A. lumbricoides Life cycle:
After penetrating the wall, the larvae enters the vein to the ______, which further goes to the _______ of lungs and the larvae undergo molting.
Liver, Airsac
A. lumbricoides Life cycle:
After molting of larvae, the person will cough up the larvae to the ________ and be swallowed again to the GI tract and continuos to develop in the _____________
Small intestine
Unfertilized egg is seen in the microscope and is suspected to be A. lumbricoides, Does this indicate both female and male? or female only?
Female only
Unfertilized egg can’t be fertilized without male SO if there is FERTILIZED egg in the specimen, this indicates both male and female worm
Diagnostic stage for A. lumbricoides?
Fertilized and unfertilized egg
If A. lumbricoides is in the sputum, what is the stage?
Host for A. lumbricoides
Human and Swine
Most common human helminthic infection globally
A. lumbricoides
Also known as Nakamura sign
Bowel obstruction
Ascaris pneumonitis is also known as
Loeffler syndrome
A. lumbricoides:
Migrating worms may cause symptoms occlusion of the biliary tract, appendicitis or nasopharyngeal expulsion particularly in infection involving single _______ worm
Nakamura sign is due to Adult Ascaris
T or F
Adult worms obstruct Intestine and absorbs nutrients
Lab diagnosis A. lumbricoides:
Direct Fecal smear
Kato technique (egg)
Concentration technique (Egg)
Which among the following does not belong
This is also known as WHIP worm
Trichuris trichuria
Trichuris trichuria is the ___ most common nematode found in humans, behind Ascaris
T. trichuria
Arrangement of somatic muscles in cross section where the cells are small
a. Hologram
b. Holomyurian
c. Holofurian
d. Holomydurian
b. Holomyurian
T. trichuria
_______- bluntly rounded posterior end
Coiled posterior with single spicule and retractile sheath. ____ anterior portion _____ Poster portion
Thin anterior (face)
Thick Posterior (Tail)
Trichuris Trichuria:
_______ shaped/Lemon shaped/Football shaped, ___________ lantern bile stained with ______ mucoid plugs
Barrel, Japanese, Bipolar
Trichuris trichuria
Egg are more susceptible to _______
Desiccation (Dry)
Trichuris trichuria Life cycle:
The ___________ egg develop in SOIL which then develop in to __-cell stage and it will create advanced cleavage.
Unembryonated egg, 2-cell stage
Trichuris trichuria Life cycle:
After the development of advanced cleavage, this will turn into ____________ egg. If upon ingestion, this egg develops in the ___________________ to become and adult
Embryonated, Large intestine
In Trichuris trichuria, what is being develop in the soil?
Unembryonated egg
Since Trichuris trichuria develops in Large intestine, this weakens the muscle that holds the Large intestine and if the patient force body to defecate, it may lead to ____________
Rectal prolapse
JUST REMEMBER THAT Trichuris trichuria develop in the LARGE INTESTInE (ET)
Trichuriasis causes invasion of intestinal tissue
T or F
Whipworm infection
Trichuriasis causes severe anemia
T or F
Due to chronic blood loss from the destruction of large intestine caused by the worm
Lab Dx of T. trichuria includes:
- Kato technique
- Concentration technique
Which of the following does not belong
Concentration technique
Also known as Pinworm / Seatworm / SOCIETY worm
Enterobius vermicularis
Most common helminth infection in the world that is unrecorded
Enterobius vermicularis
E. vermicularis:
______ die after copulation
______ die after oviposition
E. vermicularis can infect those who are within the ______
E. vermicularis Morphology:
Adult worm: small, spindle-shaped whitish or brownish in color
T or F
E. vermicularis Morphology:
Adult worm has a pair of lateral articular expansion known as “________” or “________” on the ________ part
Lateral wings or Cephalic alae
E. vermicularis Morphology:
Has a prominent _______ esophageal bulb, flask shaped esophagus
E. vermicularis Morphology:
Ova of this parasite has a _-shaped ova
E. vermicularis Morphology:
Ova is elongated,_______ on the ventral side with larva inside
E. vermicularis Morphology:
This ova has ___ layer of egg shell which are ________ and ________
Albuminous layer
Lipoidal layer
E. vermicularis Morphology:
MOT of egg
What parasite that can infect on the boarding house?
Enterobius vermicularis
Enterobius egg is AEROSOL transmitted
Enterobius vermicularis Life cycle:
Eggs on perianal that is embryonated is ingested by human (Oral fecal route). The larvae hatch in the ______ intestine.
Enterobius vermicularis Life cycle:
Once the larvae hatch, it will develop and migrates to the _________ (Large intestine ). The Female migratest to thee ________ region at NIGHT to lay eggs
lumen or cecum
Perianal region
Enterobius egg is Prominent on feces
T or F
Rarely seen (Absent if walang rarely)
E. vermicularis is________ wherein there is an intense itchiness on the perianal region that may transfer to your hand and chances are may transfer to your mouth.
self limiting
E. vermicularis may causes secondary bacterial infection due to intense itch
T or F
Source of E. vermicularis?
E. vermicularis Dx:
Dx is confirmed by finding worms or eggs on _______________ examination
E. vermicularis:
Adult worms may be seen in the perianal region
T or F
How do you get specimen in perianal region for E. vermicularis?
Graham scotch tape swab
E. vermicularis usually seein in unhygenic person
T or F