1.2.1 Protozoans (Amoeba) Flashcards
All Amoebas are intestinal except?
E. gingivalis
No chromatoidal bodies / Peripheral chromatin
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butchlii
Lately, what ameoba has cyst?
D. fragilis
Pseudopod = Long and finger-like
Movement = Progressive unidirectional
Cytoplasm = Clean, no RBC
Peripheral chromatin = Even
Entamoeba histolytica
Pseudopod = Round, blunted
Movement = Sluggish, nondirectional
Cytoplasm = Dirty, w/ RBC
Peripheral chromatin = Irregular
Entamoeba coli
Nuclear membrane = Thin
Karyosome = Minute central
Chromatoidal body = Cigar / Sausage
Nucleus = 1-4 (<4)
Entamoeba histolytica
Nuclear membrane = Thick
Karyosome = Eccentric central
Chromatoidal body = Whisk shape/ Splintered glass
Nucleus = 1-8 (>4)
Entamoeba coli
Which among entamoeba is non-pathogenic?
E. coli
Part of E. histolytica that causes cytoadherence
Part of E. histolytica that causes CPE, mucous adhesion
Cysteine proteinase
Part of E. histolytica that causes Cytolysis
Infective stage of E. histolytica can also be use for Diagnosis
T or F
E. _______ is morphologically like E. histolytica to which in differentiating them is though PCR
Small Entamoeba
E. hartmanni
Smallest protozoan
Endolimax nana
Has no cyst that causes pyorrhea alveolaris
Entamoeba gingivalis
Endolimax nana (Karyosome)
Trophozoite: cross-eye
Cyst: Blot-like
T or F
Cyst of Endolimax nana contains how many nuclei?
Endolimax nana has no chromatin
which indicated not true amoeba
T or F
What is the infective stage for E. histolytica?
Trophozoite: Large karyosome surrounded by granules
Cyst: 1 nuclei with large glycogen vacuole
Iodamoeba butchlii
This amoeba contains spiny hyaline extensions
Acanthamoeba sp.
What do you call the spiny hyaline extensions of Acanthamoeba?
Which of the following are non pathogenic:
E. coli
E. gingivalis
Iodamoeba butchlii
Endolimax nana
All of them
What is the infective stage for Acanthamoeba?
Causes amebic liver abcess (ALA)
E. histolytica
amebic liver abcess looks like a?
Anchovy sauce
E. histolytica
Amoebic dysentery (Flask shaped ulcer) is seen in the ________
Indication of infection for E. histolytica that is cause by eosinphils
Charcot leyden Crystals
This amoeba causes disease from contact lens, Corneal infection, Chronic meningoencephalitis in Immunocompromised, and Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis
Acanthamoeba sp.
Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalitis is usually and quite common in Acanthamoeba
T or F
Immunocompromised patients are more likely to get disease from Acanthamoeba than healthy person
T or F