2.2.1 Electron Structure Flashcards
describe electron structure
electrons occupy different levels around an atom each energy level is made up of subshells and each subshell contains orbitals
define orbital
An orbital is an area of space in an atom which can hold up to 2 electrons with opposite spin.
what are the types of subshells
subshells are labelled s,p,d,f depending on the type of obrital they contain.
describe the s-orbital
- spherical shape
- an s-subshell contains only one s-orbital
- which can hold up to 2 electrons
describe the p-orbital
- dumbell shape (figure of eight/ bone)
- a p-subshell contains 3 p-orbitals
- that can hold up to 6 electrons (2 each)
the alternative shape names in brakets are for visual help not valid answers.
describe the d-orbitals
- a d-subshell contains 5 d-orbitals
- that can hold up to 10 electrons (2 each)
describe the f-orbitals
- an f-subshell contains 7 f-orbitals
- that can hold up to 14 electrons (2 each)
what does the first energy level (shell) contain
- an s-subshell → an s-orbital → 2 e-
what does the second energy level (shell) contain
- an s-subshell and a p-subshell
→ an s-orbital and 3 p-orbitals
→ 8e-
what does the third energy level (shell) contain
- an s-subshell, a p-subshell and a d-subshell
→ an s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals and 5 d-orbitals
what does the fourth energy level (shell) contain
- an s-subshell, a p-subshell, a d-subshell and an f-subshell
→ an s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals, 5 d-orbitals and 7 f-orbitals
→ 32e-
what is the order for electron configuration
- 1s
- 2s 2p
- 3s 3p 3d
- 4s 4p 4d 4f
- 5s 5p 5d 5f
- 6s 6p 6d df
arrows go diagonally eg.
what is the rule with 4s
fill and empty 4s before 3d
what are the rules for filling orbitals with electrons
- Electrons fill the orbitals from the lowest energy level to the highest.
- When electrons occupy the same orbital they have opposite spin (↑↓)
- Electrons occupy orbitals at the same energy individually before pairing.
what are the notations used to display electron configurations
- electron configuration
eg. sodium = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 - noble gas configuration
eg. Nickle = [Ar] 4s2 3d8 - electon-in-a-box diagram
eg. uses ↑ and ↓ in boxes to represent electrons.