22 Energy Management Flashcards
What is the global pattern for energy demand and supply?
- energy consumption per person is very high in North America, Europe and Australia
- Low across Asia and Africa
- some regions have growing demand for industry and public transport
What is energy insecurity?
- if demand exceeds supply for a country’s energy, then the country has a deficit and an energy insecurity
- vice-versa
Which regions have an energy insecurity?
- Western Europe (reliant on imports)
- North America (tech is lacking to exploit shale oil)
- Asia (demand is rapidly increasing outsripping supply)
- Africa (dependent on foreign TNC’s to extract reserves)
Which regions have energy security?
- Russia + Eastern Europe (uranium and fossil fuel reserves)
- Middle East (oil)
What 5 factors affect energy supply?
- Costs of Exploitations and Production - most energy sources require huge investment to exploit(nuclear power station)
- Physical Factors - some areas can have things like geothermal due to location
- Political Factors - can affect energy desicions (e.g South-China Sea, Russo-Ukraine war)
- Climate - solar + wind + HEP
- Technology - can reduce costs, new methods to extract such as fracking
What are the 2 reasons energy consumption is increasing?
- Economic Development - NEE’s become more industrialised and wealthy, need more energy (lifestyle)
- Increasing Population and Technology - (by 2050 pop is expected to be 9billion and many of these are in countries with energy instesvive lifestyle with tech)
What 3 things can be done to help energy insecurity?
- agreements with other countries to import energy
- further exploit their own resources
- reduce consumption through saving or new tech
Describe the Arctic energy exploitation case study (who,what,where,why,)
- USA, Russia, countries that claim north of Arctic Circle, Greenland
- 13% of the worlds undiscovered oil and 30% of gas lie in the Arctic which makes it ripe for exploitation
- Arctic Circle, Alaska, Greenland, Russia
- great potential for exploitation
Positives and negatives of Arctic energy case study?
(plus) large amounts of resources (13 and 30%)
_ people wil demand higher wages to work in a remote location
_ drilling equipment may sink during summer thaw
_ territories north of Arctic Circle is claimed by 8 countries
_ environmental costs of oil spill are catastrophic
_ increased transport costs due to long distances
_ special equipment may be needed
What is the impact of energy insecurity on food production?
- 30% of global energy is used for food production, for fertlizers, heating of livestock, store produce, and power farm machinery
- plants can also be used as biofuels such as maize and sugar (can also be grown on pervious food-farming land)
What are the impacts of energy insecurity on industry?
- energy is essential for industry as a source of power and a raw material
- e.g power cuts in Pakistan lead to an estimated 4% loss in GDP
- energy that is imported can also be expensive raising costs of production
How could energy lead to conflict?
- e.g Russia Ukraine war lead to no gas supplies to Europe
- Gulf Wars privatised oil for the West and took it away from the people
- South China Sea
What are the 2 options for increasing energy supply?
- Develop and increase use of sustainable/ renewable energy sources
- Continue to exploit non renewable sources like fossil fuels and nuclear energy
What is the main problem with nuclear power?
- disposal of waste, heightened fears due to events such as Chernobyl
How is oil/natural gas formed?
- the organic matter of decomoposed organisms was buried under sediment and heated by compression
- lack of oxygen converted it into hydrocarbons
- oderless and colourless natural gas collects in concentrations called resovoirs which they can be extracted from
Where is natural gas found?
- 60% is found in Russia, Qatar and Iran
What are the advantages of extracting natural gas?
- cleanest of all fossil fuels, nearly 50% less CO2 emmisions than others and less toxic NO and SO2
- less risk of environmental accidents than oil
- employment for 1.2 million people
- can be transported many ways
- abudnant compared to other fuels making shale extraction more economic
- power stations can be shut off when not needed so provided energy during peak demand periods
what are the disadvantages of extracting natural gas?
- dangerous if not handled or transported carefully
- gas supply can be used as a political weapon or in places that are unstable
- still contributed to global warming
- fracking is controversial as can lead to wastewater and minor earthquakes
- pipelines are expensive
What is the Amazon natural gas project?
- Camisea project in Peru to exploit a huge natural gas field in the Amazon
What are some benefits of the Amazon natural gas project?
- save Peru $4 billion in energy costs
- make up to 34$ billion in 30 years in exports
- provides employment and boosts local economies
- improved infrastructure can help locals and other industries
What are some costs of the Amazon gas project?
- deforestation over the pipelines and other developments will affect natural habitats
- impact the lives of indigenous tribes
- local people have no immunity to diseases from developers
What features does Malmo, Sweden have that makes it sustainable?
- all buses run on a biogas and natural gas mix
- cyclists have priority at crossroads
- car share scheme and frquent buses
- energy from photovolatic cells, wind turbines and biogas from rubbish
- solar tubes on the outsides of buildings provide hot water heating
What are 4 ways to reduce energy demand?
- financial incentives
- raising awarness
- greater off peak energy tarrifs
- technology - (electric cars, biofuel)
Describe the Chambamontera micro-hydro scheme
- isolated community in the Andes and needs this because no electricty grid was built as it was isolated and has a low and poor population
- uses the steep slopes to create a micro hyrdro scheme
- costs of $51,000, some government money, some Japanese FDI and some the residents took loans for (750$ per person)
How has the micro-hydro scheme benefited the local community?
- low cost of running and maintenace and provides energy
- reduction in migration from village
- les wood needs to be burnt and less deforestation
- energy is available in winter when demand is high
- street lights and refrigeration
- schoolwork after dark