2.1 Field Techniques Flashcards
Point Count
Involves the observer recording all individuals seen from a fixed location. Often used when investigating birds
The identification and naming of organisms and their classification into groups based on shared characteristics
The study of the evolutionary history and relationships among individuals or groups of organisms
Divergent Evolution
When groups from the same common ancestor evolve and accumulate differences, resulting in the formation of new species.
Convergent Evolution
The independent evolution of similar features in different species.
Animal Kingdom Divisons
Arthropoda, nematoda, chordata
Indicator Species
Species whose presence, absence or abundance can give information on environmental qualities, such as the presence of pollutant
Lincoln Petersen Method
N = MC/R
N = estimated number of animals in population
M = number of animals marked on the first visit
C = number of animals captured on the second visit
R = number of recaptured animals that were marked
The placing of a visible coded loop or ring around a leg. Often used for birds
Consists of a visible or GPS coded attachment
Surgical Implantation
Involves inserting a microchip into the animal’s tissue
Hair Clipping or Ear Punching
Involves making a unique hair clip or ear punch and is often appropriate for mammals.
The time between a stimulus occurring and the response behaviour being observed
The number of times a behaviour occurs within the observation period
The length of time each behaviour occurs during the observation period
A list or graphic display of the behaviours shown by a species in a wild context
The allocation of human characteristics and emotions to the behaviour of animals
Made up of invertebrates with jointed legs and a segmented body, typically with paired appendages
Made up of round worms which are very diverse and many of them are parasitic
Vertebrates and others with a dorsal or spinal notochord
A research activity done in natural habitats outside the lab.
Methods of Identification
Classification guides, biological keys and DNA analysis