204.01A Hazardous Materials Evacuation Flashcards
Site evacuation involves a small number of citizens that are easily evacuated and collected upwind a at the perimeter area. What are the general holding times?
Less than an hour or two
What are the three levels of evacuation?
Site evacuation
Intermediate level
Large-scale evacuation
An incident involving _______ has a higher probability of causing an evacuation of an affected area than any other incident.
Hazardous materials
Intermediate level evacuation normally affects how many citizens? How long will they remain out of the area?
Fewer than 100
2 to 4 hours or more
What will dictate the speed of evacuation?
The speed of the developing hazard
During in-place sheltering command may need to provide instructions to affect public on what?
Shutting down cooling systems
Sealing their building
How do you determine what shelters can be utilized during incidents?
Red disaster operational manual
Evacuate persons from the area of _______ first.
Greatest danger
Who can be used for evacuation notices?
News media
Evacuate those at greatest risk first. Evacuate the greatest _____ area next.
Concentrated areas
What equipment on the truck can be used to speed up the alert process when making on site evacuation?
PA system
When making face-to-face notifications, what instructions should be given?
There’s been a hazardous material incident
You are in danger
Leave immediately
Go to the shelter (location)
Take ( ) route out of your area
Do you need transportation?
Provide the customer with evacuation instructions
What items should crewmembers instructions citizens to take with them?
Proper clothing
When making notification of evacuation over PA used 3 five-seconds blasts of siren while on the YELP setting, followed by instructions over the PA, with it turned to maximum volume. Proceed slowly, initiating notifications at the beginning of each block and each ______ after that.
50 yards
Once each assigned grid of objectives is complete, report completion of the evacuation to the_______?
Evacuation branch/sector officer
What is the evacuation triage philosophy?
We’ll evacuate the greatest number for the greatest benefit
Some citizens may refuse to leave. What are some methods of persuasion to leave?
Be in uniform, wear your helmet
Wear SCBA and facepiece
Ask for next of kin
Write down the next of kin information
Anytime more than _____ persons are evacuated, the duty deputy advises the city manager of the situation.
Provide progress reports every _____ minutes to the EOC, unless the EOC requires more frequent or less frequent reports.
30 minutes
Returning evacuees to their homes will be the sole responsibility of whom?
FD incident commander or the EOC staff in operation
Large-scale evacuations involves how many people and in what time frame?
Thousands of citizens
Hours if not days
During this level of evacuation, the city EOC will be opened to support the evacuation and site operations?
Large-scale evacuation
The decision to evacuate is to be considered when?
Quickly and early
In-place sheltering can be considered for what situations?
Material has been identified as having a low or moderate level of health risk
Material had been released from its container and is now dissipating
Leaks can be controlled rapidly and before evacuation can be completed
Exposure to the product is expected to be short-term and of low health risk
The public can be adequately protected by staying indoors
PD responsibilities include what?
Provide a ranking officer to the command post
Provide a ranking officer to the evacuation sector/branch
Provide a communication system for police resources
Traffic control traffic routing
Perimeter security
Evacuation zone security
Once long-term sheltering is in place, who will open and manage shelters?
Red Cross
The Red Cross will need up to how many hours to get adequate resources and personnel to the shelter sites?
3 hours
What type of commitment from PD will be required to accomplish evacuation?
Large commitment
Individual refusals will be handled how?
Left to fend for themselves
If the evacuees do choose to stay what should be done?