202.05 Fire Ground Safety Flashcards
In the typical fire involved building, the _______ is the most likely candidate for failure, however failure of the roof may very likely trigger a collapse of one or more wall sections.
A ________ length of unprotected steel will expand 9 feet when heated to _______.
If after ________ of interior operations heavy fire conditions still exists, command should initiate a careful evaluation of structural conditions, and should be fully prepared to withdraw interior crews and change to a defensive strategy.
10-15 minutes
All personnel entering the hot zone shall what three things?
Wear full turnouts
Have crew intact
Be assigned to a sector
When conditions make the building untenable, what five actions should take place?
Account for personnel
When utilizing an elevator to go aloft, crews should take the elevator _______ floors below the suspected fire floor.
When operating around a high-rise building where potential hazards exist, a fire ground printer shall be established ______ from the building and shall be observed by all fire personnel has a high hazard area.
The safety of firefighting personnel represents the major reason for an effective and well-timed _________ decision and the associate write-off by command.
The two strategies are based on a standard ________ that is to be employed at all structure fires.
Risk management plan
When operating in an offensive strategy, what will eliminate most eventual safety problems?
An effective, coordinated interior attack operation directed toward knocking down the fire
If personnel have not been assigned to a sector or do not have a necessary staff function to perform, they shall remain ________.
Outside the fire ground perimeter
Command should limit the number of personnel on the fire ground to those assigned to a necessary staff function. All personnel shall be one of what three things?
Positioned in staging
Assigned to a task or operating within a sector
Having completed an assignment and no other assignment is available within the sector, crews should be assigned to a resource, staging, or rehabilitation sector
When laddering a roof, the ladder selected should be one which will extend ______ feet above the roofline. This shall be done in an effort to provide from personnel operating on the roof with a visible means of egress.
When laddering buildings under fire conditions, place ladders ________, as these areas are generally more stable in event of structural failure.
Near buildings corners or firewalls
What is the hot zone defined as?
Any area that requires SCBA, PPE, charged hose line and in which firefighter personnel are at risk of becoming lost, trapped, or injured by the environment or structure
The warm zone will be defined as just outside the hot zone where the firefighters _______ on the fire ground. This zone is where the firefighter is not at risk of becoming lost trapped or injured by the environment or structure
Start their operations
What zone could utility trucks operating? Fire investigations? Command?
Who is at risk in the cold zone?
No one
What represents the major reason for fire ground sectorization?
Safety of firefighting personnel
Sector commanders must maintain the capability to communicate with forces under their command so that they can control both the _______ and _______ of the companies.
When is structural collapse a possibility when the building is subject to intense fire?
The possibility of _______ should be a major consideration in the deployment of any tactical plan.
Structural collapse
Failure of the roof may very likely trigger a collapse of one or more wall sections. This is especially true if the roof is a ______ or ______ type, which may exert outward pressure against both the bearing, and non-bearing walls upon collapse.
Lightweight truss and bar joist roof construction can be expected to fail after how much fire exposure?
What do the following have in common: parapet walls, supermarkets, warehouses, large signs or marquees, cantilevered canopies, ornamental or secondary front or sidewalls, buildings with lightweight, bar joist, or bowstring roofs, building supported by unprotected metal beams, columns?
These have been known to fail prematurely or contribute to early structural failure when affected by fire
When emergency traffic is utilized the interior should describe the apparent hazard and ________.
Order a positive response, usually to evacuate the area or section
Upon receipt of emergency traffic evacuation order, command officers shall assemble their crews and _________ and ________.
Probably exit to a safe location
Report a PAR
Crews retreating from the interior operations often require hose line protection. The protection afforded to firefighting personnel in such situation represents a major function of _________.
Back-up lines
Prior to entering the search area, all search team members should be familiar with the specific search plan including the ________, _______ and individual assignments.
Overall objective
A designation of the search area
A brief ________ the fire may provide good reference for the search team when searching floors in a multi story building.
Look around the floor below
If search personnel are operating without a hoseline, _________ should be used when encountering conditions of severely limited visibility.
In high-rise buildings before using an elevator, the nearest _________ should be identified.
Enclosed stairwell
How do you use elevators without the emergency operations firefighter service feature if a working fire is indicated?
They shall not be used
When operating in a defensive mode, operating positions should be where?
As far from the involved area as possible while still remaining effective
Position and operate from behind barriers if available
In situations where crews must operate from opposing or conflicting positions, such as front/rear attack streams, roof crews/interior crew, utilize ________ to coordinate activities with those of the opposing crew in an effort to prevent needless injuries.
Radio or face-to-face communications
When operating either above or below ground level establish at least two escape routes when possible, preferably where should these be?
Opposite ends or diagonal corners of the building
Separated by considerable distance
True or false: hazards that will affect only a specific sector should be dealt with within that sector and need not necessarily affect the entire operation.
Individual crews shall not report to rehab sector unless who assigns them?
Fire ground commander
Command shall establish a safety sector at incidents involving an ______ danger to personnel.
The method of evacuation selected will very depending on what circumstances?
Immanence of hazard
Type and extent of hazard
Perception of the area affected by the hazard
Considerable discretion should be applied to the use of emergency traffic announcements because it can become what?
Ineffective if overused
The initiator of the emergency traffic should describe what when making this announcement?
Apparent hazard
Order a positive response, usually to evacuate the particular area or section
Individual search activities should be conducted by how many members when possible?
Two or more
If a working fire is suspected in a high-rise building you should utilize what to go aloft if possible?
In high-rise fires, the elevator shaft must be checked to ensure that the heat and fire have not damaged the hoist mechanism by checking where?
The space between the door frame and the elevator car and shining a light up the shaft
We should do what when using elevators with firefighter feature?
Engage the emergency operation
Take elevator two floors below the fire floor
Prepare to close the door immediately by removing finger from door control button, if fire or smoke is visible on the floor
Pumpers supplying water should utilize which hydrants whenever possible when operating at a high-rise fire?
Outside hazard zone