202.18 Tire Fires Flashcards
What are three options for extinguishing tire fires?
Burn it
Burry it
Drown it
Upon arrival the company officer must determine what about the tire fire?
The stage of combustion the tire pile is in
What is the long-term hazard of drowning a tire fire?
Increase in toxic air emissions as the fire is cooled causing the combustion process to slow down
What are the exposure hazards with the smoke plume, water runoff, and soil?
Volatile organic chemicals
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Carbon monoxide
Heavy metals
How much oil does the average passenger car tire hold?
2.5 gallons
How can toxins from tire first be absorbed?
Through the skin, mucous membranes, or respiratory system
What assignment will be dispatched when it is determined that the tire pile is on fire?
2-1 hazardous
The incipient stage of a tire fire begins with the point of ignition. Once the tire has gained an open flame front, the heat of the fire is absorbed by this surrounding tire material. In the incipient stage what would eliminate the threat to remaining tires?
Separate the burning tires for the rest of the pile and/or applying water and foam
When a crust has formed over a pile and internal temperatures reach about 2000°F, what stages begun?
Smoldering phase
During the initial size up what does the company officer have to determine?
If the fire can be extinguished quickly without endangering personnel
Oil not consumed by the fire will leach into the soil, pool and begin to flow under the pile. Heat from the fire could ignite the oil, resulting in a ______ fire.
Three-dimensional fire
What will the be the most immediate concern if on arrival the fire is in the free burning or smoldering stage?
Life safety of community and firefighters
_______ of the hazards involved in a tire fire can be the best personal protection.
When exposed to extreme heat the tires reach a state of combustion where volumes of what type of oil can be produced?
How many degrees Fahrenheit must be reached for a crust to form over the tire pile?
If the fire is in the free burning or smoldering stage the most immediate concern is what?
Safety of firefighters and community
What is the minimum level of protection required for everyone working the tire fire?
Full turnout gear including SCBA
What can be worn under leather gloves for added protection from contact with contaminated water, oil, etc.?
Surgical gloves
Are smoldering tires less dangerous than tires in a free burning stage?
They are just as toxic
What sector will command establish to ensure accountability?
Lobby sector
When multiple points of entry at the incident exist what other sectors should be established?
Evacuation sector is normally established early or later in the incident?
_______ considerations play an important role in the burry it strategy.
The use of foam would best be employed on which tire fires?
Small fires
Fires in incipient stage