203.01.18 Chimney/Flue/Ventilation Duct Fires Flashcards
What are the priorities at a “Chimney/Flue/Vent” Fire?
- Rescue
- Fire control
- Property Conservation
Response to a chimney, flue, ventilation or duct fire will be dispatched as a:
1 Alarm Fire
Strategic goals for a chimney, flue or ventilation duct fire include:
a. Extinguishing the fire
b. Limiting fire extension
c. Ventilation as required
d. Overhaul
e. Salvage
Initial arriving companies shall ensure the occupancy is:
Fully evacuated
Signs of extension into the ceiling and walls include:
discolouration or blistering of surface materials; hot surfaces noted on the thermal imaging camera and smoke emitting from cracks, electrical outlets, light fixtures, eaves and roof coverings.
It is recommended ________ extinguishment bags be utilized for rapid extinguishment while preventing structural damage to the chimney flue system.
ABC dry powder
- Interior Operations
a. Interior operations should be focused on removing occupants,
locating and extinguishing the fire.
b. Advance and place a fire line to the:
most advantageous exterior door
- Interior Operation
d. Locate the firebox and work to extinguish and remove all hot and
combustible material to the outside for final extinguishment via the:
chimney kit salvage can
_______ should be deployed at the base of the firebox or
anywhere else where debris could fall to prevent additional
property damage as a result of extinguishment efforts.
Salvage covers
Avoid spraying water _________ to prevent thermal
shock to the flue structure. Once extinguishment and removal
completed, confirm the exhaust damper is open.
up the chimney flue
The firebox should then be starved of airflow via one of the following methods:
i. For firebox with an open front, companies should utilize a canvas salvage cover to temporarily cover the opening as tightly as possible.
ii. For stoves, ovens or fireboxes with doors; shut and close all doors and air intakes in order to limit the airflow to the fire in the flue.
iii. Fireboxes with a blower fan should have the fan turned off.
Roof operations should focus on:
Gaining access to the highest point of the chimney flue for a visual inspection and extinguishment of the fire
Chimney tops may have a cap installed consisting of a screen or spark arrestor. If equipped, all caps on the chimney:
shall be removed
Do not deploy chimney bomb until:
interior operations confirm starvation of air supply at the fire box
DO NOT direct water into chimney flue from __________
chimney top
If the initial interior fire line is required to be placed in-service, a second fire line should be stretched to:
the most advantageous exterior door.
Do Not dump _________ down a chimney, flue or ventilation duct as this has been proven ineffective
extinguishment powder
If the chimney flue is excessively clogged with creosote, the _______ should be deployed
chimney chain
i. After dropping the first chimney bomb, slowly lower the ________ until it reaches the base. Interior crews will notify the roof crew when the chimney chain is at the base.
ii. Once confirmation is received from interior operating crews, roof crews should _________ inside the chimney. This will cause the burning creosote to fall to the base of the chimney. Once this is complete raise the chain.
iii. Drop additional chimney bombs to extinguish any remaining fire.
chimney chain… vigorously spin the chain…
Should the above method be unsuccessful in extinguishing the chimney, flue or ventilation duct fire, the fire may be attacked from the interior at the ______. This method involves the introduction of ________ while simultaneously restricting air intake via one of the aforementioned methods.
firebox… ABC dry powder…
If fire has occurred in the ventilation duct / flue of a commercial kitchen exhaust system, the _______ and the ________ must be notified.
Building Department… Health Department…