203.01.14 Rapid Assist Teams Flashcards
RAT stands for?
Rapid Assistance Team
Rat Group Supervisor definition:
The person, usually the second due in District
Fire Chief, that is in charge of RAT operations during a Mayday on the
scene of an incident. Radio designation can be “RAT Group Supervisor”
or “RAT Supervisor”.
Alternate Fire Ground definition:
This fire ground is Channel 16 (the last fire ground channel in a zone) in all CFD Zones. This Fire Ground Channel is used during a Mayday only when the Incident Commander tells companies to switch to it. Currently this is the Mayday Channel on all CFD radios.
CAN Report definition:
Conditions, Actions, and Needs report
Which Truck will be designated as the RAT Truck?
Third closest available Truck Company will be designated as the RAT Truck.
Which Engine will designated as the Safety Engine?
Fourth closest available Engine Company will be designated as the Safety
The _______ will increase the size of the RAT Truck by at least two members and will supply two members, one being the Officer, to be designated as Accountability
Safety Engine
Once dispatched as the RAT Truck or Safety Engine, the Company shall remain assigned in that role unless changed by:
The Incident Commander
The Officer should announce the benchmark “Safety Engine 12
is Level 1” over the radio on arrival; it would then be up to the Incident
Commander to change their role depending on:
The incident conditions or arrival order
The radio designation for the RAT Truck will be:
“RAT” followed by the appropriate Company number. (Example: Truck 32 responding as the RAT Truck will be designated “RAT 32”)
The radio designation for the Safety Engine will be:
“Safety Engine” followed by the appropriate Company number.
(Example: Engine 12 responding, as Safety Engine will be designated “Safety Engine 12”). Once
the Officer reports the “on the scene” benchmark, this will be the last time
the Officer will be using the radio designation as “Safety Engine 12”
The Safety Engine Officer and one other member, usually the ______,
will assume the duties of “Accountability”. From this point on the
radio the Safety Engine Officer will use designation of _______ .
FAO… “Accountability”…
When assigned to a Truck Company, first thing in the morning following
the morning equipment check, the Officer should talk to everyone assigned
to the Company for the tour, and discuss their roles when assigned as:
RAT Truck
Following Dispatch and throughout incident (RAT CO.), remain alert to the radio and
available on the ______ of the structure.
(Most fires will require the RAT to remain on the exterior of the structure however; a high-rise or large
commercial structure may require the RAT to:
stage in a forward position
Upon arrival the RAT Company will:
Level 1 Stage and park apparatus out of the way to not impede other apparatus from approaching the scene.
Once the initial companies report a “working fire” the RAT Company shall:`
Stage apparatus and come forward to the scene, and announce they are
initiating pro-active RAT duties
If a stationary Command Post has been established, the RAT Officer will:
report face to face with the Incident Commander
Who will bring the RAT equipment forward?
The RAT FAO and firefighters
The RAT Officer will perform an initial RAT size up of the structure. This
size up will include:
a complete survey around the structure (360°) identifying all possible means of entrance and egress from the structure as well as conditions and/or obstacles that may prevent a firefighter from rapidly exiting the structure. (Example: Doors padlocked closed, Security bars on windows, etc.)
If the fire is above the ground floor of a multi-floor commercial building,
during this assessment, the RAT officer and another member of the RAT
Company can:
Enter the first floor to determine the location of the interior
stairs. If this task is performed, the environment must be free of smoke
and it must be a rapid assessment; No Freelancing.
When firefighters are operating above ground level, portable or ground
ladders shall be:
placed to upper story windows or roofs on all sides of the
structure where appropriate.
When placing RAT ladders:
Begin with the areas where firefighters are
working inside the structure. These ladders will provide an escape route
should interior positions or roof operations become untenable. Ground
ladders shall be placed on all sides of the building.
True or False: A safety fire line may be stretched and placed in front of the building. This
line is not to be used for firefighting purposes. This is to only be utilized
if needed during a “RAT” operation or rescue
Where should RAT lights be placed?
Lights shall be set up to illuminate all means of egress out of the building
All members of the RAT Truck must stay together as a Company
and not involve themselves in any activity that reduces their ability to
perform their primary function of firefighter rescue! The only exception is:
When the Officer is completing the 360° size-up and performing duties to develop an action plan should a Mayday occur.
When the “MAYDAY” procedure has been initiated by dispatch, what additional apparatus are dispatched?
An additional Alarm for staging, additional RAT Team, and an additional District Chief
During a MAYDAY the IC shall appoint a ______ to command the rescue operation.
RAT Group Supervisor
Fire Suppression Companies operating on the scene and not involved in the Mayday, should change from the assigned Fire Ground Talk Group to the __________. This clears the original Talk Group from unnecessary transmissions.
Alternate Fire Ground (FG) Channel (currently the Mayday channel)
When Fire Suppression Companies have swithched to the MAYDAY channel, what companies will be left on the original fireground?
The distressed firefighter(s), the RAT, Heavy Rescue Company, and RAT Group Supervisor…
If there is a Company in the area of the Mayday, and they feel they can immediately assist the firefighter(s) in distress, they must inform the Incident Commander, and the Incident Commander will then need to replace that Company. The assisting fire company will then also stay on the original FG Channel.
Accountability should conduct a comprehensive incident PAR on the __________ as soon as possible to determine who and how many firefighters are in peril.
Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday channel)
Begin the PAR with the companies that were in the:
most dangerous positions prior to the Mayday
Who will the IC notify if companies are missing pr members dont respond to a PAR during MAYDAY?
RAT Group Supervisor
The Incident Commander must focus his attention on controlling the fire and allow th________ to manage the rescue effort. The attack on the fire must continue.
RAT Group Supervisor
The IC shall assign someone as an _____ to the ________ to assist with accountability of companies entering the building assisting in the Mayday operations
Aide… RAT Group Supervisor…
Who will designate a Staging Officer and Staging Area for all incoming Companies?
The IC
The IC Shall request all resources that the RAT Group Supervisor needs through?
If an additional “Mayday” occurs on the Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday FG channel), the Incident Commander may need to instruct Companies working on Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday FG channel) to:
Switch to a “Tac channel”.
NOTE: This should be a last resort due to companies working in an IDLH environment could have difficulty switching.
When a Staff Officer is assigned as the SECOND SAFETY OFFICER to assist with the mayday, who will he report to?
RAT Group Supervisor
Dispatch Responsibilities (mayday):
a. Acknowledge Mayday
b. Immediately dispatch an additional alarm, an additional District Chief, and an additional RAT Company.
c. Page the Administrative / Command Staff (All Call Page).
d. All dispatched and responding Fire Companies shall be told to respond using the Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday FG channel) in the originally dispatched Fire Zone (once the Incident Commander has all companies on the scene switch to the Alternate FG channel - currently the Mayday FG channel). For example, the original Fire Talk Group was “B-2”, all dispatched and responding Fire Companies will utilize “Alternate FG B (currently Mayday B)”.
e. Shall monitor both the original fire ground channel and Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday FG channel). .
True or False: The RAT Group Supervisor (RAT Chief) shall report to IC via radio
FALSE! Shall report directly to the Incident Commander (face-to-face).
Where will the RAT Chief be located?
Command Post with the Incident Commander
The RAT Chief shall wear a ______ throughout the RAT evolution
radio headset
(RAT Chief) Shall request an Aid from the Incident Commander to assist with accountability of:
The Mayday and RAT Companies
What is the RAT Chief’s radio designations?
“RAT Group Supervisor “or “RAT Supervisor”
Shall direct the rescue efforts of the RAT Team from the ________ or a ________ in the event of a high-rise or large structure.
exterior of the structure… forward Command location….
Upon declaration of a “Mayday” shall report (face-to-face) immediately to the ________ to determine last known location of distressed firefighter from ______ and retrieve RAT Pack.
Incident Commander… Accountability Officer…
Who will the RAT Team determine the best location to make entry to search for distressed firefighter with?
RAT Group Supervisor
The RAT Team shall perform a rapid search of the structure with emphasis on the distressed fire fighter’s:
last known location
(RAT Team) The use of a _____ while searching is highly recommended.
tag line
(RAT Team) Upon finding the distressed firefighter, shall immediately transmit to the RAT Group Supervisor the:
Involved Company, and identity of the firefighter(s) by name, utilizing name plate on back of coat and or reflective name on facepiece.
Note: Do not declare an additional Mayday upon finding the distressed firefighter. This could cause confusion.
Who will the RAT Team give CAN Report to?
RAT Group Supervisor
True or False: If no extrication is involved, the RAT Team shall remove the firefighter from the structure
The RAT Officer must weigh the decision to _____ the firefighter(s) air supply if trapped. If the firefighter(s) are not trapped:
“quick fill”… remove ASAP without “quick filling”…
The RAT Officer needs to request additional resources through the __________ to assist prior to their Company becoming tired if it is going to be a long / tedious extrication.
RAT Group Supervisor
Note: RAT operations are very labor intensive. The quicker the firefighter(s) are removed from the building the better the chances for a good outcome. Ask for help early
If the firefighter requires extrication, the RAT Team shall determine the most efficient access to the distressed firefighter, communicate this information to the ________ and deploy the ______ to the exterior of the structure
RAT Group Supervisor… RAT Rope…
The RAT rope will signify:
the most direct route to the firefighter from the exterior of the structure
The RAT Company Officer shall supervise and direct the rescue effort from:
the interior
The RAT Officer answers directly to the ________. If the RAT Officer must leave the structure he/she will designate another ________ for the RAT Group Supervisor to communicate with
RAT Group Supervisor… interior rescue Officer…
RAT Officer needs to be able to communicate at all times with the __________. The Officer should not get involved in the process of RAT drags etc, this will delay communication with the _________
RAT Group Supervisor… RAT Group Supervisor…
The RAT Officer needs to control and direct the rescue effort. IF the need arises that the Officer needs to get involved in the dragging / carrying process, the officer should:
give another member of the RAT Company the responsibility of communicating with the RAT
Group Supervisor.
The RAT Company Officer shall maintain close supervision of
his/her members and shall be cognisant of their:
air supply and physical condition.
Upon declaration of a firefighter “Mayday”, the Heavy Rescue Company shall:
be relieved of their firefighting duties if operating on the scene.
The Heavy Rescue Company shall immediately report to the _________ in full PPE with fully charged SCBA and await orders.
RAT Group Supervisor
True or False : The Heavy Rescue Company shall not be used as part of the search effort.
The Heavy Rescue Company primary responsibility will be to perform _________ once the RAT Team locates the victim.
technical extrication
When the Heavy Rescue Company is/are deployed inside the structure to extricate a firefighter they shall report to the ________. The Heavy Rescue Company is/are in charge of the extrication however the _______ has responsibility for the interior rescue effort.
RAT Company Officer… RAT Company Officer…
Additional Fire Companies can consist of engine or truck
companies depending on the nature of the task to be performed and
will report to the ________ and stand by.
RAT Group Supervisor
True or False: The radio designation for additional companies assisting in RAT Operations will change?
The radio designation for these fire companies will not change.
For example if Engine 3 is dispatched or designated to assist with the RAT operations, their radio designation will remain “Engine 3”. This eliminates confusion during a very high stress time.
Per the Incident Commander’s request, (accountability) shall conduct a
comprehensive incident PAR on the Alternate FG channel (currently the Mayday FG channel) as soon as possible to determine:
who and how many firefighters are in peril
Accountability should begin their PAR on the Alternate FG channel (MAYDAY FG Channel) with companies that were:
In the most dangerous positions prior to the Mayday.
Any Companies not responding to the PAR or are reporting missing members, this information needs to reported to the ________ ASAP
Incident Commander
Per the ________ request, may need to also conduct a PAR on the original FG Channel to determine if companies not responding to the PAR on the Alternate Fireground Channel (currently the Mayday Channel) are actually missing or just did not switch to the Alternate FG (currently the Mayday channel) per the ________ request.
Incident Commanders (x2)
Note: This should only occur by the Incident Commander request to not interfere with RAT operations.
An additional Accountability Officer may also be assigned to the _________ to assist in determining the location of the RAT Truck and all assisting companies.
RAT Group Supervisor
Who is in charge of overall scene and operational safety?
Does SO2 report to IC or RAT Group Supervisor?
Reports directly to the Incident Commander, not the RAT Group
________ shall evaluate the proactive RAT tactics of the RAT Company and
take actions to correct insufficient RAT operations.
SO2 shall monitor _______ and _______, while advising
fire conditions… building stability…
Who shall become the EMS Group Supervisor?
ALS Supervisor
What are ALS Supervisor’s duties (during RAT Operations)?
a. Shall become EMS Group Supervisor.
b. Shall set-up Triage, Treatment and Transport Areas.
c. Shall ensure Medic Unit(s) are in a position for Rapid Transport. d. Shall advise Command of additional EMS resources needed.
How should Medic Units be positioned?
Shall position Medic Unit for rapid transport from scene
What equipment shall Medic Units bring forward?
Shall bring all ALS equipment and cot forward to area directed by
ALS / EMS Group Supervisor
The ______ arriving District Chief will report to Command and be assigned as needed
third (3rd)
The third (3rd) District Chief will most likely be assigned to the _______ of the fire building
opposite side
The Incident Commander should consider switching to _________ to regroup, if still active fire after extrication of firefighter(s) and the PAR has been completed by the ________
defensive tactics… RAT Group Supervisor…
Post Mayday: Protect scene for investigation and assign someone to preserve potential evidence until the arrival of a ________
Fire Investigator
True or False: Incidents of large geographical size or large structures such as high-rise buildings may require the use of multiple RAT Teams
Where does the Incident Commander, the RAT Group Supervisor, and Accountability need be located during Mayday?
Incident Commander, the RAT Group Supervisor, and Accountability
need to stay together in one area (face-to-face communication) during the
Consider using a company in staging as:
additional accountability personnel or Chief Aides
Once additional staff arrives on the scene, limit the number of personnel at
the Command Post to:
minimize the “noise” and distractions during the Mayday operations