203.01.10 Response and Company Actions Flashcards
A source of water supply shall be secured by the _________ unless the pre-plan preempts this requirement. The goal is to provide a primary and secondary uninterrupted water supply.
first two (2) due-in Engine Companies
_______ to Level 1 Stage at next closest hydrant and only
secure water supply at the direction of Command
Third (3rd) Engine
The water supply should be a ____ supply line, or ____
5”… soft suction…
When laying a supply line, do not lay a line or position the Engine
Company to:
block access by the Ladder Company. Preferably lay hose to one side of the street or access road.
On narrow or dead-end streets where access will be limited, Engine Companies should consider utilizing:
a reverse lay (Crossfire) to a hydrant past the address to allow unimpeded access for the first arriving Ladder Company.
True or False: It is the responsibility of each Engine Company to provide
its own uninterrupted, adequate supply of water
In the event a supply source or line cannot be secured, the
Officer of the Engine Company must:
notify Command immediately. Later arriving Companies may need to relay water to this Engine Company
For each supply hose lay over _______ an Engine Company shall
be placed to boost pressure and relay water to the initial attack
Engine Company.
1,000 feet
An Engine Company should be placed every______ for supply line stretches over 1000 feet
1000 feet
For Defensive or Large GPM operations, FAO’s should ensure the
5” supply is coming directly into the ______ to provide
maximum GPM flow into the fire pump and avoid any friction loss
from the front intake piping.
side intake
Sometimes smells can assist in locating fire:
- Wood – residence, apartment space
- Food on the stove – apartment or kitchen
- Fuel oil – basement or boiler
- Rubbish – hallways, stairways, breezeways,
compactor shafts or rooms, shafts - Electrical – overhead lights, outlets, electric
True or False: If you smell smoke and are uncertain of the location, press
on doors to apartments if they are locked and you should
see smoke emit from the jamb.
Once the location of the fire is determined, notify all Companies and announce:
the best route to get water on the fire.
Anticipate fire spread via:
voids, pipe chases, utility areas, openings and concealed spaces.
After water is on the fire, check for extension and _____ to ensure extinguishment
open up
The _____ attack line can be used for most fires (i.e., one or
two rooms in a residential fire, multi-families, compartmentalized
1-3/4 inch
The Company officer should order _____ attack lines for a
larger volume of fire
2-1/2 inch
If an offensive attack is being undertaken in a residential occupancy, then a _____ fire line is an appropriate choice due the compartmentalization of the structure, small room size and to increase speed and mobility.
A 2-1/2 fire line shall be used for the following:
i. For all fires in Commercial, Industrial, Retail, Auto Repair
Shops, Churches or High Rise Occupancies.
ii. Advanced fire situations where quick knock down is
necessary to limit fire spread.
iii. Massive fire extending to attic space of multiple dwelling.
iv. Obvious defensive operations. Use the largest tip possible
for defensive operations (1-1/4” or 1-3/8”).
v. Exposure protection.
vi. Standpipe Operations
True or False: Rapid and appropriate placement of the second attack line will often dictate the success of the overall operation.
Rapid and appropriate placement of the FIRST ATTACK LINE will often dictate the success of the overall operation.
The unburned portion represents:
where the fire is going and should establish the framework for fire control operations.
Initial efforts should focus on getting at least one line in
operation as quickly as possible. Sometimes this requires:
the first two (2) engine companies to work together to
accomplish this task.
Determine fire location and extent of fire to determine:
the most advantageous entry point to begin operations
Companies must remember that the _____ are the most
important means of egress to protect
interior stairs
The _____ allow for Ladder Company personnel to rapidly get above a fire and allows for
easier removal of occupants
First Fire Line placement:
Between fire and victims via the primary means of egress
(front door in single family, stairwell doors in garden
apartments and multiple family units).
Exceptions which require direct water application outside of the normal means:
- When fire is exiting overhead of a victim at a
window, balcony or fire escape. - Major fire requiring quick knockdown (such as an
attached garage fire). - When there is a severe exposure, then apply water
between the fire and the most severe exposure.
SECOND FIRE LINE placement/responsibilities:
i. Back-up first line in the event of failure of the first line by
providing additional GPM in the event the first line can’t
control the fire.
ii. Position to control exposures in the event the first line
didn’t control exposures initially.
iii. Position on interior if the first engine chooses to protect
exposures, protect trapped occupants.
iv. Floor above if not needed for back up because the 1st line is
controlling the fire. ENSURE SECOND LINE IS
v. Fire line choice must be the same size or larger than the
first line
THIRD FIRE LINE placement/responsibilities:
i. As directed by Command.
ii. Cover secondary means of egress.
iii. Protect trapped occupants above the fire, on fire escapes or
in any type of danger.
iv. Exposure control, line deployment into exposed buildings
v. Vertical extension to floors above or other areas if
True or False: Do Not operate hose lines in opposition to each other.
Sometimes companies cannot make it to a fire area due to a
wind driven fire or massive fire conditions, consider:
Coordinated quick knockdown ordered and coordinated by
Command from the exterior. Companies on the interior
should withdrawal to a safe location in a stairwell or the
floor below before initiated.
First two Engine Companies shall always
work to:
put the first line into service.
In single family and other tight or narrow stairs – the ________
– controls the stairs to limit overcrowding.
Do not operate fire streams into smoke unless you are:
encountering extreme levels of heat or suspect unseen
rollover or black fire, which will lead to a flashover, or
rapid-fire spread event.
Used to monitor heat and roll over conditions
Engine Mounted Master Streams offer very large GPM
flows ____-____ , quick operation, reach and
(500 to 1,000 GPM)
A _______ offers greater reach,
penetration, with a more intact stream than a variable
stream nozzle that is set on straight stream.
solid bore tip
Utilize the ______ smooth bore tip sizes possible on master
stream devices while accounting for reach
If reach is a concern, ________ sizes allow for greater reach. The
largest tip size should be utilized initially on the mounted
master stream device, preferably the _____ tip.
smaller tip… 2-inch…
What should be considered for structures that are well involved, beyond rapid reach of attack lines, for exposure protection, and situations that pose an unusual safety risk to firefighters?
Engine Mounted Master Streams
True or False: A look at all four (4) sides of the building (360) must be completed before entering a building on a suspected basement fire
When should the look at all four (4) sides of the building (360) be conducted? During what report
Follow-Up Report, prior to entering the building`
If no exterior stairs or door to access the basement and
then “knock down” fire from an exterior window prior to attempting to enter from interior steps.
Basement Fire; If safe to do so, the second line must go to:
the interior of the building at the steps to the basement and protect the rest of the building from vertical extension.
Basement Fire; Third line may:
back-up either line or go to top floor for
extension control.
True or False: All Engine Companies are equipped with Class B Firefighting foam
All Engine Companies are equipped with Class A Firefighting foam
Class A foam shall be used on:
All offensive, interior attack lines unless specifically instructed to not use the foam by
the Company officer or Incident Commander. Don’t wait for the foam to be called for, use it on all fires.
Class A foam shall not be utilized for:
defensive or master stream operations.
First Arriving Company (Radio Reports) shall perform:
- Initial Radio Report and Assume Command in fast attack mode.
- Follow-Up Radio Report
- Give CAN Report to first in Chief Officer during Command Transfer
Company Arrival On-Scene (Still and One-Alarm):
- First two (2) Engine Companies, First Ladder Company and First Chief Officer will report to the building. All other companies will Level 1 Stage on a one-alarm or still alarm dispatch.
- Announce On-Scene or Level 1 Staging
- Examples;
a. “Engine 17 On-Scene Level 1”
b. “Ladder 20, second Truck Level 1”
Arrival Benchmark Notification dictates:
Company Assignments
True or False: First arriving Fire Company will become the initial (Fast Attack Mode)
Incident Commander.
First (1st ) arriving Engine (assignments):
a. Secure a water supply.
b. Position Engine as to not impede access to the structure for the
Ladder Company.
i. This is usually accomplished by pulling past the structure.
ii. If the apparatus mounted master stream is needed due to
large fire volume or immediate exposure protection, then
the ENGINE owns the front of the building.
c. Evaluate Exposures – Place exposure line if necessary or place
apparatus mounted deck gun into service to protect exposures.
NOTE: Essential tactic of first due Engine is to place lines to
protect life and then other hazards. If a major fire is exposing
other buildings, then protect those other buildings initially.
d. Direct the actions of the second due Engine Company.
i. Assist with attack line
ii. Bring a back-up attack line
iii. Take an attack line above the fire.
iv. Protect an exposure
v. Go On-Deck
e. Direct the actions of the other Companies dispatched on the first
alarm – Primarily the second engine.
f. Deploy the initial hose line to the seat of the fire.
g. Officer equipped with Halligan Tool and TIC
If the apparatus mounted master stream is needed due to
large fire volume or immediate exposure protection, then
the _____ owns the front of the building
Second (2nd ) arriving Engine (assignments):
a. Secure a water supply independent of the first arriving engine.
This should be from a different direction and approach if possible.
direction of the initial Incident Commander.
i. Ensure efficient and timely stretch of the first fire line,
without kinks and advancing to the seat of the fire. THIS
ii. Members must spread out and the company officers of both
companies must communicate to ensure smooth and speedy
c. If a 2-1/2” fire line is deployed by the initial company for offensive
operations, then the 2nd engine is ALWAYS mandated to assist the
1st engine and remain a cohesive part of that fire attack crew.
d. Only when the SECOND ENGINE is not needed on a simple
stretch to a 1 or 2 story private dwelling - Deploy a backup hose
line at the direction of the initial incident commander.
e. The backup line should come from the second engine whenever
possible. This action will provide two independent hose lines and water supplies in the event of mechanical failure of the first engine or hydrant.
f. If the initial attack line is containing and extinguishing the fire the
backup hose line may be repositioned to the floor above the fire to
cut off vertical fire extension. This must be communicated to
g. Backup line should be same size or greater than the initial attack
line and should be long enough to reach the floor above the fire.
Third (3rd ) Arriving Engine (assignments):
a. Level 1 Stage at the next appropriate hydrant and wait for direction
from Command.
b. The Officer and firefighters will be prepared for firefighting in full
c. Once given an assignment by Command, the 3rd arriving Engine
duties are as follows:
i. The FAO shall assist first and second due Engine Company
FAOs if not operating their engine..
ii. If 2nd Engine Company is assisting and committed to first
attack line, deploy a back-up line.
1. Deploy this line from the second engine whenever
possible to provide two independent hose lines and
water supplies in the event of mechanical failure of
the first engine or hydrant.
2. The backup hose line should usually be deployed
through the same entrance as the initial attack hose
3. Backup line should be same size or greater than the
initial attack line.
iii. If the initial attack line is containing and extinguishing the
fire the backup hose line may be repositioned to the floor
above the fire to cut off vertical fire extension. Shall notify
Command when repositioning above the fire.
iv. If ordered, also be prepared to: Search, Ventilate or
perform any needed fire ground tasks.
v. Officer equipped with TIC, handy line and hose strap
4th arriving Engine is designated as:
Safety Engine
Fourth (4th ) Arriving Engine (SAFETY ENGINE) (assignments):
a. The Safety Engine will be the 4th Engine on the 1-alarm
assignment and shall be responsible for establishing Accountability
and assisting with RAT Operations.
b. Dispatch will designate the 4th Engine as the Safety Engine on
dispatch. 4th engine will acknowledge safety engine designation on
the fireground channel. The only variance to this assignment is at
the order of the Incident Commander.
i. When dispatched as the Safety Engine, shall remain the
Safety Engine unless changed by Dispatch or ordered by
Command. If Command gives orders to go to work, make
sure Command is aware you were dispatched as the Safety
Engine. The Incident Commander must request an
additional Safety Engine.
ii. On arrival, Stage and park apparatus out of the way to not
impede other apparatus from accessing the scene.
iii. Never commit to operations with water supply or fire lines,
unless ordered by Command.
iv. The Officer of the Safety Engine shall assume the duties of
the Accountability Officer. (Refer to Section 202.07
v. One firefighter from the Safety Engine shall assist the
Accountability Officer for the duration of the Incident or
until relieved.
vi. The Officer and Firefighter assigned to Accountability shall
manage the accountability board and the SCBA air
monitoring system at the District Vehicle.
vii. The remainder of the individuals assigned to the Safety
Engine will immediately report to the RAT Team Officer to
increase the size of the RAT Team. They shall remain part
of the RAT Team and under the direction of the RAT
Officer for the duration of the incident. (Refer to Section
203.01.14 Rapid Assistance Teams)
c. On arrival will Level 1 stage unless the first companies report a
“working fire”, then will respond forward and notify Command
that you are establishing Accountability. For example, “Safety 21
has established Accountability at the rear of District 2.”
Standard Ladder Company Functions Include:
Forcible entry, search, rescue, ventilation, salvage, and overhaul
When completing a task, example “primary search complete”, Command
give you another assignment. Do NOT freelance.
True or False: Lighting can be set up by any of the Ladder Companies at any
time, however the sooner the better
The RAT Company needs to consider lighting…:
all egress routes
Salvage is the act of:
protecting property from damage from fire or water.
Salvage should begin with:
the arrival of the firefighting force
The judicious use of _____ provides a salvage function without a
need for additional personnel.
Property can be protected by:
covering with salvage covers or plastic.
_____ is a thorough examination used to make certain that a
fire is completely extinguished; it begins as soon as visible fire is
When does overhauling begin?
it begins as soon as visible fire is extinguished.
Whenever possible, overhauling should be done from:
the interior of the building considering its structural stability.
When overhauling, efforts should:
i. Overhaul efforts should focus on searching for and locating
hidden fire.
ii. Overhaul efforts should take place where fire extension is
likely to occur.
iii. Utilize inspection holes and TIC to assist on where to
It is advisable to remove all burned debris and materials from the
main fire area. This needs to be coordinated with:
The Fire Investigator and Command.
True or False: The public relations aspect of overhauling is not very important to the
Fire Department.
The public relations aspect of overhauling is very important to the Fire Department.
First (1st ) Arriving Ladder Company (A-Team assignments):
a. Truck company officer shall state their company’s actions on the
fireground channel based on best use of their personnel and the
rescue profile of the emergency. Actions include: (See b and c)
b. Team A – Officer and Firefighter 1 (and Firefighter 3 if riding with
5 personnel)
i. Force entry
ii. Equipped with TIC, Halligan, Striking Tool and hooks at a
iii. Search fire floor for endangered persons.
1. Reference 203.01.08 Structure Fire Operations -
Search and Rescue
2. Any deviation from standard search priorities shall
be communicated to command to include entry
point and intended location.
iv. Open up and expose hidden fire after primary fire has been
knocked down.
v. The Officer shall advise Command of conditions
discovered, work performed and benchmarks completed
First (1st) Arriving Ladder Company (B-Team assignments):
Team B – FAO and Firefighter 2
i. Duties will be determined by Company Officer.
ii. Potential assignments are as follows:
1. Spot apparatus to advantage
2. Search and force entry with Team A
3. Perform 360 checking sides and rear for endangered
persons and fire extension with 24’ extension
4. Remove obviously endangered persons.
5. Ventilate as needed (Reference Section 203.01.09
Structure Fire Operations – Ventilation)
6. Open up and expose hidden fire.
iii. Raise ladders as needed with priority to structures with
front porch roofs for second floor egress.
Second (2nd ) Arriving Ladder Company (A-Team assignments):
a. Level 1 Stage until given an assignment by the IC
b. Team A – Officer and Firefighter 1 (and Firefighter 3 if riding with
five (5).
i. Equipped with TIC, Halligan, Striking Tool and hooks at a
ii. Assist the first due ladder company with primary search.
iii. Search all floors above the fire for occupants and fire
iv. Avoid duplicating search efforts.
v. The Officer shall advise Command of conditions
discovered, work performed and benchmarks completed
Second (2nd) Arriving Ladder Company (B-Team assignments):
Team B – FAO and Firefighter 2
i. Duties will be determined by Company Officer.
ii. Remove obviously endangered persons.
iii. May need to raise an aerial ladder or ground ladders to
ensure alternate escape route for Companies operating or
potential victims.
iv. May need to perform horizontal or vertical ventilation at
the direction of Command. Ensure the attack line is in
position to put water on the fire. (Reference Section
203.01.09 Structure Fire Operations – Ventilation).
v. Position the positive pressure ventilation (PPV) fan. The
fan shall only be turned on at the direction of the IC.
vi. Provide interior lighting as soon as possible.
The third (3rd) arriving Ladder Company will be designated as:
Third (3rd ) Arriving Ladder Company (RAT) (assignments):
a. (Refer to Section 203.01.14 Rapid Assistance Teams)
b. Dispatch will designate the 3rd Truck as the RAT on dispatch. 3rd
truck will acknowledge the RAT designation on the fireground
channel. The only variance to this assignment is at the order of the
Incident Commander.
c. On arrival will Level 1 stage unless the first companies report a
“working fire”, then will respond forward and notify Command
that you are beginning RAT duties. For example, “RAT 20 is
beginning Proactive RAT duties.”
d. If Command gives orders to go to work, make sure Command
know you were dispatched as the RAT. The Incident Commander
then needs to request an additional RAT.
First (1st ) Arriving Heavy Rescue Company (One-Alarm):
a. Level 1 Stage until given an assignment by the IC
b. Assignments may include:
i. On deck
ii. Secure utilities
iii. Additional fire lines to other areas for extension
iv. Relief of interior crews
v. Ladder Company duties; raise ladders, overhaul, salvage,
vi. Search and rescue
vii. RAT Assist
c. May be needed to assist the Incident Commander to assess the
structural stability of a building when necessary.
d. Exchange out air bottles.
e. Assess Haz-Mat if necessary.
Second (2nd ) Arriving Heavy Rescue Company (Extra-Alarm):
a. Level 2 Stage.
b. Should be assigned as the RAT assist if the first Heavy rescue is
operating in the hazardous zone.
c. Depending on the fire and conditions, attempt to stage necessary
equipment and tools to help facilitate a firefighter rescue should a
collapse or entrapment occur (cutting, lifting, moving, shoring, etc)
d. Shall position the apparatus in a manner to facilitate a rapid exit
from the scene should another response become necessary.
e. All equipment should be procured from the first arriving Heavy
Rescue Company leaving the second Heavy Rescue intact for
future response.
First (1st ) Arriving District Fire Chief:
a. Park District vehicle to view two (2) sides of the structure if
b. Perform Size Up – include 360° survey of building if possible
c. Assess current strategy and tactics and change tactics or strategies
based on continual size-up
d. Request a CAN from the initial Incident Commander
e. Perform a Follow-Up Report and relay to Dispatch.
f. Establish a stationary Command Post through the Command
transfer process (Reference 203.01.05 Structure Fire Operations –
Command and Command Transfer), preferably at the rear of the
District vehicle; if possible.
g. Command should always attempt to be on the “Alpha” side. If this
is not possible relay the location to Dispatch and all companies on
the scene.
h. Utilize the current Command Worksheet.
i. Ensure Accountability has been established and located at
j. Efficiently and effectively manage the incident
k. Ensure tactical benchmarks are met as outlined in Section
203.01.07 Structure Fire Operations – Fireground Benchmarks
l. Request additional alarms or resources as needed
m. Note: The Initial arriving District Chief must utilize the provided
radio headset on the fire ground channel OR ensure someone is
listening with the headset.
Second (2nd ) Arriving District Fire Chief:
a. Initially Level 1 Stage
b. Report to the Incident Commander to receive an assignment.
c. Don Full PPE & SCBA
d. Typical assignment of the second arriving District Chief is to:
i. Manage the opposite corner or side of the building from the
initial District Chief.
ii. May be assigned as a Division Supervisor
e. If the initial arriving District is a Captain riding above grade as the
District Chief, the second arriving District Chief shall assume the
role of the Incident Commander and reassign as if they were the
second DC arriving.
f. Becomes RAT Chief during a Mayday and is in-charge of the
rescue efforts.
Third (3rd) Arriving District Fire Chief or Chief Officer:
a. Report to the Incident Commander for an assignment.
b. Replaces the second District Chief and assumes the 2nd district’s
division duties during a Mayday.
c. May be requested by Command to fill a staff position within the
Incident Command System. Example: Division Supervisor, Search
& Rescue, Extrication, etc.
The primary mission of the Medic Units on the scene of a structure fire is:
to provide medical care for fire fighters and civilians
If the Incident Commander chooses to use the Medic Unit personnel for
firefighting or other duties, the IC shall immediately:
request another Medic Unit through Dispatch
The Incident Commander may utilize the Medic Unit personnel for fireground assignments under the following
a. The IC has an urgent fire ground task to assign and the Medic Unit
personnel are the only personnel available.
b. The second (2nd) Medic Unit or ALS Supervisor is on the scene
c. The assigned Medic Unit may function as a single resource or be
assigned to combine with another operating fire company.
d. Exception: If a Company is working by themselves and secondary
companies aren’t on scene the company officer may assign the
Medic Unit to firefighting tasks if they are urgently needed to
stabilize the incident, such as:
i. Search for known trapped occupants and no one else is on
scene or delayed.
ii. Protect exposures with a second fire line if no one else is on
scene or delayed.
iii. Members if assigned to firefighting duties must be fully
dressed in firefighting PPE. (Fire helmet shall have the
Medic Unit Helmet Identifiers in place)
iv. If deployed notify the responding District Chief on the
fire ground channel and request an additional medic
e. If there is not an immediate need upon the Medic Unit arrival to
care for a firefighter or civilian injury the Medic Unit personnel
shall follow the procedures below
First (1st) Arriving Medic Unit:
a. Level 1 Stage Unit so as not to impede responding companies and
to provide rapid egress from the scene if necessary
b. Upon report of a working fire, place backboard, oxygen, drug box
on the cot and report in close proximity to the Command Post.
c. Deliver accountability passport to Accountability Officer
d. Standby at the cot for assignment. Monitor fireground and
“Treatment” channel in the fireground zone.
e. Stage apparatus for rapid egress from the scene away from fire
apparatus. Don’t get blocked in.
Second (2nd) Arriving Medic Unit:
a. Report to location of the first Medic Unit or to the on-scene ALS
b. Deliver Accountability Passport to the Accountability Officer
c. Standby at the cot for assignment. Monitor fireground and
“Treatment” channel in the fireground zone.
d. Stage apparatus for rapid egress from the scene away from fire
apparatus. Don’t get blocked in.
Additional Medic Units:
a. Report to ALS supervisor
b. Deliver Accountably Passport to Accountability Officer
c. Set up and manage Rehab
d. Report to location with COT and associated medical equipment
ALS Supervisors (assignments):
- The ALS Supervisor shall be responsible for the overall medical treatment
and transport of all medical injuries on the fire ground. - Level 1 Stage
- Upon report of a working fire, report to the Incident Commander for
assignment - Establish the Medical Branch
- Deliver Accountability Passport to the Accountability Officer
- Communicate with the responding Medic Units and establish a treatment
area. Communicate with medic units on the treatment channel. - Establish a rehab area if needed
- Keep the IC updated with incident injuries
- Keep a log of all victims treated and transported
- Determine number of displaced occupants and report to command
Incident Safety Officer (assignments):
- Level 1 Stage until confirmed “working fire” then respond forward and
report to the Incident Commander. - Shall ensure that a Rapid Assistance Team is available and ready for
deployment. Must notify Command if they haven’t replaced a RAT team
if utilized. - Shall ensure that a Safety Engine is performing Accountability duties.
Must notify Command if they haven’t replaced a Safety Engine if utilized - The Incident Safety Officers shall be responsible for assisting the Incident
Commander with overall scene safety. - Monitor the structure for safety and structural integrity.
- Command must be immediately notified of any immediate safety hazards
that affect operations, or the strategic plan, via frequent and timely
progress reports. - Where fire has involved a building(s), shall advise the Incident
Commander of hazards, collapse potential, and any fire extension in such
building(s). - Shall evaluate visible smoke and fire conditions and advise the Incident
Commander on the potential for flashover, back-draft, explosion, or other
events that could pose a threat to operating teams. - Shall monitor the accessibility of entry and egress of structures and its
effect on the safety of members conducting interior operations. - Shall monitor radio transmissions and stay alert to transmission barriers
that could result in missed, unclear, or incomplete communication. - Ensure that the IC establishes the incident scene rehabilitation, tactical
level management component during the emergency operation. - Establishing control zones and no-entry (exclusion) zones and ensures that
established zones are communicated to all members present on the scene. - Shall have the authority to cause immediate correction of situations that
create an imminent hazard to personnel and must immediately notify
command. - At an emergency incident, when activities are judged by the Safety Officer
to be unsafe and to involve an imminent hazard, the Safety Officer shall
have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities. - Shall communicate to the IC the need for additional Safety Officers and/or
tactical specialists due to the need, size, complexity or duration of the
incident. - Monitors the Incident Action Plan, conditions, activities and operations to
determine whether they fall within the criteria as defined in the
Department’s risk management plan. - Monitor each fire environment, post extinguishment, to advise IC of
Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) levels for SCBA
Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chiefs (assignments):
a. The Assistant Chief on call is the Duty Chief.
i. The Duty Chief shall monitor all special operations
incidents (hazmat, river operations, mass casualty
incidents, confined space, etc.) and 2 alarm fires
ii. While monitoring, the Duty Chief will decide based on
incident severity or potential incident severity whether or
not to respond to the incident scene.
iii. The Duty Chief shall respond to all 3 alarm fires or greater,
and/or as requested by an Incident Commander
b. The Fire Chief and/or Assistant Fire Chiefs shall assume one of the
following positions:
i. Senior Advisor – Allowing the Incident Commander to
remain in Command of the incident and helping as
necessary. If the Senior Advisor outranks the Incident
Commander, the Senior Advisor is still responsible for the
outcome of the incident, allowing the Incident Commander
to remain in Command of the incident and helping as
necessary. If the Senior Advisor is of greater rank than the
Incident Commander they are still responsible for the
outcome of the incident.
ii. Incident Commander
1. Assumes Command and responsibility of the
incident and can assign the previous Incident
Commander as the Operations Section Chief. All
communications with operating Companies on the
fire ground will then be channeled through
Operations. The Incident Commander will monitor
the Dispatch Channel.
2. Assumes Command and responsibility of the
incident and retains the Operations Section and
reassigns the previous Incident Commander to a
Division/Group Supervisor or to another General
Staff position (Planning, Logistics, and
iii. A General Staff position, Branch Director or
Division/Group Supervisor as assigned by the Incident
Commander (In this case, the IC must be an Assistant Chief
or the Fire Chief)
40-Hour District Fire Chiefs, Captains and Lieutenants (assignments):
a. Responding staff District Chiefs, Captains and Lieutenants shall
report directly to the Incident Commander for assignment with full
b. Staff Officers shall be used for the following, in order of priority at
the incident:
i. Division or Group Supervisor
1. Interior Fire Control
2. Search & Rescue
3. Staging
4. Water Supply
5. EMS
ii. Shall deliver Accountability Passport to the Accountability