203.01.17 Fireground Personal Decontamination Flashcards
True or False: All personnel being exposed to a toxic/hazardous environment shall go through a decontamination process of their PPE and their persons.
This policy will outline detailed decontamination procedures used upon exiting a:
structure fire, vehicle fire, trash fire, dumpster fire, training fire to include flashover and/or miscellaneous fires where exposure to smoke, byproducts of combustion and/or debris is possible.
Decon shall not be required until the firefighter has:
completely finished their fire ground tasks and will not have continued involvement in firefighting or overhaul operations for the duration of the incident.
During incidents of long duration when multiple work cycles are employed, firefighters will go through decon on their way to ______. This shall be at the discretion of the Incident Commander (IC) or the Safety Officer (SO2).
Once the “Water on the fire” benchmark is received, who will be assigned by the IC to set up for post fire decontamination?
An available Fire Apparatus Operator (FAO) on the first or second arriving engine will be assigned by the IC to set up for post fire decontamination
The timing and location of decontamination set-up will be at the discretion of:
the IC, or his/her designee, but prior to personnel doffing equipment.
Who shall determine the companies (or individuals) to be decontaminated?
The Incident Commander, the Safety Officer (SO2) and the Company Officer
The following guidelines should be used to determine if personal protective equipment is soiled to the extent that decon is necessary:
a. Obvious odor that cannot be removed or indicates contamination. (diesel fuel for example)
b. Visible soil.
c. Known exposure to bio-hazards.
d. Suspected exposure to hazardous chemicals or CBRN.
The following decontamination equipment will be carried on all engine companies:
Decontamination Bucket:
i. 10” garden hose w/ adaptor and spray nozzle
ii. Scrub brush
iii. Decontamination wipes
iv. “Red” bio hazard bags
v. Clear Garbage bags (large)
vi. PPE Tracking Labels
vii. Wire Ties
viii. Garbage bags (small).
Members assigned to decontamination shall protect themselves from exposures related to firefighters exiting the structure. SCBA should be considered. At a minimum, _____ and an ________, shall be worn by those personnel providing decontamination efforts.
EMS gloves… MSA-2000 mask with appropriate filters…
Which FF’s should be decontaminated first?
Contaminated firefighters with lower air should be decontaminated first
Firefighters will proceed to a staging area near _____ where PPE shall be removed so that the firefighter remains on air as long as possible.
__________ will be used to clean all exposed skin areas. This will include the neck, face, behind the ears, hands, arms and eyes. Use a new wipe for each body area. Decontamination wipes shall be used on the fire helmet brow pad and ratchet pad. Place contaminated wipes in small garbage bag.
Personal decontamination wipes
Firefighters will then be released from the decontamination area and are to report to _____ as deemed necessary by the IC
Protective hoods will be exchanged with ____ on a 1 for 1 basis on the
scene. ____ will ensure that the contaminated hoods are laundered and ready for future exchange. ____ will carry a sufficient supply of hoods to accommodate multiple fires in one tour.
SO2 (x3)
How long may Fire companies stay out of service for personal decontamination?
Up to 1 hour
It is required that all members take a shower within one hour of arrival
back in the firehouse (For Decon)