2025 additions Flashcards
bis auf akk.
up to, except (for), bar, with the exception of
bis auf den Knochen, den Namen- to the bone, in all but name
subsequently, consequently, thereupon, as a result
lacquered, varnished, painted
seemingly, apparently, ostensibly, virtual
plain, inconspicuous, unremarkable
peer, coequal, equal ranking
die Eiszeit
period of very strained relations
ice age
preliminary, tentative, interim, temporary, provisional
for the time being, until further notice,
bis auf Weiteres
ohne Weiteres
without further ado, without the slightest hesitation
poignant, thrilling, moving, stirring
poignant, cruel, grievous, painful, bitter sore
poignant, touching, stirring, affecting
harrowing, shocking, distressing
shattered, shocked, shaken, apalled, distressed
die Zuwiderhandlung
infringement, contravention, noncompliance, violation
to infinge
antasten (touch on themes/questions)
beeinträchtigen (in EU documents oft.)
(akk.)in etw. eindringen/auf etw. übergreifen- infringe on territory, area
einen Hang zu etw.(dat.) haben
be prone to/tend to sth.
jmd. etw(akk.) zumuten
demand/ask/expect sth. of/from sb.
sich(dat.) etw. zumuten
undertake sth.
sich(dat.) etw zuviel zumuten- overtax oneself, bite off more than one can chew
appropriate, suitable, advisable, applicable
etw. auf etw./jd. beziehen
apply/relate sth. to sb./sth.
aufeinander beziehen- correlate
voreingenommen, befangen, unausgewogen, parteiisch, verzerrt, eingenommen, tendenziös
von einem Vorurteil befallen
Partei sein
to be biased against/ in favour of sth.
gegenüber jdm./etw. voreingenommen sein
eingenommen sein für jdn./etw.
mean sth, convey, say sth, prove
in a sense of conveying specific information or advice
amount to, signify, imply
daher, deshalb, deswegen, darum, also, somit, demzufolge, folglich
redeem(fin.), settle(debt), extinguish, obliterate, delete, erase
chop down
render a verdict (jur.)
plunge, topple, fall, overthrow
sich auf. etw. stürzen
make a bolt for sth., leap at sth, make a dash for sth.
der (ausgetretener) Pfad
path, trail, pathway
beaten path/track
likewise, together, unanimously, concurrently, all at once
(mit.- along with (prep.))
damit zugleich
ipso facto (by that very fact)
whilst, as, while
etw. lösen, indem man etw. tut- resolve sth by doing sth
die Verwaltung
administration, maintenance, management
manage, maintain, administer, govern, administrate
enact, waive, issue, decree, cancel, abate
die Aufrechterhaltung
maintenance/maintaining, preservation adherence, upkeep
seit/von jeher
since time immemorial, from year one, always, all along, as long as i can remember
erupt, escape, burst, bust out,
break out(epidemic, fire, war, illness)
auf etw.(dat.) lasten
weigh on sth, bear down on sth(threaten oppress), rest/lie heavily on sb.,
lasten auf etw.(dat.)- ride on (depend on sth.)
zu jds./etw. Lasten
at sbs. cost, to the disadvantage of sb.
ignomious, humiliating, disgraceful(ly)
langen Schatten auf etw. (akk.) werfen
cast a long shadow over sth.
das Leiden, Krankheit,
das Gebrechen(disability),
die Bedrängnis(hardship, distress),
der Kummer (grief, woe, anguish),
die Qual(agony torture, anguish),
die Trübsal
die Deutung
interpretation, explanaiton, construal, reading
whereby, hence, therefore, ergo, consequently
demzufolge/der zufolge
according to which, according to whom
deviate, differ, vary, digress
die Neuzeit
modern era/period (hist. ca. 1450-1850)
gipfeln (in)
to peak, culminate in
jmd/etw zukommen
auf jdn zukommen
befit/ become sb., belong to sth
approach sb. head sb.’s way (be in store for sb, lie ahead of sb.)
distinct, marked, pronounced, distinctive
devastating. disastrous, fatal, cataclysmic
to ravage, devastate, harry, lay waste akk.
die Engstirnigkeit
bigotry, insularity, narrowmindedness
bigoted, parocial, insular, small-minded
der Hang
slope, propensity, proclivity, inclination
das Wachstum
growth, increase, accretion
die Lesart
reading, interpretation
der Fluch
curse, bane, anathema, cuss, blasphemy, hex
etw.(dat.) seinen Stempel aufdrücken
to put one’s stamp/mark on sth.
to bear the impress of sth.
den Stempel von etw. tragen
to shunt, sideline, puch/cast aside
harbour doubts, hopes, illusions
Zweifel hegen, Hoffnungen hegen
sich akk. Illusionen hingeben
hegen und pflegen
cherish (feelings), tend(plants), nurture (ideas ambiotons)
harbour, bear, entertain
pamper sb.
___ hegen:
Groll, Hass, Missfallen, Rachegedanken, Verdacht, Vorurteile
bear a grudge/grudges
nourish hatred
conceive a dislike
harbour thoughts of revenge
entertain suspicion
be prejudiced
die Geltung
zur Geltung
worth, validity, prestige, legitimacy, authority, prestigiousness
to fruition
condone, approve, endorse, grant, grant, permit, sanction
das Erbe
heritage, legacy, inheritance
der- -heir, successor
die Tugend
virtue, goodness
an den Rand drängen
marginalise sb
das Hemmnis
impediment, balk, restraint, hindrance, constraint, delay
die Sorgfalt
diligence, rigor, accuracy, caution, care(fulness)
prudent, cautious, deliberate, considered, thoughtful
der Bedacht- deliberation, caution, consideration
bedacht auf
anxious for, considerate of, concerned about
mit Bedacht
advisedly, cautiously, deliberately
no… at all/whatsoever, absolutely no…
sich(dat.) etw. einbilden
imagine, surmise, persuade oneself of sth.
sich(dat.) etwas auf etw.(akk.) einbilden
sich(dat.) (viel) auf etw.(akk.) einbilden
be smug about/vain of sth
to pride oneself on sth.
der Gesandter
envoy, ambassador, minister
die Beteiligung
sharing, involvement, stake, contribution, participation, investment
(an etw.)
(sich) beteiligen
sich(akk.) an etw(dat.) beteiligen
participate, enlist, cut sb. in, join in, take a share
acquire an interest in, engage in sth, assist in, take part in
to strain, burden, encumber, stress, debit, incriminate, hurt, weigh on sbs. mind