2024-2025: DHSMV Policy & PBA Contract Flashcards
When are consultation meeting with the PBA considered time worked?
when it take place during regular work hours
When shall all parties involved in a consultation meeting with the PBA exchange agenda on matters to be discussed?
no later than seven calendar days before the meeting
How often can PBA request personnel data from people first?
no more than quarterly
Where does grievance meeting take place?
within 50 miles of grievant’s work place
Per PBA contract, how many days does an employee have to file a grievance from the time the occurrence take place?
within 15 days
Per PBA contract, how many days does the FHP Step 1 Representative have to communicate a decision?
10 days following receipt of the written grievance
Per PBA contract, how many days does an employee have to file a Step 2 grievance?
10 days following the receipt of the decision at Step 1
Per PBA Contract, if there is a contract language dispute, how many days does the DMS have to communicate a decision after meeting with the PBA Representative?
15 days
Per PBA Contract, if there is a contract language dispute and an arbitrator is involved, how long does the arbitrator have to issue a decision?
30 days
Per PBA Contract, how long does an employee have to seek representation due to internal investigation?
48 hours
Per PBA Contract, how long do internal investigation ordinarily last?
should be completed within 45 days
Per PBA Contract, what is the maximum time an internal investigation can last?
shall not exceed 120 days without the approval of the agency head or designee
How long does the request list for reassignment or transfer last?
June 30th of each year
What is the minimum time of notice provided to employees when there is a shift change, reassignment, or lateral action?
14 calendar days
What is the minimum time of notice provided to employees for transfers?
30 calendar days
How many days does a promotional candidate have to challenge an exam question?
within 5 days after the date of the exam
Are oral reprimands grievable?
How many days in advance should leave of 40 contiguous hours or more be made?
at least 60 days
How many days of notice in advance will employee be given for a schedule change?
14 days
How many minute does an employee have to rest after 4 hours of work?
15 minutes
How many hours can recruit request from FLSA leave after graduating from the academy?
120 hours
If an employee perform job detail from a higher pay band position, what is the time frame before the employee gets paid at the higher pay band?
22 workdays within any six consecutive months
Travel vouchers are paid within how many days?
within 30 days of submission
Who is the AA/EEO officer as designated by the Executive Director?
Chief of Personnel Services
How often are hiring and promotional goals established for all job categories?
When are discrimination and sexual harassment training provided to new employees?
no later than 30 days after the start of employment then annually afterward
What is the max time allowed to complete discrimination and sexual harassment annual retraining?
90 days from course assignment date
What must a supervisor do when there is a complaint of discrimination and sexual harassment?
Do not investigate, need to contact OER through chain of command
How long does OER have to initiate an inquiry in regards to a claim of discrimination and sexual harassment?
no later than the next business day
What is considered material interest?
Direct or indirect ownership of more than 5%
Who is DHSMV’s chief ethics officer?
The General Counsel
Who are required to disclose to the Chief Ethic Officers annually by July 1 of each where whether he or she has an immediate relative who is either a member of the Department or a lobbyist?
Executive Leadership Team
What is the maximum value of acceptable gifts?
Can a member serve on a board or commission of another governmental entity?
yes, with approval of the Chief Ethics Officer
Who is the Step 1 Representative for the Patrol?
Troop Commanders
Who is the Step 2 Representative for DHSMV?
The Chief of Personnel Services
What can a member do if they believe a reprisal has been taken against them due to the grievance?
File a grievance against the reprisal directly at Step 2
When will a member have the right to grieve a performance evaluation?
When the evaluation is based on factors other than the member’s performance
DHSMV Policy: How long does a sworn member have to file a grievance?
14 days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance
DHSMV Policy: If the Step 1 Representative is not available is unreachable or is out of the office, where will the sworn member send his/her grievance to?
To the Step 1 Representative supervisor within 14 days
How long does the Step 1 Representative have to meet with the sworn member in person or by phone to discuss the grievance?
7 business days of receipt of the grievance
Who will the Step 1 Representative fax, email or hand-deliver a copy of the grievance response to?
to the grievant’s division director and to the OER
How long does the sworn member have to submit a grievance to the Step 2 Representative?
within 7 business days following the receipt of the response from Step 1
How long does the Step 2 Representative have to meet with the sworn member in person or by phone following the receipt of the grievance?
within 5 business days following the receipt of the grievance
How long does the Step 2 Representative have to respond in writing to the sworn member after the meeting with the member?
within 5 business days
Who will coordinate the review of system logs or reports with the Information Security Manager?
Bureau of Personnel Services
How often must a member pass an online training module and acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of the Information Security Policy Manual?
How long prior to start of shift can a sworn member call in sick?
2 hours prior to start of shift
How many days does supervisors have to approve time sheets?
within 5 calendar days after end of the work period
Who will supervisors immediately report leave without pay to?
Bureau of Personnel Services
In extraordinary situation, who can authorize a supervisor to complete their subordinate timesheets?
Chief of Personnel Services
How many hours of administrative leave can be requested for death of an immediate family member?
up to 16 hours
How many hours of administrative leave can be approved for a promotional exam?
2 hours
How many hours of administrative leave can be approved for Governor’s Mentoring initiative?
1 hours per week, max of 5 hours per month
During an emergency situations, how many days of administrative leave can be approve by Bureau Chief / Troop Commanders for time lost from work as a direct result of destruction to the member’s place of residence?
2 days
How many annual leave hours are earned by members who has less than 5 years of service?
8.67 hours (8 hours and 40 minutes)
How many annual leave hours are earned by members who has more than 5 years of service but less than 10 years?
10.83 hours (10 hours 50 minutes)
How many hours of annual leave are earned by members who has more than 10 years of service?
13 hours
What is the maximum amount of annual leave for career service member before excess hours gets transfer to sick leave?
360 hours
For senior management service and selected exempt service member, what is the maximum amount of annual leave before excess hours gets transfer to sick leave?
480 hours
For Career Service members, what is the maximum lifetime payout of annual leave?
240 hours
In case of death of a member, how many hours of the member’s annual leave will be paid out to beneficiary?
all accrued hours
How many hours of sick leave does members of Senior Management Service and Selected Exempt Service position earned?
104 hrs at initial appointment and 104 hours every year afterward
A supervisor may request medical certification from a member after how many days of absence in any 30 day calendar period?
3 workdays or partial workdays of absence
The department will require a member to submit a medical certification of illness after how many consecutive days of absence?
10 consecutive days
Who must a supervisor contact if one of their subordinate needs to continue working alternate duty beyond a three month period?
Bureau of Personnel Services
What will happen to a member’s sick leave if they separates from the State with less than 10 years of service?
forfeit all accrued sick leave
How many hours of the member’s accrued sick leave will be paid when they separates from the State with more than 10 years of service?
1/4 of the accrued sick leave with maximum of 480 hours
How many days of administrative leave will be approved in any 12-month period for members whose family member is the victim of domestic or sexual violense?
3 days
Who shall be contacted immediately in cases relating to Domestic/Sexual Violence?
Bureau of Personnel Services
How many days in advance should a member make Family Medical Leave requests?
30 days notice
What is the maximum Family Medical Leave can be granted?
not to exceed 6 months
Who is the MAPP Coordinator?
Chief of the Bureau of Personnel Services or designee
Who is to be consulted prior to giving members multiple MAPP referrals?
Office of Employee Relations
Are all MAPP referrals placed in the members work file?
How long does the department have from the receipt of commodities or services to inspect and accept?
5 working days
What is the maximum amount allowed for a P-Card per transaction?
What type of purchases requires one quote?
purchases under $2,499.99
What type of purchases requires two or more quotes?
purchases over $2,499.99 but not more than $14,999.99
What type of purchases requires three or more quotes?
purchases over $15,000.00 but not more than $34,999.99
For recurring service purchase request, how many days prior to to the servicing commencing must the request be submitted to Bureau of Purchasing and Contracts?
not less than 60 calendar days in advance
What is a phrase established in each DHSMV office to alert other members of the presence of an immediate threat?
SAFE Code Phrase
What must be completed and forwarded to management and OER when any immediate or potential workplace threat occurs?
Threat Incident Report
How long does a supervisor have to fully complete and submit the Threat Incident Report?
within 24 hours of the event
Who should be notified if a member is arrested or given a Notice to Appear for a criminal offense?
Immediate supervisor
What is continuous travel of 24 hours or more away from official headquarters?
Class A Travel
What is continuous travel of less than 24 hours that involves overnight absence from official headquarters?
Class B Travel
What is travel for short or day trips that do not involve overnight absence from official headquarters?
Class C Travel
What are any locations less than 30 miles from the traveler’s official headquarters?
Immediate Vicinity
What are notification of less than 24 hours prior to scheduled departure?
Emergency Notice
What is 400 miles per day by the most practical traveled routes at official road distances for other than air travel?
Standard Travel Time
What is the breakfast amount allowed for Class C Travel?
What is the lunch amount allowed for Class C travel?
What is the dinner amount allowed for Class C travel?
What is the minimum amount of miles from official headquarters is considered Class C travel?
must be 100 miles or more
All request for travel must reference what on the travel request?
Who is responsible for approving Class A and B Travel?
in writing by Executive Director
Emergency Class A and B travel is approved by who?
The Division Director
Class C travel out of assigned territory but within Florida will be approved by who?
Immediate Supervisor and the Executive Director or Designee
What type of travel are members not reimbursed for?
retirement functions or funerals
Who can approve traveling expenses for members who is traveling for the sole purpose to take job related examinations, promotional interviews and promotional assessment?
Executive Director or designee
Can P-Card be used when traveling on State Business?
All charges made on the P-Card must be paid by the department within how many days?
10 days
When should receipt copies for charges applied to the P-Card for all travel-related charges be uploaded to P-Card Works?
at the time of purchase or within 5 days
How many miles per day is standard travel distance?
400 miles
What is the per diem for Class A
$80 per day
What is the per diem for Class B
$80 per day, however; if per diem is claimed on the first day of travel, it must be claimed for the entire travel period
What is the maximum amount the department will pay for a traveler lodging in Class A travels?
When is a traveler forbidden to claim per diem or reimbursement for lodging for overnight travel?
if distance is within 50 miles of their headquarters or resident
What is the difference between wages paid by Workers’ Compensation and the full salary the member would have earned by working?
Lost wage payments - 1/3 of the member’s average weekly wages
How many hours does an employee have to report an injury to their supervisors?
Within 24 hours
Supervisors should fax the workers’ compensation responsibility form along with the first report of injury to who?
Bureau of Personnel Services - Office of Benefits and Member Services
How many hours are member paid in full when qualified for workers’ compensation benefits?
up to 40 hours
How much will workers’ compensation pay when member are not able to return to work after the initial 40 hours?
2/3 of average weekly wage and may elect to use accrued for the remainder 1/3
After the member return to work from Workers’ Compensation incident, when will the member’s supervisor evaluate him or her on their new performance evaluations?
Every 90 days
When will sworn member retain full paid status after being injured in the line of duty?
If the sworn LEO was maliciously and intentionally injured
How many hours of leave must a sworn member use first when they are severely injured, but not maliciously or intentionally injured before they can be considered for full pay status under Florida Statute?
100 hours
PBA Contract: What is the continuous service in the broadband level; provided, however, that an employee shall be considered to have a break in service when the employee separates and is not on any State Personnel payroll for at least 31 calendar days following the separation?
PBA Contract: During a Governor’s Executive Order, a workweek of how many hours will be assigned to employees working an emergency area?
40 hours
PBA Contract: How many hours of “FLSA compensatory leave” credits can be accumulated by an employee?
80 hours
PBA Contract: When are unused “FLSA compensatory leave” paid out to employees?
June 30th or December 31st
PBA Contract: Within how many calendar days shall special compensatory be paid out if not used?
120 days
PBA Contract: What is the max amount the department will pay an employee to reimburse a watch if broken during the performance of duty?
PBA Contract: What is the max amount the department will pay an employee to reimburse a pair of prescription glasses if broken during the performance of duty?
PBA Contract: What is the max amount the department will pay an employee to reimburse broken items if items were broken during the performance of duty?
$500 total per incident
PBA Contract: What is the amount paid to employee who are on-call status?
$1.00 per hour
PBA Contract: How much are employee who are on-call on Saturday, Sunday, and /or a holiday?
1/4 of the statewide hourly minimum for the employee’s pay-grade
PBA Contract: How many hours will be paid to employee who are called back to duty on off hours?
minimum of 4 hours or total hours work - which ever is greater
PBA Contract: What’s the minimum amount of hours paid for court appearance on off days?
actual time worked or minimum of 2.5 hours - which ever is greater
Who approves administrative leaves due to a formal investigation?
appropriate division director or designee in concurrence with the Chief of Personnel Services
What are the two main reason to be placed on administrative leave?
- Formal Investigation for violating a rule, policy, or statute where dismissal may be possible
- Fitness for Duty Evaluation
Are patrol member allow to work off duty or perform law enforcement duties why on Administrative Leave?
Can members visit department facilities while on Administrative Leave?
No, unless directed by their division director or designee
How long does a supervisor have to submit via email or fax a copy of the notification letter for administrative leave to OER?
24 hours after the letter is delivered to the member
What is OER responsibility after they have receive a copy of the notification letter for administrative leave?
notify the Department of Management Services
What is the maximum days of administrative leave a member can be placed on?
14 Calendar Days
Who can approve a member’s administrative leave to go beyond the 14 Calendar Days max?
Executive Director or Designee
When must the extension of administrative leave be initiated if formal investigation is going to be more than 14 Calendar Days?
must be initiated by Day 7 of the Administrative Leave
For formal investigations, how long does the Division Director or Designee have to notify OER of a member’s removal from administrative leave?
in writing within 48 hours of removal
For a formal investigations, can a member be taken off of administrative leave and placed on alternate duty?
Yes - in cases where there is a need for extended investigation time
What are the main reasons a member is placed on alternate duty?
- medical
- formal investigation for disciplinary offense
- Fitness for Duty Evaluation where a member does not need to be placed on administrative leave
How long does a supervisor have to notify OER of an employee release from alternate duty?
within 2 days of notice to the member of release
Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with all provisions of this policy when members are assigned to alternate duty or administrative leave for formal investigation?
Division Director
Who is responsible for advising department managers on the appropriate application of administrative leave and alternate duty assignments; maintaining records of members placed on administrative leave or alternate duty; and consulting with division management regarding the administrative or alternate assignment?
Office of Employee Relations
Who are responsible for monitoring the duration of administrative leave for formal investigation and alternate duty assignments?
Division Director and OER
Who is the Internal American Disability Act Coordinator?
Chief of Personnel Services
Are supervisor allow to ask any applicant or member if they have a disability?
Pertaining to record request, is a driver’s personal information included in the driver history record?
To be considered Extensive Use, what is the maximum time it will take the department to fulfill any public records request?
more than 30 minutes
Who will establish and maintain an e-mail account for public records requests?
The General Counsel’s Office
How many people within each division will be assigned the sole duty of searching email archives for the purpose of responding to record request?
no more than 3
What is the timeframe to acknowledge receipt of a record request?
within 2 business days
How much is a public request for a member’s file?
Uncertified: 50 cent per page
Certified: $1 per page
What is the cost of a crash report?
What is the cost of a homicide report?
How much are photocopies of any citations, forms, documents, booklets, letters, status reports, etc., made in reference to a specific individual(s)?
50 cent per page
How much are certified copies of motor vehicle/vessel records?
$3.00 per page
For crash photographs public record request, how much is a 5” x 7” enlargement photo?
Black and White: $ .75 each
Color: $ 1.00 each
For crash photographs public record request, how much is a 8” x 10” enlargement photo?
Black and White: $ 1.00 each
Color: $ 1.50 each
For crash photographs public record request, how much is a 11” x 14” enlargement photo?
16” x 20” enlargement $ 2.75 each Not available
20” x 24” enlargement $ 3.75 each Not available
Black and White: $ 1.75 each
Color: Not available
For crash photographs public record request, how much is a 16” x 20” enlargement photo?
20” x 24” enlargement $ 3.75 each Not available
Black and White: $2.75 each
Color: Not available
For crash photographs public record request, how much is a 20” x 24” enlargement photo?
Black and White: $3.75 each
Color: Not available
When does crash reports become available to the public to purchase?
60 days
When are complaints against LEO available for public record request?
When the investigation is concluded and is no longer active
What does a person need to provide in order to request a copy of vessel and vehicles records currently registered to DHSMV?
positive proof of identification
What is not required when requesting copies of public records?
Name, Address, Phone Number, and Filling out a form is NOT required by the person requesting the records
How often are probationary Troopers evaluated?
When are full probationary evaluations conducted?
last 30 days of the member’s probationary period
When are close out evaluations conducted?
prior to the member’s last day in the position
When does performance planning occurs for a member?
first 30 days of evaluation period or first 30 days of appointment to a new position or class title
How far in advance must a request for an extension to the probationary period?
at least 30 days prior to the end of the probationary period
Who approves all request for extension of probationary period?
Chief of Personnel Services
How long does a supervisor have to review performance expectation with the members of their new unit?
First 30 days in the unit
Per PBA contract, what form must an allegation be in before an internal investigation process can be initiated?
In writing, under oath, and signed
Per PBA contract, when can an employee be required to submit to a polygraph or any device designed to measure the truthfulness of his or her response during an internal investigation?
when required by Florida Statutes
Per PBA contract, when will an employee not be notified of an investigation that will exceeds 120 days?
the investigation is a criminal investigation
Per PBA contract, before a member can use annual leave, how much special compensatory leave must be use if a member has an excess of 240 hours accrued?
must use a minimum of 120 hours or enough to bring the amount in special compensatory leave below 240 which ever is less
Per PBA contract, how much is on-call additive pay?
$1 per hour
Per PBA contract, how much is on-call additive pay for Saturday, Sunday, and/or a holiday?
1/4 of Statewide hourly minimum for employee’s pay grade per hour