202. Language Lesson 45: The Power of Patterns Flashcards
What is the difference between عَلَّمَ and تَعَلَّمَ?
(what is the difference in the meanings of the patterns فَعَّلَ and تَفَعّلَ)
تَفَعّلَ brings the meaning back to you
so, عَلّم means to teach, and تَعَلَّمَ means to learn
What is the difference between قاتَلَ and تَقاتَلَ?
(what is the difference in the meanings of the patterns فاعل and تفاعل)
قاتَلَ - to fight
تَقاتَلَ - to fight each other
so تفاعل takes the meaning of فاعل and brings it to each other
What is the difference between كَسَرَ and اِنْكَسَرَ?
(what is the difference in the meanings of the patterns فعل and اِنْفعل)
it brings the meaning onto itself / into the passive meaning
كَسَرَ - to break
اِنْكَسَرَ - to be broken
so اِنْكَسَرَ means the same as كُسِرَ * the difference is that كُسِرَ implies that something broke it whereas اِنْكَسَرَ focuses on the thing being broken itself (without implying something else broke it)
لَزِمَ / يَلْزَمُ / اِلْزَمْ
م: لُزومٌ
فهو لازم
to be necessary; required
to adhere to, remain, or stick to something