195. In the News Lesson 2: California Wild Fires Flashcards
الجمع: حَرائِق
Standard word for any significant fire
الجمع: غابات / غاب
غَطّى / يُغَطِّي / غَطِّ
م: تَغْطِيَةٌ
فهو مُغَطٍّ
to cover
بَدا / يَبْدُو / اُبْدُ
م: بُدُوٌّ
فهو بَادٍ
to appear or seem
also, to emerge
بَقِيَ / يَبْقَى / اِبْقَ
م: بَقاءٌ
فهو باقٍ
to remain
عانى / يُعانِي / عَانِ
م: مُعاناة
فهو مُعانٍ
to suffer
this is actually the ism al fa’il of the verb أَعْتَمَ, but it doesn’t seem that the verb is used that commonly so I decided to leave it
dangerous; serious
اِحْتَرَقَ / يَحْتَرِقُ / اِحْتَرِقْ
م: احتراقٌ
فهو مُحْتَرِقٌ
to burn
الجمع: مَسَاحَاتٌ
Area, space (in terms of measurement, geography, or abstract space)
رُئِيَ رِجَالٌ يُقارِبُ عَدَدُهُمُ العِشْرِينَ
Around twenty men were seen.
أدَّى / يُؤَدِّي / أَدِّ
م: تَأْدِيَةً
فهو مُؤَدٍّ
to lead to; to direct, guide
قارَبَ / يُقارِبُ / قارِبْ
م: مُقَارَبَة
فهو مُقَارِب
To approach, to come close to, to approximate
ex: يُقارِبُ المبلغ المليون
دَوْلَة / دُوَلٌ
state(s); country(ies)
الجمع: وَفَيَاتٌ
(more formal/polite than موت; for example, موت is more likely to be used for the death of an animal than وَفاة
خَلا / يَخْلُو / اُخْلُ
م: خُلُوٌّ
فهو خالٍ
To be empty, to be free of something.
To become vacant or unoccupied.
To be secluded or to spend time alone.
(With a preposition, such as مِنْ) To lack or be devoid of. ex:
الوَادِي يَخْلُو مِنَ الزَّرْعِ (The valley is devoid of vegetation).
أخْلَى / يُخْلِي / أَخْلِ
م: إِخْلَاءٌ
فهو مُخْلٍ
To evacuate, vacate, or clear out.
To leave empty or devoid.
To relinquish or abandon a space or position.
أطْفَأَ / يُطْفِئُ /أَطْفِئْ
م: إطْفاءٌ
فهو مُطْفِئٌ
to put out; to extinguish
رَجل إطْفاء
(one of saying:) fire fighter
أخْمَدَ / يُخْمِدُ /أَخْمِدْ
م: إخْمادٌ
فهو مُخْمِدٌ
also to extinguish; to suppress
قَضا / يَقْضِي / اِقْضِ
م: قَضَاءٌ
فهو قَاضٍ
اسم المفعول: مَقْضِيٌّ
To pass (judgment, decide, or decree).
To spend (time)
To finish or complete (something).
To eliminate or get rid of (when paired with على).
To fulfill or carry out (e.g., obligations, duties).
وَفْقَ / وَفْقًا لِ
a phrase that means:
According to, in accordance with, based on
In agreement with, consistent with
وَفْقَ is a ظرف
الجمع: إحْصَاءَات
الجمع: أَوْطَانٌ
homeland, country