194. (Benefits from) Getting Used to Arabic 27 Flashcards
الجمع: فَنادِقُ
How would you say “She’s now studying at the University of Umm Al Qura”
هي الآن تدرس في جامعة أم القرى
اِنْزَلَقَ / يَنْزَلِقُ / اِنْزَلِقْ
م: اِنْزِلاقٌ
فهو مُنْزَلِقٌ
to slip; to skid
اِصْطَدَمَ / يَصْطَدِمُ / اِصْطَدِمْ
م: اِصْطِدَامٌ
فهو مُصْطَدِمٌ
to collide (physically)
to clash (metaphorically)
اِصْطَدَمَ بي
he bumped into me
دَمَّرَ / يُدَمِّرُ / دَمِّرْ
م: تَدْمِيرٌ
فهو مدمّر
to destroy
الجمع: مَبانِي
what is the difference between بالكامل and كُلَّه?
بالكامل emphasizes total completeness
كُلَّه refers to the entirety of something, indicating that something includes or encompasses everything
continued ->
فهمتُ الدّرس بالكامل
فهمتُ الدّرس كلّه
So the difference between these 2 sentences is: ->
فهمتُ الدّرس بالكامل
“I fully understood the lesson”
فهمت الدّرس كلّه
“I understood the entire lesson”
بالكامل emphasizes the completeness or thoroughness of the understanding, while كلّه emphasizes the comprehensive coverage of the lesson itself.
تَأَثَّرَ / يَتَأثّرُ / تَأَثَّرْ
م: تَأَثُّرٌ
فهو مُتَأَثِّرٌ
To be affected, influenced, impacted, moved emotionally
الجمع : خِطابات
also letter
and it is the masdar of خَاطَبَ
how would you say, shaykh bin baz reminds us of the salaf
ذكّرنا الشيخ بن باز بالسلف الصالح
رحمه الله
ذكّر / يذكّر / ذكّر
م: تَذْكِيرٌ
فهو مُذَكِّر
To remind, to make remember, to prompt someone’s memory
kindness, gentleness
لطُف / يَلْطُفُ / اُلْطُفْ
م: لُطْفٌ
فهو لَطِيْفٌ
To be gentle or subtle
To act with refinement
lateef means kind, nice
bewildering; confusing