201. Practice Lesson 25: From Lesson 192-200 Flashcards
مَضَى / يَمْضِي / اِمْضِ
م: مُضِيّ
فهو مَاضٍ
to pass (by), depart, move on
فيما مَضَى
in the past; in what has passed
How would you say “I waited to speak with him”
اِنْتظرتُ لأتَحَدَّثَ معه
how do you say “let me…”
فَتَّشَ / يُفَتِّشُ / فَتِّشْ
م: تَفْتِيشٌ
فهو مُفَتِّشٌ
to examine; search; inspect
how do you say “let me finish my work”
دَعْنِي أُكْمِلْ عَمَلِي
فَحَصَ / يَفْحَصُ / اِفْحَصْ
م: فَحْصٌ
فهو فاحِص
to examine
مع بعضٍ
with each other; together
الجمع: أمْتِعة
Luggage, belongings, goods
How would you say “Let him read the book” (in a commanding way)
لِيَقْرَأ الكتاب
شَرَحَ / يَشْرَحُ / اِشْرَحْ
م: شَرْحٌ
فهو شارح
to explain
اِخْتَلَطَ / يَخْتَلِطُ / اِخْتَلِطْ
م: اِخْتِلاطٌ
فهو مُختلِط
To mix, intermingle, or become confused/blended
اِحْتَرَقَ / يَحْتَرِقُ / اِحْتَرِقْ
م: اِحْتِراقٌ
فهو مُحْتَرِقٌ
to burn, catch fire
Someone or something that causes confusion or perplexity
this is a اسم ال فاعل ->
أَرْبَكَ / يُرْبِكُ
م: إرباكٌ
فهو مُرْبِكٌ
to confuse
بَدَلََا مِنْ
instead of
what is the verb for “to listen”?
(not “to hear”)
come with the past, present, command, masdar, and ism al fa’il
اِسْتَمَعَ / يَسْتَمِعُ / اِسْتَمِعْ
م: اِسْتِماعٌ
فهو مُسْتَمِعٌ
حَرَّقَ / يُحَرِّقُ / حَرِّقْ
م: تَحْرِيقٌ
فهو مُحَرِّقٌ
to burn
what is the difference between حَرَّقَ and اِحْتَرَقَ?
اِحْتَرَقَ - “to burn” or “to be burned/get burned.” The subject is the thing that is burning itself or experiencing burning
حَرَّقَ - “to burn something/make something burn.” The subject is actively burning something else
تَأثَّرَ / يَتَأَثَّرُ / تَأثِّرْ
م: تأثُّرٌ
فهو مُتأثِّر
to be influenced;be affected
أَخَذَ يَدْرس جَيِّدًا
he began to study well
الجمع: مادّات، موادُّ
Subject (of study)
لا مَحالَةَ
no way around it