193. Story Time Lesson 3: Beneficial Food Flashcards
what is the difference between صُبح and صباح
صُبح is specifically fajr
صباح is morning in general
أفادَ / يُفيدُ / أفِدْ
م: إفادَة
فهو مُفيدٌ
to benefit
أعَدَّ / يُعِدُّ / أعِدَّ
م: إعْدادٌ
فهو مُعِدّ
to prepare
what is the word for breakfast
both إفْطار and فطور work, usually فطور is used for breakfast, and إفْطار is used for breaking a fast, but both work
what do the 3 letters اِسْتَ that we see at the beginning of the past tense of some verbs indicate in the meaning of the verb
generally (not always) to request or seek something
likeاِسْتَفْسَرَ, means to ask for tafsir (explanation)
اِسْتَعْلَمَ means to inquire (to ask for knowledge)
an example of where it does not mean to request or seek something:
اِسْتَقَظَ / يَسْتَيْقِظُ / اِسْتَيْقِظْ
م: استيقاظٌ
فهو مُستيقِظ
to wake up
أيْقَظَ / يُوقِظُ / أيْقِظ
م: إيقاظٌ
فهو مُوقِظ
to wake someone up
what does the letter ت that we see at the beginning of the past tense of some verbs indicate in the meaning of the verb
it generally indicates to do the verb within yourself
example: كلّم & تكلّم
كلّم / يُكَلِّمُ / كَلِّمْ
م: تكليم
فهو مكلّم
this verb means to speak but the emphasis is on speaking to someone else
تكلّم / يتكَلّمُ / تَكَلَّمْ
م: تَكَلُّمٌ
فهو مُتَكَلِّمٌ
this verb also means to speak, but not necessarily to anyone/anything
كَلَّمَ is used when speaking to someone directly and requires a direct object.
تَكَلَّمَ is broader, often meaning to speak or to talk, and does not need a direct object.
حانَ / يَحِينُ
م: حَيْنٌ
typically used to convey the arrival or approach of something inevitable, like a specific time, event, or due date. ex:
… حانَ وَقْتُ
حانَ الوَقْت
حانَ مَوْعِد الصَّلَاة
This is a حرف, that means “Let’s” or “Come on”
Often used to encourage someone to start an action or go somewhere. Often paired with بِنا to form the phrase هَيَّا بِنا (“Let’s go!”)
رَفَضَ / يَرْفُضُ / اُرْفُض
م: رَفْضٌ
فهو رافِض
to reject; refuse
(from this we get the rafidah, as they reject Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه)
تَناوَلَ / يَتَناوَلُ / تَنَاوَلْ
م: تَنَاوُلٌ
فهو مُتناوِل
Often “to take” something physically, such as food, medicine, or objects
also “to eat” or “to consume,” especially in formal or written Arabic
sometimes “to address,” “to discuss,” or “to deal with” a topic, issue, or subject
حَلْوى / حَلْوَيات و حَلاَوَى
sweets; pastry(ies); dessert(s)
middle; halfway
منتصف النهار
حِيْنَ / حِيْنَما
at the time of
عادَ / يَعُودُ / عُدْ
م: عَوْدةٌ ، عَوْدٌ
فهو عائدٌ
to return
كان يذهب
he used to go
but it can also mean, he normally goes
كان يفيد الإستمرارا
ما هو مصدر الفعل “فَرِحَ”؟
المصدر هو فَرَحٌ
:واسم الفاعل
فهو فَرِحٌ ، فارح
الجمع: وجَبَات
الوَجَباتِ السَرِيعَة
fast food
note: the feminine plural doesn’t take a
الجمع: أطْباق
another plural: طَبَقات
plate; dish
also can mean layer
أَطْباق for plates or dishes
طَبَقَات for layers
مِيْزَة / مِيْزَات
a positive quality, unique feature, or advantage that distinguishes someone or something
مُمَيِّزٌ / مُمَيِّزُون
it is an اسم الفاعل:
مَيَّزَ / يُمَيِّزُ / مَيِّزْ
م: تَمْيِيْز
فهو مُمَيِّزٌ
to distinguish
so مُمَيِّزٌ is adjective meaning “distinguishing” or “distinctive”
the previous verb, مَيَّزَ / يُمَيِّزُ
if we use the PASSIVE form of the verb, we get مُيِّزَ
from مُيِّزَ, we get مُمَيَّزٌ (different from مُمَيِّزٌ, which is the اسم الفاعل for مَيَّزَ)
so مُمَيَّزٌ means distinguished and the emphasis is that someone distinguished it
as it is from the passive verb مُيِّزَ, which means to be distinguished, as oppose toمَيَّزَ which means to distinguish
مُتَمَيِّز/ مُتَمَيِّزُون
it is an اسم الفاعل:
تَمَيَّزَ / يَتَمَيَّزُ / تَمَيَّزْ
م: تميُّزٌ
فهو مُتَمَيِّزٌ
to BE distinguished
soمُتَمَيِّز also emphasizes that someone or something is exceptional or distinguished, but the difference here is the thing in itself is special
so what is the difference between مُتَمَيِّزٌ and مُمَيَّزٌ?
they’re similar in meaning, both meaning distinguished, but مُمَيَّزٌ means something distinguished it or made it distinguished, andمُتَمَيِّزٌ means the thing itself is distinguished/special.
فاكِهَة / فَواكِهُ
خُضْرَة / خُضْرَوَات
note: the plural is more commonly used than the singular
دَعا / يَدْعُو / اُدْعُ
م: دُعاء / دَعْوَة
فهو داعٍ
to call; invite
both mean “however”
لكنّ is more formal / more emphasis and is from the sisters of اِنّ (works the same gramatically)
sorrow, regret, grief
شَعَرَ بِالأَسَفِ لِما حَدَثَ.
“He felt regret for what happened.”
كَانَ الأَسَفُ وَاضِحًا فِي صَوْتِهِ.
“The sorrow was clear in his voice.”
Sadly, regrettably
أشْياء is ممْنوع من الصرف, so it doesn’t take a كَسْرَة
what is the اسم الفاعل of أخَذَ / يَأْخُذُ?
verb + أخَذَ
what does this mean?
(ex: أخَذَ يَكْتُبُ)
it means “he began”
(he began to write)
verb + بَدَأ
what does this mean?
this also means “he began”
verb + شَرَعَ
and this?
this also means he began
شَرَعَ / يَشْرَعُ / اِشْرَعْ
م: شَرْعٌ / شُرُوعٌ
فهو شَارِعٌ
to begin or start something
also can mean to legislate or lay down laws
what is the اسم الفاعل of بَدَأ
what is the masdar of بَدَأ
What is the word for “stomach”
آلَمَ / يُؤْلِمُ / أَلِمْ
م: إِيلَامٌ
فهو مُؤْلِمٌ
to cause pain
verb + أنْ = ?
verb + أنْ =
ex: I like to write,
I like writing
أحبّ ان أكتب
أحبّ الكتابة
كَشَفَ / يَكْشِفُ / اِكْشِفْ
م: كَشْفٌ
فهو كاشِفٌ
to uncover; reveal; disclose - often used with عَنْ
also to examine - often used with عَلى
what is the masdar, and ism al fa’il of عَرف / يعرف?
مَعْرِفَة ، عِرْفانٌ
فهو عارفٌ