202 Flashcards
What is the main function?
This is where the program begins execution
How can you comment a C file?
// TEXT or /* TEXT */
What is a short?
A type of integer
Shorter than a normal integer
16 bits
Can be signed and unsigned
What is an int?
A normal integer
32 bits
Can be signed and unsigned
What is a long?
A type of integer.
Longer than a normal integer
64 bits
Can be signed or unsigned
What is a char?
A character variable
8 bits
Can be signed or unsigned
What is a string?
Multiple characters one after the other.
What is a float?
A floating point variable. A number with decimal places.
Single precision
32 bits
7 decimal places
What is a double?
A floating point variable. A number with decimal places.
double precision
64 bits
16 decimal places
What is a global variable?
Can be accessed by all parts of code.
What is a local variable?
Can be accessed by only certain sections of code
What is a literal?
This is when there is a number in the code that is not stored in a variable.
Specified in: Decimal, binary, hexadecimal and scientific notion
What the arithmetic operators? What do they do?
Mathematical operations on binary \+ Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulo (Finds the remainder) \++ Increments the variable by 1 -- Decrements the variable by 1
What is the notation for ++ and –?
b = 5;
c = b++;
What is a relational operator? What are they?
Compares two variables and outputs a boolean: > Greater than < Less than == Equivalent != Not equivalent >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to
What are some logical operators and their functions?
Does a logical operation on the overall number. A 0 is a binary 0. Any number that is not 0 is a 1.
&& AND
|| OR
What is a bitwise operation?
Does logical operations on the binary number of the number specified.
What are some bitwise operations and their functions?
& AND | OR ^ XOR ~ NOT << Shift left >> Shift right
What is an assignment operator?
This equates the variable on the left to the variables and operations on the right
What is precedence?
This is the order in which operations are done: Most important ( ) brackets ! or ~ [Read from right to left] * or / or % \+ or - Least important
What is the specifier for a signed integer?
d or i
What is the specifier for an unsigned integer?
What is the specifier for a character integer?
What is the specifier for a string?
What is the specifier for a floating point?
F or f
What is the specifier for a double in standard form?
e or E
What is the specifier for a double in normal or exponential form?
g or G
The microcontroller decides to put it in either exponential or normal form
What is the specifier for an unsigned integer in hexadecimal?
x or X
What is the specifier for an unsigned integer in octadecimal?
What does .4f mean?
It means a floating point with 4 decimal places