2018 Flashcards
***Ohio State - “Effect of combination intranasal ketorolac and N2O on success of IANB in pts w/ SIP”
Premdication w/ intransal ketorolac did not increase the odds of success of IANB over the use of N2O alone. Supplemental injections still necessary for profound anesthesia.
***Ohio State - “What is the outcome of incision and drainage procedure in endodontic pts?”
Success as mild or no post op pain and no use of opioid containing medications. Mock I+D group had significantly higher success (45%) than the I+D group (35%). Both groups clinically improved over 4 days.
***Ohio State - “Anesthetic efficacy of supine and upright positions for IANB”
Supine position more successful for premolars. No difference for molars and anteriors. Neither had clinical implications.
Yee - “Survival rates of teeth w/ primary endo tx after post + core + crown placement”
84% 10 year survival. Failure rates were greater after 60 days for post + core and 60 days delayed crown placement as well.
**Saatchi - “Anesthetic efficacy of GG Block, IANB, and combo in mandibular molars w/ SIP”
40% success GG, 44% success IANB, 70% success GG + IANB.
“Does orifice directed dentin conservation access design debride pulp chamber and mesial root canals of mandibular molars similarly to traditional endodontic cavity design?”
Debridement of the pulp chamber significantly compromised in CEC vs TEC. Debridement of root canals and isthmus showed no difference.
Torabinejad - “Prevalence and size of PA lesions using CBCT without apparent intraoral radiographic lesions: New periapical index with clinical recommendations”
20% of the time, 1mm or larger could be a variation of normal / success from previous RCT when normal on PA. (Pope 2014 - CBCT 1mm lesion size or less variation of normal. 2-4mm indicates necrotic pulp)
***Riccucci + Siqueira - “Histobacteriologic conditions of the apical root canal system and PA tissues in teeth with sinus tracts”
Predominance of biofilms noted, and 17/25 extraradicular biofilms, 10 had calcified biofilms.
Andreason - “The effect of long term dressing with CaOH on fracture susceptibility of teeth”
No SSD b/w controls and CaOH products. Thin, fragile roots more likely the cause rather than the CaOH.
Sabey - “Accuracy of CBCT interpretation bu endodontists vs residents”
Endodontists and residents have similar accuracy in reading CBCTs.
***James Johnson, Paranjpe - “The incidence of MB2 canals located in maxillary molars with the aid of CBCT”
MB2 55.8% of the maxillary molars studied. CBCT useful in finding MB2. Use of CBCT justified when treating maxillary molars. More found in maxillary molars without coronal coverage.
***Krell - “12 month success of cracked teeth treated with orthograde RCT”
Cracked teeth 36% mandibular 2nd molars, 27% mandibular 1st molars, 18% maxillary 1st molars. 82% success after 1 year. Pocket depth greater than 5mm, distal marginal ridge crack, and periapical dx (normal/AAP vs CAA, AAA, SAP) most important factors.
McDonald - “Efficacy of articaine vs lidocaine in supplementary injection for mandibular 1st vs 2nd molars with irreversible pulpitis”
25% success 4% articaine IANB. 61% + 63% success 1st and 2nd molars 4% articaine vs 66% + 32% 1st and 2nd molars 2% lidocaine. Articaine and lidocaine similar success for 1st molars, but articaine has increased success in 2nd molars.
Serbia - “Pulp sensitivity: influence of sex, psychosocial variables COMT gene, and chronic facial pain”
Pain intensity to cold was higher in TMD pts and women. COMT + sex as determinant for electric pain. (COMT gene = metabolism of neurotransmitters)
Manikar, Kim - “Dx accuracy of 5 dental pulp tests”
Laser doppler flowmetry and pulse oximetry most accurate. Heat pulp testing least accurate. EPT high accuracy for vital teeth (specificity) but low accuracy for non vital teeth (sensitivity). Type 1 error = false positive, Type 2 error = false negative.