2016 Flashcards
***Bane - “Randomized clinical trial of intraosseous methylprednisolone injection for acute pulpitis pts”
Methylprednisolone injection for acute pulpitis is relieved by a minimally invasive pharmacologic approach more effective than pulpotomy and conserves resources.
***Nunes, Ove Peters - “Evaluation of PA lesions and their association with maxillary sinus abnormalities on CBCT”
Maxillary posterior teeth w/ PA lesions had highest frequency of sinus abnormalities. Size of PA lesion not associated with w/ frequency. Close spatial relationship between PA lesions and sinuses related most frequently with sinus abnormalities.
Paranjpe - “The effects of Endo Sequence Root Repair material on differentiation of dental pulp cells”
Similar survival and proliferation of dental pulps cells when in contact with ERRM or MTA which means it is suitable as an alternative pulp cap material.
Korea - “Prognostic factors for clinical outcomes in autotransplantation of teeth with complete root formation: survival analysis up to 12 years”
Cumulative survival rate at 12 years was 68.2% after autotransplantation.
***Ricucci, Siqueira - “Apically extruded sealers: fate and influence on the outcome”
Tx outcome not significantly affected by type of extruded sealer. Significantly better outcome observed for teeth w/ no lesion vs teeth w/ apical periodontitis. Removal of AH+ and Apexit less than other sealers. 79% AP healed vs 100% with no PA.
***Brazil - “Micro-CT analysis of root canal morphology of P roots of maxillary first molars’
Oval 61% of the time. Later canals in 25%. 95% of the time the main foramen did not coincide with the root apex. 8% of canals classified as straight. 38% had apical constrictions. Minor dentin thickness at 1mm from foramen was 0.82mm.
***China - “An analysis of proximity of maxillary posterior teeth to the maxillary sinus using CBCT”
Mean distances from root tips to border of maxillary sinus floor increased with increasing age. Under 40yo greater likelihood of the apices being in the sinus. 1st PM 3.6-8.9mm 2nd PM 0.7-5.3mm 1st M MB -0.4-4.6mm 1st M DB -0.3-4.4mm 1st M P -0.4-3.9mm 2nd M MB -0.5-3.4mm 2nd M DB 0.3-3.9mm 2nd M P 1.1-4.6mm Type in sinus: 1st PM 0-8.13% (v low) 2nd PM 0-25.68% 1st M 0-44.75% 2nd M 0-24.68%
***Sebastian - “What is the effect of no endodontic debridement on post-op pain in symptomatic teeth with pulpal necrosis?”
Both groups had decrease in pain and medication use over 5 days. Debridement group had higher success rate than no debridement group. NSSD in groups in regards to breakthrough medication use.
***Fowler - “Anesthetic success of IANB and supplemental articaine buccal infiltration for molars and premolars in pts with SIP”
IANB success 28% 1st molar, 25% 2nd molar, 39% premolars with NSSD between them. Supplemental articaine success 42% 1st molar, 48% 2nd molar, and 73% premolars. SSD between molars and premolars. NSSD between molars.
France - “Comparative physiochemical analysis of pulp stone and dentin”
Pulpal cells produce unstructured apatitic mineralizations containing abnormally high Zn and Cu levels.
***Turkey - “Does parachloroaniline really form after mixing NaOCl and chlorhexidine?”
Study is “cut-off proof” for argument of PCA formation from reaction of CHX and NaOCl. No free PCA was found.
***Ricucci, Siqueira - “Complex apical intraradicular infection and extraradicular mineralized biofilms as the cause of wet canals and treatment failure”
Persistent infections showed extraradicular infections from apical areas showing biofilm formation.
**Norway - “PA bone healing after apico w./ and w/out retrograde root filling w/ MTA 6 year follow up of randomized controlled trial”
Proportion of healed cases was higher for MTA at 1 and 6 years. 86% MTA and 55% GP at 6 years.
***Korea - “Cracked teeth: Distribution, characteristics, and survival after RCT”
2 year survival rate RCT tx teeth approx. 90%. 2nd mandibular molars most common 25%. Most teeth with cracks - no restoration 34.3%, class I 32%. Probing >6mm significant prognostic factor. 74% vs <6mm 96.8%.
**Williamson - “Comparison of mechanical and indirect ultrasonic placement technique on MTA aggregate retrofill density in simulated root end surgery”
Indirect ultrasonic placement of MTA retrofill produced fillings significantly more dense than manual condensation alone.
**Aggarwal - “Comparative eval of mental incisal nerve block, IANB, and combo on the anesthetic success rate in symptomatic mandibular premolars”
53% MINB, 47% IANB w/ NSSD between them. Combo IANB and MINB significantly improved success rate to 82%.
***Setzer - “Late effects if head and neck radiotherapy on pulp vitality assessed by pulse oximetry”
Temporary loss of vitality. Could be be 4-6 years. Short-term changes in micro circulation.
**Friedman (Toronto) - “Retention and healing outcomes after intentional replantation”
Cumulative retention rate at 12 years 93% and 77% healed rate after 3 years. healing 1.7X more when replanted within 15 minutes.
***McClanahan - “Mandibular canal location: CBCT examination”
Respective locations of mandibular canal (Buccal, Inferior, Lingual): 2nd molar 57%B, 40%I, 3%L. 1st molar 18%B, 55%I, 27%L. 2nd PM 33%B, 55%I, 11%L. Buccal bone thickness greatest at M roots of 2nd molar, thinnest over 2 PMs. Anterior loop present in about 10% of pts. Average depth below bone 13.4mm, more on L than R, and bilateral 50% of the time.
***Kim - “The influence of an isthmus on outcomes of surgically treated molars”
72/106 had isthmus (68%) 34/106 no isthmus (32%). Isthmus survival 61% at 4 years. No isthmus survival 87.4% at 4 years. Isthmus = 6.01X higher failure rate compared to no isthmus.
***Tsesis - “Comparison of CBCT vs PA in detection of separated instruments retained in the apical third of root canal-filled teeth”
PA performed better than CBCT for detection of retained separated instrument in apical third. PA sensitivity 71.25%, specificity 93.75%. CBCT sensitivity 71.3%, specificity 41.25%.
***India - “Diagnosis of vertical root fracture in restored endodontically treated teeth: a time-dependent retrospective cohort study”
Mandibular molars 34%, maxillary premolars 22.8%, most frequently affected teeth. Post op time to diagnosis of VRF was 4.35 years. Posterior teeth, females, >40 yo more likely to have a VRF within 5 years.
***Siqueira - “Bacteremia after endodontic procedures in pts with heart disease: culture and molecular analyses”
No detectable bacteremia evident by culture after tx of infected root canals. No difference noted between prophylaxis and no prophylaxis in molecular analysis of bacterial DNA and streptococcus.
***Taschieri - “Does the papilla preservation flap technique induce soft tissue modifications over time in endodontic surgery procedures?”
About 0.1mm difference with NSSD b/w papilla base vs intrasulcular incision.
***Johnson, Paranjpe - “Disinfection efficacy of current regenerative endodontic protocols in simulated necrotic immature permanent teeth”
Current recommended CaOH and TAP/DAP concentrations not capable of completely eliminating bacteria from simulated necrotic immature permanent teeth. Balance between stem cell toxicity and bacterial elimination needs to be re-evaluated.
***Glenn - “Does liposomal bupivicaine (Exparel) significantly reduce postoperative pain/numbness in symptomatic teeth with a diagnosis of necrosis?”
Liposomal bupivicaine did not significantly increase post-op success in pts with symptomatic necrotic teeth compared to 4.0mL infiltration with regular bupivicaine, although there was a small decrease in pain and use of escape meds vs regular bupiviaine.
**Italy - “Influences of 432 Hz music on the perception of anxiety during endodontic treatment”
Effective at reducing vital values and subjective perception of anxiety during endodontic therapy.
***Fouad - “Association between systemic diseases and apical periodontitis”
Moderate risk of correlation between some systemic diseases and apical periodontitis.
***Webster - “How effective is supplemental intraseptal anesthesia in patients with SIP?”
Intraseptal injection was successful in 29% of pts when the IANB failed. Still not enough success and would require additional supplemental.
***Abbott - “the effect of maxillary first molar root length on the success rate of buccal infiltration anesthesia”
Maxillary first molar with irreversible pulpitis with longer roots may have more anesthetic failures after single buccal infiltration injection with 2% lidocaine 1:80k epi.
**Tawil - “Periapical microsurgery: Can ultrasonic root end preparation clinically create or propagate dentinal defects?”
Ultrasonic root-end preps are safe. Pre-existing defects can be propagated by ultrasonic root end prep but no effect on prognosis.
**Brazil - “Association between odontogenic conditions and maxillary sinus disease: A study using CBCT”
Generalized mucosal thickening 65.2% (most common), localized mucosal thickening 24.8%, maxillary sinusitis 6.4%, retention cysts 3.6%. Localized mucosal thickening was associated with PA lesions (3.09 odds ratio) and close relationship of teeth and the sinus floor (2.77 odds ratio).
Spain - “Hemostatic agents in PA surgery: A randomized study of gauze impregnated in epinephrine vs aluminum chloride”
24/48 epi, 37/51 AlCl. AlCl is better than epi impregnated gauze.
Montagnese - “8 year retrospective study of the critical time lapse between root canal completion and crown placement: Its influence on the survival of endodontically treated teeth”
Teeth that received crown >4 months after RCT are 3X more likely to be extracted than teeth crowned <4 months after RCT.
Tawil - “Periapical microsurgery: the effects of locally injected dexamethasone on pain, swelling, bruising, and wound healing”
Minimal impact noted for dexamethasone (only reported less swelling at 24 hours) for anything over the 7 day period.
*Diogenes - “Influence of age and apical diameter on the success of endodontic regeneration procedures”
Can be done in pts 9-18, but younger were better. >1mm apical diameter showed greater increase in root length etc. Still successful even on 0.5mm apical diameter.
**Bultema - “Pain reduction in intreated symptomatic irreversible pulpitis using liposomal bupivicaine (Exparel)”
Gave soft tissue numbness for 1-3 days, but did not relieve pain to manageable levels in untreated pts with SIP.