2015 Flashcards
***Torabinejad - “Tooth retention through endodontic microsurgery or tooth replacement using single implants”
4-6 years single tooth implants had a higher success rate vs endo mirco surgery. Success criteria were different and they were not compared to each other in the studies. Both high success rates. Need more data and studies to compare.
***Ohio State - “Evaluation of Gow-Gates and Vazirani-Akinosi techniques in patients with SIP”
3.6mL 2% lido 1:100k epi lip numbness achieved 92% w/ GG, 63% VA which was SSD. Of these 35% successful anesthesia w/ GG, 16% with VA which was also SSD. Both require supplemental anesthsia.
***Nosrat, Fouad - “Middle mesial canals in mandiblar molars. Incidence and related factors”
20% of teeth had negotiable MM canals. 32.1% in <20yo, 23.8% in 21-40yo. Higher frequency in younger patients than previously reported. No difference in tooth, ethnicity, sex, or presence of 2nd distal canal.
***Saatchi - “Effect of sodium bicarbonate-buffered lido on success of IANB for teeth w/ SIP”
62.5% with buffered, 48% with non buffered, but NSSD. No improvement for success of IANB.
***Ohio State - “Effect of operator and subject gender on injection pain”
Maxillary anterior infiltrations. NSSD on corahs anxiety scale b/w genders. SSD increase in pain during solution deposition phase for male providers to female pts.
**Maryland - “Effect of EDTA preparations on rotary instrumentation”
The use of chelating agents did not significantly increase apical transportation.
***Ricucci, Siqueira - “The cracked tooth: histopathologic and histobacteriologic aspects”
All cracks had biofilms. Severe accumulations of inflammatory infiltrates in pulp adjacent to tubules where crack was located. Some instances PMNs invaded cracks and were facing the biofilms. Irreversible pulpitis, when histologic sections encompass the entire crack, pulp tissue showed empty space surrounded by concentrations of chronic and acute inflammatory cells with areas of liquefaction necrosis (surrounded by PMNs). Cracks perpendicular to dentinal tubules led to greatest bacterial invasion.
**Von Arx - “Assessment of the nonoperated root after apical surgery of the other root in mandibular molars. A 5 year follow up study”
Nonoperated roots rarely developed signs of new apical pathosis 5 years after apical surgery of the other root on mandibular molars. Reasonable to resect and fill only roots with radiographically evident lesion.
***Nixdorf, Law - “Differential diagnoses for persistent pain after root canal treatment. A study in the national dental practice-based research network”
Of the pts presenting with persistent pain, about 3% were non-odontogenic w/ most being TMD of the 5% that seemed to have persistent pain (>6mos).
***Asma Khan - “Acetaminophen: Old drug, new issues”
Maybe not okay during pregnancy.
Ohio State - “Incidence of missed IANB in vital asymptomatic pts and pts w/ SIP”
2 carps better for not missing blocks, but not better for pulpal anesthesia.
Sam Dorn - “Evaluating the effects of different dental devices on implantable cardioverter defibrillators”
Electrosurgery unit affected pacemakers, but all other devices seemed alright for dentistry.
Patel - “External cervical resorption associated w/ the use of bisphosphonates”
Multiple proposed etiologies for ECR, but bisphosphonates seem to have an acute inflammatory release which could initiate.
Ohio State - “Effect of buffered sodium bicarbonate 4% lidocaine on success of IANB in pts with SIP”
32% with buffered, 40% with non buffered. NSSD w/ buffered solutions.
Torabinejad - “Survival of intentionally replanted teeth and implant supported single crowns”
88% survival of IR vs 97% survival of ISC. SSD for higher survival rate of the implant vs IR, but clinically sometimes IR can be a good option.