201.20 SSPS Flashcards
- 201.20 SSPS*
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Functions of SSPS
Monitors parameters and initiates protective function to ensure w/in Tech Spec limits
Maintains fuel clad integrity via Rx Trip for Condition I and II events
Actuates ESF Systems to mitigate Condition III and IV events to ensure offsite dose w/in 10CRF50.67 limit
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ANS Classification of Accidents
Condition I - normal ops and operational transients
no clad damage
Condition II - faults of moderate frequency
no clad failure or fuel melting, rad release < 10CFR20, at worst trip with return to power
Condition III - infrequent faults
small amount of fuel damage, rad release small fraction of 10CFR50.67, considerable outage time
Condition IV - limiting faults
rad release < 10CFR50.67
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Acutation Train Urgent Alarm
Loss of power (Slave Relay Cabinet or Test Cabinet)
Actuation train in test
Test Cabinet in test
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Logic Cabinet Urgent Alarm
Loose or removed circuit card
“Respective” Actuation Train Urgent
Associated Rx Trip Bypass Breaker racked in and closed
Test Switches:
Input Error in INHIBIT
Logic Test Switch A in other than OFF
Permissive Test Switch in other than OFF
Memory Test Switch in other than OFF
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SSPS Trouble Alarm Train R and S
Loss of any 15 VDC or 48 VDC
Any Actuation Train in test
Any Actuation Train loss of power
MRDS Switch in other than NORMAL
Multiplexer Test Switch in INHIBIT
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Reactor Protection Channel Bypassed Alarm
Any protection channel bypassed in the 7300 process cabinets.
Specific channel determined by bistable indications.
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3 “systems” that should NOT be tested concurrently
- Reactor Trip System (RTBs)
- Reactor Protection System (Instruments, 7300 and Rx Trip part of Logic Cabinets)
- Solid State Protection System (Rest of the Logic and Actuation Cabinets)
Work on any 1 is fine
Work on 2 parts or 2 channels / trains needs thought:
Will this cause a trip or actuation?
Will this place the plant in an unanalyzed condition? (LCO 3.0.3)
- 201.20 SSPS*
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First Out Annunciator Panels
Indicate cause of Rx Trip, SI, or Turbine Trip on CP-005, CP-006
Basic Operation:
Initially all trip signals currently in will flash rapidly
Main Panel reset causes all but initiating signal to go solid
Depressing first out reset clears all windows
Manual trip signal may be delayed and look like a Turbine Trip.
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Generic SSPS Tech Spec Information
If OOS may be left as is or bypassed for 72 hours
If OOS for 72 hours must be placed in tripped condition
Permissives verified in proper state within 1 hour (if less than minimum channels operable)
Containment Spray receives special treatment – placed in BYPASS because it is energize to trip
Rx Trip Breakers are Open
Setpoint - both Rx Trip and Bypass bkrs open for that train 2/2
What it does:
Turbine Trip
Allows FWI on Low Tavg (574°F)
Allows manual block and reset of SI
Closes SB isolations if SR Flux Trip blocked
Why - Reactor Protection
What it does
Source Range Trip Block Permissive
Setpoint - 10-10 amps IR power (1/2)
What - Block of SR High Flux Trip, removes power from SR detectors
Why - Ensures IR overlap prior to power ascension
Protects SR detectors from excessive flux while energized
What does it allow?
At-Power Permissive
Setpoint - P-10 OR P-13
What - At power Rx Trips:
PZR low press / high level
RCS low flow (2/4 loops)
Why - Allow normal plant shutdown / cooldown without tripping shutdown banks
Single Loop Loss of Flow Permissive
Setpoint - 40% on PR NIs (2/4)
What - Rx Trip on low flow in one loop
(if not true, requires 2 loops low flow to trip)
Why - prevents DNB conditions
Turbine Trip / Reactor Trip Permissive
Setpoint - 50% on PR NIs (2/4)
What - C-8 to cause Rx Trip
Why - Rods can reduce power 10% step load change; Steam dumps can handle a 40% load rejection.
Power Range low FLux Trip Block Permissive
Setpoint - 10% on PR NIs (2/4)
What -
Allows block of IR flux trip and rod stops (C-1)
Allows block of PR high flux (low) trip
Backup, automatic input to SR NI blocks
Ensures SR NIs do not energize at power and trip the Rx if IR NIs fail