2010s Flashcards
1) Adverse
2) Averse
1) Negative and unpleasant
2) Strong disliking or opposed to
1) Maize
2) Maze
1) A tall plant grown in many plants of the world which are eaten, made into flour, fed to animals
2) An intricate and confusing network of interconnecting pathways
1) Medal
2) Meddle
1) A small flat piece of metal with a design or inscription stamped or inscribed on it
2) To become involved in something that does not concern you
1) Imperial
2) Imperious
1) Connected with an empire
2) Proud
1) Voracity
2) Veracity
1) Excessive eagerness
2) quality of being true honest and accurate
1) Illusion
2) Allusion
1) An idea or belief which is not true
2) something that is said or written to make you think of a particular person or thing
1) Ordinance
2) Ordnance
1) A law or rule made by the government or authority
2) Military Supplies and material
1) Willing
2) Wilful
1) To be happy to do something if needed
2) Said or done deliberately
1) Capital
2) Capitol
1) A city of a country usually where a central government operates
2) the building in which a state legislature meets
1) Assay
2) Essay
1) Trial of metal or ore for quantity
(A metallurgist did an assay on the metal and determined it contained nickel)
2) A short piece of writing
1) Envelop
2) Envelope
1) to cover and surround something completely
2) A flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter
1) Decree
2) Degree
1) An official statement that something must happen
2) Amount or level of something
1) Desolate
2) Dissolute
1) A place that is empty or without people
2) Enjoying immoral activities
1) Wet
2) Whet
1) Covered in water or another liquid
2) To increase someone’s desire or interest in something
1) Adjoin
2) Adjourn
1) To be next to or joined to something
2) Break off for later resumption
1) Allay
2) ally
1) to make something especially a feeling less strong
2) Support someone who is in a difficult situation
1) Bases
2) Basis
1) Plural form of base
2) The foundation of an idea
1) Click
2) Clique
1) To make a short sharp sound
2) A small group of people with shared interests who spend time together
1) Distract
2) Detract
1) Prevent from giving full interest
2) Reduce or take away the value
1) Liable
2) Libel
1) Legally Bound
2) A published fake statement causing ill repute to someone
1) Plaintive
2) Plaintiff
1) Sad, sorrowful and mournful
2) A person who makes a formal complaint against someone in a court of law
1). Valet
2) Varlet
1) A hotel employee with a job to park cars of guests
2) Menial, low fellow, rascal
1) Monitor
2) Mentor
1) A student in school who carries out special duties
2) Experienced advisor
1) Complacent
2) Complaisant
1) Self satisfied in a negative way
2) to accept other people’s opinion and action and to do what people want
1) Penitence
2) Penance
1) repentance, remorse, contrition
2) An act that shows you feel sorry about something
1) Crevice
2) Crevasse
1) A narrow crack in a rock
2) A deep open crack in ice
1) Beneficient
2) Beneficial
1) Giving help
2) Favourable
1) Adverse
2) Averse
1) Negative and unpleasant
2) Not oppose to doing something
1) Altogether
2) All together
1) Entirely, completely
2) used by a group to indicate all members performed or stood in unity, collectively
1) Allude
2) Elude
1) To mention something in an indirect way
2) To manage to escape or avoid someone
1) Braise
2) Braze
1) Cook in liquid
2) Solder with an allay of brass and zinc
1) Curb
2) Kerb
1) Control or limit
2) The edge of a raised path at the side of a road
1) Wrath
2) Wroth
1) Extreme anger
2) Angry
1) veracity
2) voracity
1) The quality of being true
2) Excessive eagerness
1) Subtler
2) sutler
1) Elusive
2) Supplier to army
1) Retenue
2) Retinue
1) restraint, self control
2) A group of people who travel with an important person to provide support and help
1) Minute
2) Minuet
1) Extremely small
2) A slow, stately ballroom dance
1) Callous
2) Callus
1) Cruel, ruthless
2) A thickened and hardened part of skin
1) Born
2) Borne
1) birth
2) Carried or transported by a thing
1) Faint
2) Feint
1) Possible but unlike
2) Any distracting or deceptive manoeuvre
1) Dinghy
2) Dingy
1) A small inflatable rubber boat
2) Shabby, squalid
(On a cold night, I walked out of a dingy hotel in handcuffs)
1) Lose
2) Loose
1) suffer a loss
2) not tight
1) Waiver
2) Waver
1) Renunciation, surrender
2) Falter, wobble
(His voice wavered with a hint of uncertainty)
1) Shear
2) Sheer
1) Cut off with scissors
2) To deviate from a course
1) Resister
2) Resistor
1) Someone who offers opposition
2) A devise designed to introduce resistance into an electric circuit