1970s Flashcards
1) Consciousness
2) Conscientiousness
1) The state of understanding and realising something
2) putting a lot of effort into your work / controlled by or done according to conscience
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) very intelligent and skilful
2) honest, sincere, trusting
1) Fantastic
2) Fanatical
1) Extremely good
2) Describes someone whose enthusiasm for something is considered to be extreme or unreasonable
1) Honourable
2) Honorary
1) Deserving respect and admiration
2) given as an honour to someone
1) Politician
2) Statesman
1) A member of the government, law maker
2) An experienced politician, especially someone respected for good judgement
1) Grateful
1) Showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
2) to please someone, to satisfy a wish or need
1) Imaginary
2) Imaginative
1) Existing only in the mind’s imagination
2) Of, relating to, characterised by imagination
1) Negligent
2) Negligible
1) not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility
2) too slight or small in amount to be of importance
1) Placable
2) Placeable
1) Easily appeased, mild, forgiving
2) Capable of being placed
1) Restive
2) Restless
1) Unwilling to be controlled, be patient
2) Unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm because of worry or boredom
1) Amiable
2) Amicable
1) Describes a person that is pleasant and friendly
2) Describes the behaviour between people that is pleasant often despite a difficult situation
1) Considerable
2) Considerate
1) Large or of noticeable importance
2) Kind and helpful
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) Very intelligent
2) Honest, sincere, trusting
1) Momentary
2) Momentous
1) lasting for a short time, brief
2) Very important because of effects on future events
1) Virtuous
2) Virtual
1) Having a good moral qualities and behaviour
2) Describes something that can be done or seen using a computer
1) Par
2) At a par
1) The same as or equal to someone or something
2) A term that refers to a bond trading at its face value
1) Compliment
2) Complement
1) A remark that expresses approval, admiration and respect
2) To make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it
1) Complacent
2) Complaisant
1) Self satisfied
2) Willing to please; affably agreeable; obliging
1) State
2) Government
1) A country or its government
2) the group of people who officially control a country
1) Eminent
2) Prominent
1) Famous, Respected or important
2) Very well known and important
1) Below
2) Beneath
1) In a lower position
2) In or to a lower position than something or someone
1) Portly
2) Comely
1) Fat and round
2) Describes a woman who is attractive
1) Set up
2) Set upon
1) the way in which something is set up
2) To attack someone
1) Shall
2) Will
1) Used instead of ‘will’ when the subject is I or We
2) Used to talk about what is going to happen in the future
1) Sink
2) Drown
1) To cause something or someone to go down below the surface to the bottom of the liquid
2) To die by being unable to breathe under water
1) Altar
2) Alter
1) A type of table used in ceremonies in a Christian church
2) to change something
1) Apposite
2) Opposite
1) Suitable and right for the occasion
2) Completely Different
1) Bear
2) Bare
1) To accept, tolerate, endure
2) Without any clothes or cover
1) Complacent
2) Complaisant
1) Self satisfied
2) Willing to please, obliging
1) Confident
2) Confidant
1) Having confidence
2) A person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
1) Disease
2) Decease
1) illness of people, animals, plants
2) A person’s death
1) Gate
2) Gait
1) a part of a fence or outside wall
2) A particular way of walking
1) Judicial
2) Judicious
1) Involving court of law
2) Having or showing good judgement
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) very intelligent
2) honest, sincere, trustworthy
1) Yoke
2) Yolk
1) Harsh treatment or something that restricts your freedom
2) Yellow, middle part of an egg
1) Affection
2) Affectation
1) A feeling of liking for a person or place
2) Behaviour or speech that is not sincere
1) Urban
1) Urbane
1) Of or in city
2) Confident, comfortable, polite in social situations
1) Official
2) Officious
1) Relating to a person of responsibility
2) Too eager to tell people what to do, inflated sense of self importance
1) Beside
2) Besides
1) at the side of, next to
2) In addition to, also
1) Casual
2) Causal
1) Unceremonious clothes that are not formal
2) A relationship, link, between two things where one causes the other
1) Pour
2) Pore
1) To make a substance flow from a container to another container by raising one side
2) Minute opening in the surface through which fluids may pass
1) Humiliation
2) Humility
1) To make someone feel ashamed
2) The quality of not being proud
1) Wreck
2) Reek
1) To destroy
2) Unpleasant smell
1) Temporal
2) Temporary
1) Relating to practical or physical matters not spiritual
2) Not lasting or needed for long
1) Cession
2) Session
1) A ceding or giving up rights to another
2) A formal meeting
1) Canon
2) Cannon
1) Generally accepted rules or standards upon which to be judged
2) An automatic weapon
1) Barbarism
2) Barbarity
1) Extremely cruel and unpleasant behaviour
2) Behaviour that is very cruel
1) Artist
2) Artisan
1) Someone who paints
2) a person who does skilled work by his hands
1) Antics
2) Antique
1) Funny, silly or strange behaviour
2) Something made in an earlier period and which is collected and valued.
1) Illusion
2) Allusion
1) An idea or belief which is not true
2) Something that is said or written to make you think of a particular thing or person
1) Aspire
2) Expire
1) To have a strong want
2) Become void
1) Collision
2) Collusion
1) An accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other
2) Agreement between people to work together to do something illegal
1) Counsel
2) Council
1) To give advice
2) A group of people elected or chosen to make decisions
1) expedient
2) expeditious
1) Helpful or useful in a particular situation
2) quick