1980s Flashcards
1) Canvas
2) Canvass
1) A piece of cloth used by artists for painting on
2) To try to get political support or votes by visiting all houses in the area
1) Cast
2) Caste
1) To choose actors to play particular parts in a play or movie
2) A system of dividing Hindu society into classes
1) Appraise
2) Apprise
1) to examine someone or something to assess their qualities
2) To tell someone about something
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1). Very intelligent
2) Honest, sincere, trusting
1) Continual
2) Continuous
1) Happening repeatedly, usually in an annoying or not convenient way
2) Without a pause or interruption
1) Berth
2) Birth
1) A bed in a boat, train, etc
2) Child’s birth
1) Apposite
2) Opposite
1) Suitable and right for the occasion
2) Completely different
1) Artist
2) Artiste
1) Someone who paints
2) A skilled performer
1) Adapt
2) Adopt
1) To change something to suit different conditions
2) To chose or take as your own
1) Mitigate
2) Alleviate
1) To make something less harmful, unpleasant or bad
2) To make problems less severe
1) Persecute
2) Prosecute
1) To treat someone in a cruel and unfair way
2) To officially charge someone with a crime in a court of law
1) Popular
2) Populace
1) Liked, enjoyed, supported by many people
2) The ordinary people who live in a particular place or country
1) Compliment
2) Complement
1) A remark that expresses praise
2) To make something seem better together
1) Excite
2) Incite
1) To make someone feel strong feelings of happiness or enthusiasm
2) to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant
1) Voracity
2) Veracity
1) Excessive desire to eat
2) The quality of being true, honest, accurate
1) Virtual
2) Virtuous
1) Describes something which can be done on or seen on a computer
2) Having good moral qualities
1) Exceptional
2) Exceptionable
1) much greater than usual
2) Offensive or upsetting
1) Illusion
2) Allusion
1) An idea or belief which is not true
2) Something said or written to make you think about a particular someone or something
1) Ardour
2) Order
1) Strong feelings, enthusiasm, love
2) The way in which things are arranged
1) Conquer
2) Concur
1) To take control control or possession
2) To agree with someone or have the same opinion
1) Cite
2) Site
1) To mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened
2) A place where something is
1) Addict
2) Edict
1) A person who cannot stop doing or using something
2) An official order which is given in a forceful and unfair way
1) Proceed
2) Precede
1) To continue as planned
2) To be or go before someone or something in time or space
1) Right
2) Rite
1) Correct
2) A set of fixed words and actions, ritual
1) Weather
1) Whether
1) The condition in the air above earth, wind, rain, temperature
2) If, or not
1) Eminent
2) Imminent
1) Famous, respected, important
2) Coming or likely to happen soon
1) Deference
2) Difference
1) Respect and politeness
2) Comparison of things not the same in some ways
1) Eligible
2) Illegible
1) Satisfying certain conditions
2) Impossible to read
1) Judicial
2) Judicious
1) Involving a court of law
2) Showing good judgment in decisions
1) president
2) Precedent
1) Who has the highest office in government
2) An action, situation or decision which has already happened
1) Superficial
2) Superfluous
1) Never thinking about things that are serious or important
2) More than is needed or wanted
1) Immigrant
2) Emigrants
1) a person that has come from a different country to live permanently
2) A person that is GOING to another country
1) Rightful
2) Righteous
1) Claim which is morally and legally correct
2) Morally correct
1) Contemptible
2) Contemptuous
1) deserving contempt
2) Expressing contempt
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) Very intelligent and skilful
2) honest, sincere and trusting
1) Complement
2) Compliment
1) To make something seem better together with another thing
2) a remark that expresses approval or respect
1) Outbreak
2) Breakout
1) A time when something suddenly begins like a disease
2) a violent escape
1) Facilitate
2) Felicitate
1) To make possible or easier
2) to wish happiness
1) Proceed
2) Precede
1) To continue as planned
2) To be or go before something in time or space
1) Layout
2) Outlay
1) The way something is arranged
2) An amount of money spent in a particular purpose
1) Cease
2) Seize
1) to stop something
2) To take something quickly and keep it
1) Career
2) Carrier
1) A profession or occupation which one trains for and pursues as a lifestyle
2) A person or thing which carries something
1) Acculturate
2) Acclimatize
1) To undergo, or alter by acculturation
2) cause to change to suit different conditions of life, weather
1) Disclosure
2) Exposure
1) The act of making something known
2) the act of revealing secrets about someone or something
1) Rigorous
2) Vigorous
1) Very strict or harsh
2) Very forceful or energetic
1) Custom
2) Habit
1) A way of behaving or believing which has been established for a long time
2). Something which you do regularly without knowing you’re doing it
1) Peculiar
2) Particular
1) Unusual or strange
2) special, this and not any other way
1) Prescribe
2) Proscribe
1) what medical treatment is given by the doctor
2) To forbid something
1) Accident
2) Incident
1) Unpleasant event
2) Something that happens
1) Choice
2) Preference
1) an act of choosing
2) When you like something more than another
1) Ascent
2) Assent
1) when someone or something climbs or moves upwards
2) Official agreement or approval of an idea or request
1) Immigrant
2) Emigrant
1) A person who comes from a different country to live permanently
2) A person who GOES from a country to another
1) Continual
2) Continuous
1) Happening repeatedly, usually in an annoying or not convenient way
2) Without pause or interruption
1) Custom
2) Habit
1) A way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time
2) Something you do regularly without realising it
1) Deface
2) Efface
1) To damage and spoil the appearance of something
2) To remove something intentionally
1) Differ
2) Defer
1) To be not like something or someone
2) To postpone
1) Conduct
2) Character
1) to behave in a particular way
2) The combination of qualities in a person
1) Considerable
2) Considerate
1) Large or noticeable amount
2) Kind and helpful
1) Compliment
2) Complement
1) a remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect
2) To make something go better with something else
1) Feet
2) Feat
1) Plural of foot
2) Something difficult needing a lot of skill
1) Fair
2) Fare
1) Treating everyone equally
2) Money spent for a journey
1) Enviable
2) Envious
1) Good enough to be envied
2) Wishing mg you had something someone else has
1) Collision
2) Collusion
1) two cars hitting
2) An agreement between people to act together on something illegal
1) verbal
2) Verbose
1). Spoken rather than written
2) Using more words than necessary
1) Facilitate
2) Felicitate
1) To make possible or Easier
2) Wish happiness
1) Consciousness
2) Conscientiousness
1) The state of understanding and realising something
2) Putting a lot of effort into your work
1) Wave
2) Waive
1) A greeting gesture
2) To give up or forgo
1) Wreck
2) Wreak
1) To destroy
2) Cause something to happen in a violent way
1) Virtuous
2) Virtual
1) Having good moral qualities
2) Things which can be done or seen with a computer
1) Flatter
2) Flutter
1) To praise someone to make them feel attractive
2) To make quick and delicate movements up and down or side by side
1) Deference
2) Difference
1) respect and politeness
2) the way in which two things when compared have un similar qualities
1) Humiliation
2) Humility
1) to make someone feel ashamed
2) To quality of not being proud