1990s Flashcards
1) Adept
2) Adapt
3) Adopt
1) Having a natural ability to do something which needs skill
2) To change something to suit different conditions
2) Formally accept a suggestion on policy by vote
1) Alleged
2) Accused
3) Suspected
1) Thought to be the stated bad or illegal thing
2) Person is on trial for committing a crime
3) To think something to be true or probable
1) Bear
2) Borne
3) Born
1) To accept, tolerate
2) past participle of bear
3) brought into life by birth
1) Raise
2) Rise
3) Raze
1) To lift something up
2) To move upwards
3) To completely destroy a city or building
1) Smell
2) stink
3) Scent
1) to have a particular quality which can be detected by noses
2) unpleasant smell
3) pleasant smell
1) Least
2) Less
3) Lest
1) Less than anything or anyone else
2) A smaller amount
3) In order to prevent any possibility that something will happen
1) Quiet
2) Quite
1) Making very little noise
2) A little or a lot but not completely
1) Their
2) There
1) Of or belonging to them
2) That place
1) Access
2) excess
1) A way of entering or reaching a place
2) An amount which is more than acceptable
1) Ascent
2) Accent
1) an act of climbing upwards
2) The particular way of pronouncing words native to a country
1) Resources
2) Recourse
1) A useful or value-able possession or quality of a country, organisation or person
2) Using something or someone as a way of getting help in difficult circumstances
1) Weather
2) Whether
1) The conditions in the air above earth
2) If, no not
1) Premier
2) Premiere
1) Best or most important
2) The first public performance of a play
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) Very intelligent
2) Sincere, honest, trusting
1) Facilitate
2) Felicitate
1) to things easier
2) congratulate
1) conscious
2) conscientious
1) to notice a particular thing or person exists
2) Putting a lot of effort into your work
1) Disease
2) Decease
1) Illness if people, animals, plants
2) A person’s death
1) ascent
2) assent
1) climb upwards
2) approval of request or idea
1) ballot
2) ballet
1) A system of secret voting
2) A type of dancing where carefully organised movements tell a story or idea
1) Corps
2) Corpse
1) A military unit trained to perform particular duties
2) A dead body
1) Due
2) Dew
1) Expected to happen
2) Drops of water that form on the ground at night
1) Diary
2) Dairy
1) Daily record of events
2) A commercial establishment for processing and selling milk
1) Momentary
2) Momentous
1) Lasting for a very short time
2) Very important because of impact on future events
1) route
2) Rout
1) a particular way or direction between places
2) To defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away
1) Veil
2) Vale
1) A piece of cloth worn by women to cover face and head
2) Used in the name of some valleys ( the vale of Evesham)
1) Queue
2) Cue
1) A line of people, cars, etc waiting for something
2) an action that is a signal for something
1) Differ
2) Defer
1) To be not like something or someone else either physically or in another way
2) To delay, postpone
1) Conscious
2) Conscience
1) Aware of something, noticing something
2) The part of your brain which tells you whether your actions are right or wrong
1) Confident
2) Confidant
1) Having confidence
2) a person you trust with your secrets
1) Atheist
2) Agnostic
1) A person who believes that God doesn’t exist
2) Someone who does not know or believes that it is impossible to know whether a god exists
1) Loose
2) Lose
1) Not firmly held
2) To be unable to find something or someone
1) Briefing
2) Debriefing
1) information that is given to someone just before they do something or a meeting where this happens
2) To question someone in detail about the work they have done for you
1) Dual
2) Duel
1) With two parts
2) A competition between two people
1) Compliment
2) Complement
1) A remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect
2) To make something else seem better when paired with another thing
1) All
2) Awl
1) everyone
2) a small pointed tool for making holes in wood, leather, etc
1) Boy
2) Buoy
1) A male child
2) A floating object on top of the sea to direct ships and warn them of danger
1) Fallow
2) Fellow
1) Land not planted with crops to improve its quality of soil
2) Someone who has the same job or interests
1) Jewry
2) Jury
1) All the Jews
2) a group of people chosen by a court to listen to a facts in trial and decide guilty or not guilty
1) Functional
2) Dysfunctional
1) Designed to be practical and useful
2) Not working in satisfactory
1) Yew
2) Due
1) An evergreen tree with flat leaves like needles and small red cones
2) Expected to be in a particular place at a particular time
1) Allusive
2) Elusive
1) Containing a lot of allusions
2) Difficult to describe, find, achieve
1) Ladylike
2) Ladyship
1) behaving in a way which is socially acceptable for a woman
2) A respectable way of referring to or talking to a woman of high rank or knight without her title
1) altogether
2) all together
1) entirely, completely
2) Collection of members undergoing a task
1) Ambiguous
2) Ambivalent
1) Open to more than one interpretation
2) Showing good and bad feelings at the same time about the same thing
1) Apprise
2) Appraise
1) To give notice to, inform
2) To evaluate
1) Bas
2) Badly
1) Unpleasant
2) In a bad manner
1) Contrast
2) Compare
1) to show differences when compared
2) To examine and note similarities and differences
1) Deduce
2) Imply
1) To form an opinion about something based on information or evidence that is available
2) To involve by logical necessity, entail
1) Differ from
2) Differ with
1) To be unlike
(Ambition differs from greed)
2) Disagree in opinion
(Critics differed with the author over facts)
1) farther
2) Further
1) At or to a greater distance
2) Addition, more
1) occlude
2) occult
1) To cause to become closed
2) Connected with magic powers and things that cannot be explained by reason or science
1) Practical
2) Practicable
1) Manifested in or involving practice
2) Capable of being effected or done
1) Raze
2) Raise
1) destroy completely
2) To move to a higher position, elevate
1) Canon
2) Cannon
1) generally accepted rules by which judgment will be done
2) an automatic gun
1) Avenge
2) revenge
1) Punish someone for something bad they did
2) Punish someone for something bad they did to you
1) Caret
2) carat
1) Mark placed below the line or in margin to show place of omission (^)
2) Measurement that shows purity of gold
1) Revel
2) Reveal
1) To spend time enjoying yourself In enthusiastic ways
2) To make something known to someone
1) Aviary
2) Apiary
1) A large enclosure for holding birds in confinement
2) Place where bees and beehives are kept
1) Demesne
2) Demean
1) Possession of real estate as one’s own
2) To belittle