2000s Flashcards
1) Knead
2) Need
1) To press and stretch dough
2) To require something
1) Queue
2) Cue
1) A line of people, cars, etc waiting for something
2) An action that is a signal to do something
1) Quartz
2) Quarts
1) Any of various types of hard mineral substance
2) a unit of measuring liquid equal to two pints
1) Coral
2) Choral
1) A red, pink or white hard substance formed on the bottom of the sea from the bones of tiny creatures
2) Composed for or sung by a choir
1) Discrete
2) Discreet
1) Separate, distinct
2) Careful or showing good judgment in what says or does, not too obvious
1) Epoch
2) Epic
1) A period of time in history especially marked by important events
2) a long poem about the deeds of great men and women
1) Libel
2) Liable
1) Publishing fake statements damaging to a person’s reputation
2) Responsible by law, answerable
1) Mail
2) Male
1) The official system of collecting, transporting and delivering letters and parcels
2) Of the sex that does not give birth to babies
1) Banned
2) Band
1) To forbid something officially
2) A group of people playing popular music
1) Barred
2) Bard
1) To fasten a door, gate with a metal or wooden bar
2) A poet
1) Brooch
2) Broad
1) A small piece of jewellery with a pin at the back that is fastened to a woman’s clothes
2) Very wide
1) Collision
2) Collusion
1) An accident that happens two vehicles hit each other
2) Agreement between people to do something illegal
1) Fain
2) Feign
1) Willingly or happily
2) To pretend that you have a particular feeling
1) Hoard
2) Horde
1) To collect that amounts of something and keep it in a safe, secret place
2) A large group of people
1) Illusion
2) Delusion
1) An idea or belief which is not true
2) A false belief about yourself or your situation
1) Persecute
2) Prosecute
1) To treat someone in a cruel or unfair manner
2) To officially charge someone with a crime in the court of law
1) prescribe
2) Proscribe
1) To say what medical treatment someone should have
2) To not allow something
1) Respectfully
2) respectively
1) In a way that shows you want to be polite or honour someone
2) Relating to or belonging to each of the separate people or things you have mentioned
1) Complacent
2) Complaisant
1) Self satisfied
2) Willing to please, affably agreeable or obliging
1) Auger
2) Augur
1) Tool with a screw point for boring in wood
2) Portend, serve as an omen
1) Fain
2) Feign
1) willingly or happily
2) To pretend you have a particular feeling
1) Emigrate
2) Immigrate
1) to leave one’s country
2) To settle in another country
1) Envy
2) Jealousy
1) To wish for something that someone else has
2) Something that you wish to be or long for your own
1) Invade
2) Attack
1) To enter a country using military force in order to take control of it
2) Try to hurt or defeat using force
1) Trifling
2) Trivial
1) Unimportant or petty
2) Not important or serious
1) Simulation
2) Dissimulation
1) Imitation, replication
2) An act of hiding the real feelings or intentions with a pretension
1) Venal
2) Venial
1) Corruptible, money grabbing, likely to accept bribes
2) Not very serious therefore able to be forgotten
1) Council
2) Counsel
1) An assembly summoned for advice
2) Advice
1) Distinct
2) Distinctive
1) Separate, different
2) Distinguishing, characteristic
1) Apposite
2) Opposite
1) suitable and right for the occasion
2) Having a position on the other side of somebody
1) Deprecate
2) Depreciate
1) To express disapproval
2) Reduce the value
1) Punctual
2) Punctilious
1) Keeping at the appointed time
2) Attentive to formality, precise in behaviour
1) Judicial
2) Judicious
1) Pertaining to court of law
2) Wise
1) Salutary
2) Salubrious
1) having a good effect on someone or something
2) Health giving, clean and healthy
1) Canvas
2) Canvass
1) A heavy closely woven cloth
2) Try to get political support or votes
1) veracity
2) Voracity
1) Truthfulness
2) Excessive eagerness
1) Persecute
2) Prosecute
1) To treat someone in a cruel and unfair manner
2) To institute a legal suit
1) Moat
2) Mote
1) a deep wide cannel that was dug around a castle and usually filled with water
2) a small particle of dust
1) Loath
2) Loathe
1) Reluctant or indisposed
2) To dislike someone very much
1) Ingenious
2) Ingenuous
1) Clever and shrewd
2) Honest, sincere, trusting
1) fain
2) Feign
1) Willingly or happily
2) To pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are ill
1) Emigrate
2) Immigrate
1) A person who leaves his country
2) a person who settles in another country
1) Wreak
2) Wreck
1) To cause something very harmful or damaging
2) Ruin, destruction
1) Affluence
2) Effluence
1) the state of having a lot of money
2) Flowing out (of light, electricity, water)
(The mist was an effluence from the swamp)
1) Wretch
2) Retch
1) A deplorable or despised person
2) to try to vomit
1) Euphemistic
2) Euphuistic
1) Mild or vague expression substituted for a harsher or more direct one
2) Using an affected style of writing English
1) Amoral
2) Immoral
1) Without moral principles
(The behaviour of animals are amoral)
2) Not conforming to accepted morality
1) imperial
2) imperious
1) connected with an empire
2) Proud
1) Degrade
2) denigrate
1) Bring into dishonour or contempt
2) To criticise someone or something unfairly
1) Temporal
2) Temporary
1) Worldy
2) Lasting or intended for a short time
1) precipitate
2) Precipitous
1) Thrown down headlong
2) Sudden a great steep
(If the stock market goes down precipitously, it will be awful for the economy)
1) Mitigate
2) Alleviate
1) To make something less harmful, unpleasant or bad
2) To make something bad less severe
1) Persecute
2) Prosecute
1) Fo treat someone in a cruel manner
2) to officially charge someone with a crime
1) Popular
2) Populace
1) liked by many
2) The people who live in a country
1) Compliment
2) Complement
1) A remark expressing admiration
2) Makes a good pair with something else
1) Excite
2) Incite
1) To make someone feel very pleased
2) to encourage someone to do something violent
1) Voracity
2) Veracity
1) Excessive eagerness
1) The quality of being true, honest, accurate
1) Virtuous
2) Virtual
1) Having good moral qualities and behaviour
2) describes something which can be done or seen on a computer
1) Exceptional
2) Exceptionable
1) Much greater than usual especially in a skill
2) Offensive or upsetting
1) Persecute
2) Prosecute
1) Treat someone in a cruel way
2) Officially charged with a crime
1) Luxuriant
2) Luxurious
1) growing thickly or strongly in a way that is attractive
2) very comfortable and expensive
1) Mean
2) Mien
1) To express or represent something such as an idea
2) A person’s appearance especially in a typical way such expression on their face
1) Observation
2) Observance
1) The act of watching someone or something closely
2) The practice of obeying a law or religious custom
1) Naughty
2) Knotty
1) Behaving badly
2) complicated and difficult to solve
1) Ghostly
2) Ghastly
1) Pale and transparent
2) Unpleasant and shocking
1) Hew
2) Hue
1) To cut a large piece out of a way in a rough way
2) A colour
(In the Caribbean waters, there are fish of every hue)