2. Richard's Failings as an Adult Monarch Flashcards
What was the key cause of Richard’s fall from power?
Over-generosity to those whom he favoured
What did Richard take to an extreme and who did this alienate?
He promoted a number of his favourites to important positions, overlooking and alienating senior nobles like his uncle, Thomas of Woodstock, who felt excluded from the king’s patronage and trust
Which 2 men enjoyed Richard’s favour?
William de la Pole & Robert de Vere, earl of Oxford
What positions were de la Pole promoted to?
Chancellor 1383
Earl of Suffolk 1385
How did de Vere receive even greater royal generosity?
New rank of ‘marquess’ was created for him and he was made duke of Ireland 1386
Which rank have De Vere the same status as the king’s uncles?
Being made duke of Ireland 1386
Why was the level of financial generosity criticised?
It was disproportionate and unsustainable, leading to royal debt
Why did the Commons in parliament regard the financial generosity as galling?
They were being asked to vote through continuing levels of taxation to sustain the war with France that was proving to be unsuccessful 1380s
What fuelled the suspicions of pro-French leanings?
The fact that the king had spent much of his childhood in France and being known as ‘Richard of Bordeaux’ before he became king 1377
What also added to the suspicions of his pro-French leanings concerning his military ability?
He never showed the military capability/ the interest of his father and grandfather. He did not lead any military expeditions himself
What did nothing to enhance Richard’s reputation as a warrior and angered the king’s uncles?
de la Pole advocated negotiating for peace with France
What was Richard’s first campaign meant to display and when did it occur?
His coming of age as a warrior and monarch. 1385
What did Richard refuse to do that made the campaign unsuccessful?
Refused to fight beyond Edinburgh which led to a bitter quarrel between Richard & his uncle John of Gaunt
What did Richard’s first campaign and the quarrel that accompanied it lead to in terms of John of Gaunt?
Gaunt’s growing feeling of alienation from the king & suspicion that he was being deliberately excluded from power by Richard & de Vere
Why was the alienation of Gaunt dangerous?
He was the most senior noble in the realm and an extremely experience politician and warrior
When did Gaunt leave England and why?
1386- left to pursue his claims towards the Castilian (Spain) throne