2. Reproductive System Flashcards
Homozygous vs heterozygous vs hemizygous
XX, xx vs Xx vs XY
Which chrm determines sex?
What is SRY?
Transcription factor on Y chrm that initiates testis and male gonads formation –> it’s a dude
What are the 2 functional components of testes?
seminiferous tubules containing Sertoli cells that produce sperm, inhibin, and androgen-binding protein (that maintains testosterone lvls), and interstitial cells of Leydig that secrete testosterone and androgen
Seminiferous tubules also contain immobile sperm incapable of fertilization
Pathway of sperm thru male reproductive system
Seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, penis
What is semen composed of?
Sperm and seminal fluid
What do bulbourethral/Cowper glands do?
produce clear viscous fluid to clear remnants of urine and lubricate urethra
What do seminal vesicles and prostate glands do?
Seminal vesicles supply fructose for sperm. Both seminal vesicles and prostate give sperm alkaline properties to survive female acidity
What is spermatogenesis? Describe process
Formation of haploid sperm via meiosis that occurs in seminiferous tubules. After replicating genetic material (S stage), they become primary spermatocytes –> undergo meiosis I => haploid secondary spermatocytes –> meiosis II => haploid spermatids –> maturation => spermatozoa. Results in 4 functional sperm per spermatogonium
What are spermatogonia and oogonia?
Diploid stem cells
Structure of sperm
Head contains genetic material and is covered by acrosome to penetrate ovum. Midpiece contains lots of mito that generate ATP from fructose for swimming. Flagella for motility
What is oogenesis? Describe process
Production of female gametes. At birth, females have diploid stem cells aka oogonia and undergo mitosis —> diploid oogonium + diploid primary oocytes which is arrested in prophase I => dictyate state; when reaching menarche, 1 primary oocyte per month undergoes meiosis I => secondary oocyte and polar body –> secondary oocyte is arrested in metaphase II and doesn’t continue meiosis II until fertilization
What two layers surrounded oocytes?
zona pellucida is a mixture of glycoproteins necessary for sperm binding and protects oocyte; corona radiata is a layer of cells that surrounds zona pellucida and adhere to oocyte during ovulation. Sperm has to pass these two layers for fertilization
Which hormones are produced before and after puberty?
Before: hypothalamus prevents gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
After: hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) –> anterior pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
What does release of FSH and LH lead to?
FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells and triggers sperm maturation, whereas LH causes the interstitial cells to produce testosterone.
FSH secrete estrogen –> endometrium thickens for soon-to-be zygote. LH causes corpus luteum to secrete progesterone to maintain endometrium
What are the 4 phases of menstrual cycle?
follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation
What happens in follicular phase?
GnRH increases –> FSH and LH increases –> follicles produce estrogen –> GnRH, FSH and LH decreases and thickens endometrium. Estrogen can also inc GnRH, FSH and LH that helps with ovulation
What happens in ovulation?
When LH increases –> release of ovum from ovary to to abd/peritoneal cavity
What happens in luteal phase?
LH causes the ruptured follicle to form corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone; both estrogen and progesterone are high –> GnRH, FSH and LH decreases
What happens in menstruation?
LH decreases –> corpus luteum dec –> progesterone dec –> endometrium is sloughed off. Estrogen dec –> GnRH starts to increase for next cycle
What are ova?
Eggs that is produced in follicles in ovaries. Each month, one egg is ovulated into the peritoneal sac and is drawn into the fallopian tube or oviduct.
What do epididymis vs vas deferens do?
Store sperm for maturation and mobility till ejaculation, gain fertilization capabilities vs surrounded by muscle that raises and lowers testes to main constant temp for sperm production
At which stage of embryogenesis does uterine implantation occur?
Blastula. After zygote forms, it undergoes cleavage into morula while simultaneously traveling to uterus. By the time it reaches lining, it becomes a blastula
What inhibits milk secretion before birth?
High estrogen and progesterone
Which gamete = responsible for providing all organelles after a zygote is formed?
ovum, so any d/o of organelle = from mother