2. Operational Control And Supervision Flashcards
Qualifications flight crew
- licence
- recency
- lovis ops recency
- proficiency check, type recurrent, line check / LOQE, LOE, emergency and safety equipment training and checking
- medical certificate
- route, area and aerodrome competence qualifications
Qualifications cabin crew
- initial qualification
- recency
- recurrent training
- medical examination or assessment (every 60months)
Means used by flight ops to issue procedures, instructions, regulations and info to flight/cabin crew 2.2.1
- company NOTAM
- OMA - bulletins (BOM and FSSM bulletins)
- crew and cockpit bulletin.
Primary point of contact
Flight dispatch
- any event that may cause a deviation from standard ops and/or flight schedule
- advice on any discrepancy related to flight execution, and accident/incident concerning pax, crew, ac or other safety events.
2. Company VHF
3. HF
4. Via ATC
Slot delay - boarding procedure
CTOT 60min or less
- TOBT remains at STD
- crew on board: STD-30 (ams), STD-45 (outstation)
- start boarding at standard time
- ac ready at STD.
CTOT 61min or more
- TOBT set to CTOT-60min (by handling agent)
- crew on board TOBT-45min
- start boarding at TOBT-30min
- ac ready at revised TOBT (which is CTOT-60min)
TOBT movement on ground
- When TOBT moves more than 15min, handling agent should contact ATM flow control for EOBT alignment
- if CTOT extension is required handling agent can contact flow control (pilot via dispatch)
Official representing competent authority that are grant access to Ac
- Air incident/accident investigative bodies (NTSB, dutch safety board)
- (Military) Police
Different ramp checks
- SAFA = safety assessment foreign aircraft: for safety inspections at aerodromes located outside the EASA member states
- SANA = safety assessment national aircraft: for safety inspections at aerodromes within the Netherlands
- SACA = safety assessment community aircraft: safety inspection at aerodromes within EASA member states, excluding NL.
After completion ramp check
- inspector hands over copy of inspection report
- acknowledgement of receipt of the inspection report must be signed
- cat2/3 findings concerning maintenance are entered in ATL
- cpt informs dispatch about findings prior commencement of flight
- copy report send to SPL/SC (brown envelope CSH)
Ramp check should not lead to unreasonable delays.