2. Grammatical meaning Flashcards
The traditional view is that…the _______ gives meaning
The modern view is that grammar is meaningful, there are _ structures
Generative grammar
Functional grammar
Cognitive grammar
_________ __________(Chomsky) is not primarily concerned with meaning. It is more like traditional grammar. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965).
Generative grammar
__________ ________ (Halliday) is a semantic grammar. Michael Halliday
An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985)
Functional grammar
__________ ________ (Langacker) is a semantic grammar. Langacker
Ronald Foundations of Cognitive Grammar (1987)
Cognitive grammar
Finnish has __________ cases expressed throughcase markers (a____________) which appear on noun and modifier Adjectives.
fifteen cases, (agglutination)
nominative, genitive and accusative are which type of cases?
basic cases
Many meanings which are g_________ in Finnish are l__________ in English.
Many meanings which are grammaticalized in Finnish are lexicalized in English.
I__________ is when you go up ↗︎ or down ↘︎ in pitch in language in a meaningful way.
M______________ in grammatical meaning is like polysemy to lexical meaning.
Multifunctionality in grammatical meaning is like polysemy to lexical meaning.
There are four functions of intonation?
attitudinal function
accentual function
grammatical function
discourse function
Intonation can express emotion and attitude: happy, sad, proud, pleading.
Which function?
attitudinal function
Tonic stress marks the syllable (and therefore the word) which is most important, e.g.
She was wearing a red dress
She was wearing a red dress.
and is independent of word stress, e.g. coat hanger.
Which function?
accentual function
In very general terms:
Rising intonation ↗︎ indicates a question
Falling intonation ↘︎ indicates a statement
Fall-rise indicates uncertainty
Rise-fall indicates surprise
Intonation can indicate a restrictive or a non-restrictive relative clause: My sister who lives in ↘︎ Madrid is … My ↘︎ sister, who lives in ↘︎ Madrid, is …
Which function?
Grammatical function
Tonic stress is used to signal ‘information structure’ in discourse by giving focus to certain words.
falling tone ↘︎ usually indicates NEW information rising tone ↗︎ usually indicates GIVEN (shared) information
Which function?
Discourse function
Thematic roles - also theta or θ roles - are …..
….broad functional categories assigned to the arguments of verbs - NPs and PPs. They are functional categories of the participants of the events (actions or states) described by clauses.
SHE broke the vase.
What thematic role is she?
She broke the VASE
What theta role is vase?
Eva gave me SOME PUPPIES
θ role?
DIANA saw the accident
KEVIN received a book
θ role?
Stef opened the box WITH A KEY
θ role?
She practised IN THE GYM
θ role?
This bus goes TO YORK
θ role?
This plane come FROM SPAIN
θ role?