(2) Community Diagnosis Flashcards
An in-depth process of finding out the profiles, health status of the community, and the factors affecting the present status
Community diagnosis (CDx)
2 types of CDx
Type of CDx:
aims to obtain a general information about the community
Type of CDx:
type of assessment that responds to a particular need
The analysis of the community’s demographic character showing the size, composition, and geographical distribution of the population
Demographic variables
Demographic variables include:
- total population and geographical distribution
- age and sex composition
- selected vital indicators
- patterns of migration
- population projections
Communication network, transportation system, educational level, housing conditions
Social indicators
Poverty level income, unemployment and underemployment rates, proportion of salaried and wage earners to total economically active population, types of industry present in the community, etc.
Economic indicators
Physical/geographical/topographical characteristics of the community
Environmental indicators
Variables that may break up the people intro groups within the community such as ethnicity, social class, language, religion, race, etc.
Cultural factors
Socio-economic and cultural variables
Social indicators
Economic indicators
Environmental indicators
Cultural factors
Essential ingredients in the delivery of basic health services
Health resources
The manpower and material resources provided by the government and other sources such as NGOs and other institutions
Health resources
Vital element in achieving the goal of high level of wellness among the people; reflects the action potential of the state and its people to address the health needs and problems of the community
Political/ Leadership Patterns
Mirrors the sensitivity of the government to the people’s struggle for better lives
Political/ Leadership Patterns
Steps in CDx:
Identify the barangay to surveyor require by the health center
Preparation of CDx
Steps in CDx:
Ocular survey
Preparation of CDx
Steps in ocular survey
- courtesy call on the brgy. captain; kagawad for health
- identification of key leaders and brgy. health workers
- conduct ocular survey of a few households
- start preparing the spot map
Steps in CDx:
Community assembly
Preparation of CDx
Community assembly includes:
- inform people of purpose of your presence in their brgy.
- disseminate initial findings specially presence of infectious diseases in the area
Steps in CDx
- Preparation of CDx
- Conduct of survery proper using the format/survey form
- Make graph or chart of each data gathered
- Data analysis and interpretation
- Preparation of action/project plan
Steps in CDx:
Random sampling or saturation
Guidelines in filling
Data collection techniques
Conduct of survey proper using the format/survey form
Where can data be obtained?
- health center
- national statistics office
- municipal hall planning division
- barangay hall
- other resources within the said community
Types of community health problems:
They may be described in terms of increased and decreased morbidity, mortality, fertility, or reduced capability of wellness
Health status problems
Types of community health problems:
They may be described in terms of lack or absence of manpower, money, materials, or institution necessary to solve health problems
Health resource problems
Types of community health problems:
They may be described in terms of existence of social, economic, environmental, and political factors that aggravate the illness-inducing situations in the community
Health-related problems
Criteria for priority-setting:
- nature of the condition/problem presented
- magnitude of the problem
- modifiability of the problem
- preventive potential
- social concern
Criteria for priority-setting:
The problems are classified either health status, health resources, and health-related problems
Nature of the condition/problem presented
Criteria for priority-setting:
This refers to the severity of the problem which can be measured in terms of the proportion of the population affected by the problem
Magnitude of the problem
Criteria for priority-setting:
Refers to the probability of reducing, controlling, or eradicating the problem
Modifiability of the problem
Criteria for priority-setting:
Probability of controlling or reducing the effects posed by the problem
Preventive potential
Criteria for priority-setting:
Perception of the population or the community as they are affected by the problem and their readiness to act on the problem
Social concern
The spot map of a community should include:
*Resources in the Community (buildings)
*Use Color Legends