2- Basic Concepts and Principles Flashcards
A reduction in responding when evoked by an antedecent stimuli that is repeated over a prolonged time.
Anything that happens right before a behavior happens.
Automatic Reinforcement
alone reinforcement
Something you can do on your own to increase occurrence of a behavior.
Automaticity of Reinforcement
Behavior is modified by consequences, without the person’s knowledge or intent.
Aversive Stimulus
An energy change that you don’t like or want.
Dead Man Test
The activity of a living organism.
Behavior Change Tactic
A technological method for changing behavior, based on one or more principles of behavior, that can be generalized.
Conditioned Punisher
A previously neutral stimulus is paired with an established punisher, which now makes that stimulus punishing.
Conditioned Reflex
An automatic response that is learned through continuous exposure.
Conditioned Reinforcer
A previously neutral stimulus that is paired with an established reinforcer, which now makes that stimulus reinforcing.
Conditioned Stimulus
A previously neutral stimulus that is paired with a reflexive behavior to elicit a learned response.
Anything occurring after a behavior happens.
Consequence for a behavior.
Contingency Shaped Behavior
Behavior that is modified based on consequences.
Based on the reinforcement or punishment history.
I Want it
Limited or no access to a reinforcer or item.
Discriminated Operant
A learned behavior that occurs more frequently with a specific antecedent over the other.
Discriminative Stimulus- signals that reinforcement is available.
Everything that surrounds an organism that can be explored with the 5 senses.
Happens Once
No longer providing reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior.
When an eliciting stimuli is presented over a short period of time, the strength of the behavior diminishes.
Higher-Order Conditioning
aka secondary conditioning
Pairing a neutral stimulus with a conditioned stimulus that results in a conditioned reflex.