2/13 Quiz Flashcards
Lumbricals: function
4 muscles. Flexes at metacarpophalangeal joints while extending interphalangeal joints (2-5)
subscapularis : function
(rotator cuff) medial rotation at GH joint (& stabilizes GH)
deltoid : function
arm abduction at GH joint (& stabilizes GH joint)
flexor digitorum superficialis: function
flexes proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers (2-5). Can also flex metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers and the wrist joint
adductor pollicis: function
adducts thumb
extensor carpi radialis**: function
extend and abduct the wrist (longus and brevis*****)
carpometacarpal joints: bones, types of movement
5 of them. the thumb one - metacarpal 1 + trapezium allows for flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and opposition
2-5 allow only gliding movements.
pronator teres: function
pronation of forearm
abductor pollicis longus: function
abducts carpometacarpal joint of thumb, also accessory extensor of thumb
acromioclavicular joint : bones, types of movement
acromion of scapula + lateral end of clavicle. synovial joint, gliding anterior/posterior and vertically. some minimal rotation
palmar interosseous: function
4 muscles. adduction of 1,2,4,5 (not middle finger only) at the metacarpophalangeal joints.
extensor carpi ulnaris: function
extends and adducts the wrist
brachioradialis : function
accessory flexor of elbow joint when forearm is midpronated
abductor digiti minimi: function
abducts pinky at metacarpophalangeal joint
distal radioulnar joint: bones, types of movement
pronation & supination
wrist joint : bones, types of movement
aka radiocarpal. distal end of radius + articular disc above, and the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetral bones below.
movement - flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
Extensor Indicis: function
extends index finger
proximoradioulnar joint: bones, types of movement
radius ulna, pronation and supination of forearm. technically not part of elbow joint.
Bicep Brachii - Long head : function
major flexor of forearm at elbow, and supinator of forearm
Infraspinatus : function
( rotator cuff) lateral rotation at GH joint (& stabilizes GH joint)
dorsal interosseous: function
abduction of 2-4 at the metacarpophalangeal joints
flexor pollicis longus: function
flexes interphalangeal joint of thumb, can also flex metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb.
flexor carpi radialis: function
flexes and abducts the wrist
supinator: function
supination of forearm
metacarpophalangeal joints: bones, types of movement
(condylar joints). flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, limited rotation
Supraspinatus : function
(rotator cuff) arm abduction at GH joint (& stabilizes GH joint)
flexor carpi ulnaris: function
flexes and adducts wrist joint
flexor digitorum profundus : function
flexes distal interphalangeal joints of 2-5. can also flex metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers and the wrist joint.
interphalangeal joints: bones, types of movement
proximal and distal ones (except thumb, only has one).
-flexion & extension
Teres Minor: function
(rotator cuff) lateral rotation at GH joint ( & stabilizes)
sternoclavicular joint : bones, types of movement
manubrium of sternum + medial articulation of clavicle. synovial joint, gliding anterior/posterior and vertically. some minimal rotation
pronator quadratus: function
pronation of forearm
coracobrachialis: function
flexor of arm at glumerohomeral joint
Glenohumeral joint : bones, types of movement
scapula + humerus. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, pronation (medial rotation), retraction (lateral rotation)
Teres Major: function
medial rotation at GH joint (& stabilizes GH joint)
Elbow joint: : bones, types of movement
3 articulations (humeroulnar, humeroradial, and radioulnar) . elbow joint really only allows flexion & extension. Also supination/pronation at the elbow (done by proximal radio-ulnar joint)
Carpal joints: bones, types of movement
synovial joints between the carpal bones. minimal movement. but contributes to position of hand during abduction, adduction, flexion and extension of wrist.
extensor pollicis longus: function
extends interphalangeal joint of thumb. can also extend carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of thumb
Triceps brachii - medial & lateral heads: function
extension of the forearm at the elbow joint (only)
extensor digitorum: function
extends the index, middle, ring, and little fingers, can also extend the wrist
Bicep Brachii - short head : function
accessory flexor of arm at GH joint
triceps brachii - long head : function
extension of the forearm at the elbow joint (all triceps) accessory adductor & extensor of arm at GH Joint.
humeroulnar joint : bones, types of movement
(posterior and anterior) flexion & extension of forearm
brachialis : function
flexor of forearm at elbow joint